The information below pertains to Uniform Traffic Citations only.  This information does not pertain to Criminal Traffic or Misdemeanor violations:


  • The case must be current. Payment plans cannot be set up on cases where a D6 suspension was issued and/or sent to collections.
  • An Option Form must be completed and filed at the time of the Payment Plan Contract. On cases requiring proof of renewed registration, insurance or license, proof must be filed with the contract to setup a payment plan; a Vehicle Owner Affidavit is acceptable if proof cannot be obtained.
  • You cannot have an expired payment plan with Traffic and/or the Criminal Department.

Payment Plan Process:

  • There is a $25.00 Payment Plan Contract fee; this fee must be paid when the application is filed. The contract will not be accepted without this fee.
  • The application may be filed in person, by mail, fax or email. Valid ID or DL is required when completing an application in person. Mail/Fax/Email applications must be notarized. Email and Fax contracts must be received with a completed credit card form to pay the $25.00 fee.
  • All forms of payment are accepted; check, cash, money order, cashier’s check and credit cards.
  • Once the contract and fee are received, the extension will be applied to your case and a copy of the contract with the extended due date will be given to you.
  • If the balance is not paid by the end of the contract; late fees will assess and license suspension will be issued; the case will also be subject to collections.
  • If your Payment Plan expires and fines are unpaid, the plan cannot be re-issued; fines must be paid in full to receive a clearance form.
  • If you have more than one citation; a contract and fee will be required for each case. The balance of all the cases will be added together to determine the extension; each case will be given the maximum extension available for the total fines due.

The extensions are as follows:

$00.00 – $250.00 = 2 Month Extension (60 days)

$250.01 – $500.00 = 4 Month Extension (120 days)

$500.01 – $900.00 = 6 Month Extension (180 days)

$900.01-$1200.00 = 8 Month Extension (240 days)

Click the links below to download forms.

Credit Card Payment

Option Form

Payment Plan Contract