You may request to perform community service hours in lieu of paying your fine.

There are two forms to complete to initiate this request.

You must:

  1. Complete the Defendant’s Request to Perform Community Service Hours Form; list the reasons for your request in the form.
  2. Complete the Affidavit of Insolvency Form; your signature must be notarized.

Both forms must be completely filled in and legible.

The forms need to be submitted to the Traffic Department prior to your compliance date. The request will be reviewed by the assigned Judge.  An Order will be sent to you by mail of the Judge’s decision:

  • Denied – You must pay the fine by the due date given in the Judge’s Order. You may have the option to start a payment plan if you are eligible.
  • Granted – You must contact Probation Plus to obtain your assigned job and fulfill the required hours. The hourly rate is based on minimum wage in the State of Florida, There is a $25 registration fee due at the time of the interview with Probation Plus. Your compliance date to complete the community service hours will be noted on the Judge’s Order. If you fail to file your proof of completion to Probation Plus by the compliance date, late fees and license suspension will be applied to your case.