All child support and alimony payments processed through the Florida State Disbursement Unit can be mailed or paid online electronically.

Mailing Address:
P.O. BOX 8500or

For information regarding child support and alimony payments, you may call the Voice Response phone line at 1-877-769-0251. Be sure to use your nine-digit case number, including zeros, when attempting to access payment information. It is also important to make certain that you have provided the Domestic Relations Division with your Social Security Number — it is not public record but must be used to access payment information from the automated system. Example: if your case number is DRXX-147, the nine-digit code would be XX0000147. The Domestic Relations Child Support Division for St. Johns County telephone number is 904-819-3649.

Very Important

You must include the following information with your payment:

  1. Your Full Name
  2. Social Security number
  3. The county name where the order was issued
  4. The case number(s)
  5. The amount to be applied to each case if there is more than one case

Failure to include the above information may result in a delay of the processing of your payment.

Please note: The Clerk’s Office only accepts purge payments, which are ordered by the Court. All other payments must be mailed to the State of Florida Disbursement Unit, P.O. Box 8500, Tallahassee, FL 32314-8500, or paid online at:

If you are being represented by the Department of Revenue, Child Support Enforcement, and have questions regarding the status of your child support case, you may contact them at 1-850-488-5437.