Citations issued for Expired Registration or Driver’s License

Violations under Florida Statutes:

320.07(3a) or (3b) Expired Registration

322.065 Expired Drivers License

Per Florida Law, our office cannot accept payment on these violations without a copy of a renewed registration or driver’s license. You must submit proof of the renewed item along with the fine.

Please note:  If the registration or driver’s license was expired, renewing the item does not warrant a dismissal fee, the full statutory fine will apply.

You may also plead Nolo Contendere on an Expired DL -or- Expired Registration citation. Nolo Contendere will reduce the fine and withhold adjudication (not guilty) on your driving record. However, you may only make a plea of Nolo Contendere once in twelve months and three times in your life. Please read the form for full details and the reduced fine amount.

If you cannot provide proof the item has been renewed you must complete a Vehicle Owner Affidavit form and submit the completed form with the full fine by your compliance date.

Please note: If you can provide us with a copy of the item (License or Registration) showing it was valid on the date the citation was issued. Your fine will be reduced to $10.00 with this proof.