Ord. 2011-37 Regulates the operation of adult arcade amusement centers and electronic game promotions
Ord. 1993-21 - Established; Creates an Affordable Housing Assistance Trust Fund; Creates an Affordable Housing Advisory Committee
Ord. 1993-36 - Amends Ord. 1993-21; deletes and substitutes Section VI (Establishment of the Local Housing Assistance Program)
Ord. 1993-21 Created
Ord. 1993-21 Created
Ord. 2008-29 Established
Ord. 2024-6 - Amends Ord. 2008-29, section 3, composition of the AHA committee
Ord. 2005-101 Established
Ord. 2007-70 Amends Ord. 2005-101; exempts Ravenswood Forest from the effect of Section 11
Ord. 2007-34 For the borrowing of funds and the making of loans for affordable housing projects within the County
Ord. 1991-9 - Amending Ord. 197851
Ord. 2010-15 Establishes the St. Johns County Alarm Ordinance
Hours County Code page 155
Ord. 1985-34 - Amends Ordinances 1973-1, 1973-4, 1973-5, 1974-3 and 1977-6 (Comprehensive Zoning Codes) prohibiting the sale or comsumption of alcoholic beverages as an accessory use.
Zoning Resolution (distance between establishments), Minutes Book "O" pages 158160
Ord. 1988-12 - Amends Ordinances 1973-1, 1973-4, 1973-5, 1974-3 and 1977-6 (Comprehensive Zoning Codes) adds Section 71613.
Ord. 1990-48 - Amends County Code that regulates the sale, service and consumption of alcoholic beverages; re: hours.
Ord. 1995-4 - Amends Ord. 1973-1, 1973-4, 1973-5, 1974-3, and 1977-6: Distance requirements between certain alcoholic beverage vendors.
Ord. 1996-9 - Amends Ord. 1973-1, 1973-4, 1973-5, 1974-3, 1977-6 and 1988-12: Establishes exceptions of the distance requirements between alcoholic beverage vendors.
Ord. 1999-50 -Regulating the possession and consumption of Alcoholic Beverages as defined by Section 561.01, Florida Statutes.
Ord. 2005-1 - Amends Ord. 90-48 temporarily for Super Bowl XXXIX regarding the regulation, sale, service and consumption of alcoholic beverages
Ord. 2009-61 Temporarily amends Ord. 90-48; regulating the sale, service, and consumption of alcoholic beverages
Ord. 2010-24 Amends Ord. 90-48; regulation, sale, service, and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages
Ord. 2011-46 Underage Drinking Ordinance
Ord. 2014-48 - Amends Ord. 2011-46, strengthens the local enforcement methods on underage drinking
Ord. 1998-49 - Deposit monies received by SJC as additional costs and/or assessments for criminal offenses.
Ord. 2006-141 - Creation of the all-terrain vehicle operation ordinance
Ord. 2012-20 Repeal Ord. 1995-17; governing the standards of ambulance and rescue services
Ord. 1980-37 - Election to expand & include Precinct 17
Ord. 1980-65 - Expanding the district Precinct 17
Ord. 1988-20 - Expanding to include Precincts 11, 13, 23, 28 and a portion of 26
Ord. 1972-6 - Strays, care of
Ord. 1979-1 - Dog control
Ord. 1979-23 -Emergency - Dogs - amends Ord. 19791
Ord. 1980-2 - Dog control - amended
Ord. 1980-24 - Dog control amended
Ord. 1981-62 Emergency - Dog control amended
Ord. 1984-62 - Dog control
Ord. 1988-38 - Emergency - Dog control amend Ord. 19726
Ord. 1988-42- Dog and Cat control countywide
Ord. 1990-59 - Amending Ord. 1988-42
Ord. 1992-1 - Amends Ord. 1988-42, Dog & Cat Control
Ord. 1997-11 - Dangerous Dog
Ord. 2010-52 Repeals Ord. 1997-11; dangerous dogs
Ord. 2017-36 - Creation of the St. Johns County Animal Code; repealed Ord. 2015-68
Ord. 1984-61 - De Leon Shores Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6, Wellington by the Sea, L'Atrium Units 1 and A, St. Augustine shores Units 1 thru 6, St. Augustine South, Treasure Beach, Treasure Beach 1 Add., 2nd Add., 3rd Add., Treasure Beach Replat
Ord. 1985-91 - Moultrie Trails
Ord. 1986-1 - Sunset Park
Ord. 1986-44 - Leash Laws, clarified
Ord. 1986-46 - Sandy Heights S/D, Century Hills S/D, Southwest Woods S/D, Lyndale Acres S/D
Ord. 1986-59 - Ponte Vedra Municipal Service District
Ord. 1988-31 - Amends Ord 8461 Porpoise Point S/D
Ord. 1988-42 - Countywide dog and cat control
Ord. 2001-19 - Animal Leash Law-amending and replacing Ord. 1978-39 and 1992-1
Ord. 1981-28 - CATV franchise
Ord. 1981-83 - Granted
Ord. 1987-61 - Transfer franchise Ord. 198128 to Clearview Properties
Ord. 1987-62 - Transfer franchise Ord. 198183 to Clearview Properties
Ord. 1987-63 - Transfer to Continental Cablevision of Jax (Ord. 198128)
Ord. 1981-83 - (Transfer to Continental Cablevision of Jax (Ord. 198128 & Res. 1987227)
Ord. 2015-60 - Bannon Lakes CDD established
Ord. 2018-2 - Amends Ord. 2015-60; granting the petition for contraction of the Bannon Lakes CDD
Ord. 1986-2 - Pier fees
Ord. 2007-19 Amends, reaffirms, and continues the Beach Code Ord. 70-5, 75-12, 78-29, 78-40, 79-38, 80-17, 81-32, 82-42, 83-4, 83-34, 84-14, 84-26, 84-45, 84-46, 85-29, 88-18, 89-39, 89-47, 90-5, 90-6, 92-17, 94-58, 96-48, 97-34, 99-21, 2000-27, 2001-5 and Res. 85-137, 90-39, 91-44, 91-45, 95-11
Ord. 2007-50 Emergency ordinance; declares an emergency exists and amends Ord. 2007-19, the Beach Code
Ord. 2009-60 Regulating equine riding on St. Johns County beaches
Ord. 2013-25 Amends Section 5.05 of Ord. 2007-19, as amended; repeals Paragraph 3 of Ord. 2007-50; nighttime driving/parking
Ord. 2024-5 - Amends Ord. 2007-19, the St. Johns County Beach Code, regarding drones, electric bicycles and scooters, and other motorized devices
Ord. 1996-36 - Voluntary Lighting Management Plan to Protect Marine Turtles
Ord. 1977-20 - Amended Ord. 1977-19 - Emergency
Ord. 1977-23 - Amended Ord. 1977-20
Ord. 1978-31
Ord. 1978-32 - Repealed Ord. 1977-19, 1977-20 and 1977-23
Ord. 1995-64 - Granting a franchise to... for cable T.V. Services
Ord. 1998-11 - Granting a franchise to... for cable T.V., expanding, modifying and replacing
Ord. 1979-48 - Regulations of
Ord. 2005-45 - Repeals Ord. 1994-24: This ordinance regulates bingo within the unincorporated areas of the County
Ord. 2002-47 - Approves and adopts the SJC Target Industry Study and implements the Business Incentive Program
Ord. 2003-45 - Amends Ord. 2002-47
Ord. 2005-56 - Replaces Ord. 2002-47 as amended by Ord. 2003-45
Ord. 2014-30 Rescinds Ord. 2006-99, 2006-138, 2011-39 & 2012-17; creates the Business Incentive Program
Ord. 1986-89 - Capital Projects within and by the County
Ord. 1992-19 - Amends Ord. 1986-89, clarifies that the County Commission may issue bonds to refund outstanding bonds
Ord. 2000-11 - Amending Ord. 1986-89 to ratify, clarify, and expressly authorize the issuance of Bonds by the BCC
Ord. 2003-101 - Conduit Revenue Bonds to assist institutions of higher education within the County
Ord. 2010-44 Designating the Community Redevelopment areas as recovery zones for the purpose of issuing recovery zone bonds
Ord. 2003-53 - CDD established
Ord. 2006-36 - Expanding the Brandy Creek CDD
Ord. 2021-29 - CDD established
(See Contractors)
Ord. 1976-23 - Amended
Ord. 1978-66 - Amended
BUILDING NUMBERING SYSTEM (Also see E-911 Emergency Telephone System)
Ord. 1986-65 - Established
Ord. 1972-7 - Septic Tank & electrical permits
Ord. 1978-19 - Electrical fees
Ord. 1978-54 - Septic tank fees raised to $25
Ord. 2017-23 - Ban on the discharge of fireworks within the unincorporated areas of St. Johns County, City of St. Augustine, Town of Hastings, & City of St. Augustine Beach
Ord. 1995-63 - St. Johns County Master Cable T V Ordinance; repeals Ord. 1987-34
Ord. 2002-12 - Granting a non-exclusive franchise to Litestream Technologies, LLC to provide cable TV service to an unincorporated area of the county
Ord. 2005-55 - Repeals Section III (8)(B)(5) of Ord. 1995-63
Ord. 1999-42 - Approves a major modification to Ord. 1997-49
Ord. 1999-10 - Prohibits non-emergency parking between sunset and sunrise in the County owned right-of-way on Canal Blvd.
Ord. 1995-36 - 1990-1995 Capital Improvement Element of the Comprehensive Plan
Ord. 1995-42 - 5-Year, 1995-2000 Capital Improvement Schedule adopted
Ord. 1999-29 - 5-Year, 1998-2003 Capital Improvement Schedule adopted
Ord. 2002-55 - Relating to Capital Improvements and related services providing a special benefit to local areas within the County
Res. 2003-165 -Approving the assessment roll for the Ponte Vedra Wastewater Assessment area established pursuant to Ord. 2002-55
Ord. 1976-17 - Emergency ordinance requiring liability
Ord. 1970-1 - Running at large
Ord. 2002-6 - Repealing Ord. 1970-2 Child Care Center Licensing
Ord. 2009-36 Prohibits the presence of registered sexual offenders and sexual predators within 300' of specified locations designed for children
Ord. 2023-46 - Amends Ord. 2009-36; prohibits the presence of registered sexual offenders and sexual predators within 1000' of the safety zone
Ord. 1994-36 - Relating to Code and Ordinance enforcement and authorizing the use of citations
Ord. 1995-28 - Amends Ord. 1994-36, enforcement of contractor licensing and regulation
(See Arvida Clearview, Inc.)
Ord. 1996-25 - Modifies the written text and schedule of development in Ord. 1993-49
Ord. 2019-25 - Creation of the South Ponte Vedra Boulevard Dune and Beach Restoration MSTU & the Coastal Highway Dune and Beach Restoration MSTU
Ord. 2019-80 - Amends Ord. 2019-25; creating the Serenata Beach MSTU; revising the description of the Coastal Highway MSTU
Standard Amusement Device Code
Ord. 1995-69 - Adopts 1985 Edition
Ord. 2002-1 -Repealing Ord. 1995-69, The Standard Amusement Device Code
Standard Housing Code
Ord. 1993-16 -Adopts 1991 Edition
Ord. 2007-21 - Dissolving the Code Enforcement Board; replacing it with a Special Magistrate
Ord. 2023-13 - Establishes procedures for code enforcement lien release or reduction
Ord. 1975-20
Ord. 1989-22 - Amending Ord. 197520
Ord. 2001-56 -Providing for the codification of ordinances, establishing code as prima facie evidence, establishing formats, precedence of formats and duties of the Clerk of Court pertaining to the code. Repeals Ord. 1975-20, as amended by Ord. 1989-22
Ord. 1994-49
COMMUNICATION TOWERS - (see Zoning Code & Towers)
Ord. 1997-5
Ord. 1994-41 -Establishing procedure
Ord. 2010-44 Designating the Community Redevelopment areas as recovery zones for the purpose of issuing recovery zone bonds
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (See Planning & Zoning)
Ord. 1976-5 - Establishing Agency
Ord. 1981-47 - Adopt Plan Land Use Element
Ord. 1981-48 - Adopt Plan less land use element
Ord. 1981-68 - Restructure Agency
Ord. 1981-69 - Combine Zoning Board with
Ord. 1983-42 - Plan amended
Ord. 1984-36 - Plan amended
Ord. 1986-38 - Plan amended, for regional industrial center
Ord. 1990-53 - Adopt 1990 Plan, revising and replacing 1981 Comp. Plan
Ord. 1992-16 - Established requirement & procedure for amending Comp Plan
Ord. 1992-44 - Amends Ord. 1990-53
Ord. 1994-35 - Amends Ord. 1991-6; 1990-2005
Ord. 1995-6 - Amends Ord. 1990-53, as amended, amending the objectives and policies of the Traffic Circulation Element and Traffic-Related objectives and policies of the Capital Improvements Element
Ord. 1995-36 - Adopting and Ratifying the FiveYear Capital Improvement Schedule
Ord. 1995-42 - Adopts 5-Year Capital Improvement Schedule, 1995-2000
Ord. 1996-41 - Amends Ord. 1990-53; Amendments to the Textual Appendix and Capital Improvement Policy
Ord. 1996-68 - Amends Ord. 90-53; amends Future Land Use Map 1990-2005
Ord. 1997-3 - Amends Ord. 90-53; amends Future Land Use Map 1990-2005
Ord. 1997-12 - Amends Ord. 1990-53; amends Future Land Use Map 1990-2005
Ord. 1997-37 - Amends Ord. 1990-53; amends Future Land Use Map 1990-2005
Ord. 1998-24 - Amends Ord. 1990-53; Traffic Circulation Element (This ordinance was never adopted. It was mistakenly executed and was later adopted as Ord. 1998-52)
Ord. 1998-27 - Amends Future Land Use Map 1990-2005
Ord. 1998-52 - Amends Ord. 1990-53; traffic circulation and capital Improvement element
Ord. 1998-53 - Amends Ord. 1997-15 - Establishing a Comprehensive Zoning Code all of SJC
Ord. 1998-56 - Amends Ord. 1990-53 - Provides that parcels of land ten acres or less may be considered to be "small scale amendments"
Ord. 2000-34 - Amends Ord. 1990-53 - establishing the EAR based amendments to the Goals, Objectives, and Policies
Ord. 2000-53 - Amends Ord. 1990-53 - 129 acres located east of U.S. 1, west of Race Track Road
Ord. 2000-68 - Amends Future Land Use Map
Ord. 2001-18 - Amending Ord. 2000-34 creating a new land use category "New Town"
Ord. 2001-27 - Amends Future Land Use Map from Rural Silviculture to Mixed Use
Ord. 2001-30 - Amending Future Land Use Map from NC to CC
Ord. 2001-31 - Amending Future Land Use Map from Residential Density Zone"A" to CC
Ord. 2001-43 - Amending Future Land Use Map from Rural Commercial to Mixed Use
Ord. 2001-54 - Amending Future Land Use Map Series, Traffic Circulation Plan and reclassifying certain roadways
Ord. 2001-55 - Amending Future Land Use Element Policy A.1.9.4.
Ord. 2001-59 - Amending the Future Land Use Element, Policy A.1.3.12.
Ord. 2001-71 - Amending the Future Land Use Map from Residential "C" to Industrial (I)
Ord. 2002-19 - Amending the Future Land Use Map from Residential Density Zone "A" to (RC) Rural Commercial
Ord. 2002-31 - Amending the Future Land Use Map from Residential Coastal "A" to Residential Coastal "D"
Ord. 2002-32 - Amending the Future Land Use Map from Residential Density Zone "B" to Commercial "CM"
Ord. 2002-54 - Amending the Comprehensive Plan to add Goal A.2 to add the Future Land Use Element known as the Northwest Sector Overlay
Ord. 2002-71 - Amending the 2015 Future Land Use Map from Rural/Silviculture to Mixed Use District to authorize the World Commerce Center DRI
Ord. 2003-1 - Amending Ord. 2000-34, 2015 Future Land Use Map, property on Dobbs Rd. from Residential-C to Mixed Use District
Ord. 2003-11 - Amends Ord. 2002-54, which amends the Comp Plan, regarding incorporation of attachments and effective date
Ord. 2003-24 - Amends Ord. 2000-34, as amended, which amends 2015 Future Land Use Map for property along Northwood Drive from Residential-C to Industrial
Ord. 2003-25 - Amends Ord. 2000-34, as amended, amending 2015 Future Land Use Map from Rural/Silviculture to Agricultural Intensive
Ord. 2003-26 -Amends Ord. 2000-34, as amended, amending 2015 Future Land Use Map from Residential-B to Parks and Open Space
Ord. 2003-27 - Amends Ord. 2000-34, as amended, amending 2015 Future Land Use Map from Rural/Silviculture owned by the Water Management District to Rural/Silviculture
Ord. 2003-28 - Amends Ord. 2000-34, as amended, amending 2015 Future Land Use Map for state-owned lands from rural/silviculture to conservation
Ord. 2003-29 - Amends Ord. 2000-34, as amended, amending 2015 Future Land Use Map for properties along Dobbs Road from residential-C to mixed use
Ord. 2003-30 - Amends Ord. 2000-34, as amended, amending 2015 Future Land Use Map from rural/silviculture to parks and open space
Ord. 2003-31 - Amends Ord. 2000-34, as amended, amending the 2015 goals, objectives & policies
Ord. 2003-32 - Amends Ord. 2000-34, as amended, amending 2015 Future Land Use Map from rural/silviculture to residential-C (Durbin Crossing)
Ord. 2003-33 -Amends Ord. 2000-34, as amended, amends 2015 Future Land Use Map from rural/silviculture to residential-C (Aberdeen DRI)
Ord. 2003-47 - Amends Ord. 2000-34, as amended, amends 2015 Future Land Use Map from rural/ silviculture to residential C and Residential B, and corrects Ord. 2003-32 (Durbin Crossing DRI)
Ord. 2003-68 -Amends Ord. 2000-34, as amended; amends 2015 Future Land Use Map from Rural Silviculture to Residential-A (Simpson Trust)
Ord. 2003-69 - Amends Ord. 2000-34, as amended; amends 2015 Future Land Use Map from rural silviculture to rural commercial (Sunshine Land Holdings, LLC)
Ord. 2003-70 - Amends Ord. 2000-34, as amended; amends 2015 Future Land Use Map from commercial to residential coastal-C (River Marsh)
Ord. 2003-71 - Amends Ord. 2000-34, as amended; amends 2015 Future Land Use Map from rural silviculture to mixed-use (Orthodox Christian Mission Center)
Ord. 2003-84 -Adopts the 5-year Capital Improvements Schedule, 2003-2008 of the Capital Improvements Element of the Comp Plan
Ord. 2003-85 - Amends the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comp Plan, Ord. 2000-34, as amended; permitting elementary schools in the A-1 & R/S designations
Ord. 2003-88 - Amends Ord. 2000-34, as amended; amends 2015 Fute Land Use Map from Rural Silviculture (R/S) to Intensive Commercial (IC) & Conservation (CV) (Nine Mile Gang) (this ordinance was repealed & rescinded by Ord. 2005-96)
Ord. 2004-4 - Amends Ord. 2000-34, as amended; amends 2015 Future Land Use Map from Residential Density C Mainland to Industrial (Davis PreCast)
Ord. 2004-5 - Amends Ord. 2000-34, as amended; amends 2015 Future Land Use Map from Residential Density C Coastal to Commercial (Concessions Surfside Lodge
Ord. 2004-14 - Amends Ord. 2000-34, as amended; amends 2015 Future land Use Map from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) and Residential B to Residential B, Residential C, Community Commercial (CC), Mixed Use District (MD) and Parks and Open Space (RiverTown DRI)
Ord. 2004-28 -Amends Ord. 2000-34, as amended; amends 2015 Future Land Use Map from R/S to Residential-C (R.T. Timber)
Ord. 2004-29 - Amends Ord. 2000-34, as amended; amends 2015 Future Land Use Map from Intensive Commercial (IC) to Residential-C (Bayard Raceways)
Ord. 2004-30 - Amends Ord. 2000-34, as amended; amends 2015 Future Land Use Map from Commercial to Residential Coastal Density-C (Mickler's Bend)
Ord. 2004-43 - Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; amends the FLUM from Residential A to Development of Regional Impact (DRI), for property in the Six Mile Creek PUD
Ord. 2004-49 -Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; St. Augustine Centre DRI
Ord. 2004-52 - Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Tarantin Tank & Equipment Company
Ord. 2004-89 - Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Vilano Beach Town Center
Ord. 2004-90 - Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Vilano Beach Town Center
Ord. 2004-91 -Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended, Vilano West Pavilion
Ord. 2004-92 - Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Vilano Beach Town Center East Pavilion Offset/Density
Ord. 2004-93 -Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Vilano Beach Town Center East Pavilion Offset/Density
Ord. 2004-94 - Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; North Shore Community Center
Ord. 2004-95 - Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Surfside Park, Vilano Beach
Ord. 2004-96 - Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Palmo Cove Boat Ramp, Public Site #1
Ord. 2004-97 -Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Mitigation Site at SR 13, SR 16, and CR 16A, Public Site #2
Ord. 2004-98 - Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Utility Sites near SR 16 & International Golf Parkway, Public Sites #3a & 3b
Ord. 2004-99 - Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Mitigation Site near Turnbull Woods, Public Site #4
Ord. 2004-100-Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Road & Bridge Complex, Public Site #7
Ord. 2004-101-Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; St. Johns County Office Complex, Public Site #9
Ord. 2004-102 -Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Windswept Acres Park, Public Site #11
Ord. 2004-103 -Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; County Landfill, Public Site #12
Ord. 2004-104 -Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Equestrian Center, Public Site #13
Ord. 2004-105 -Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Stratton Road, Public Site
Ord. 2004-106 -Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Ravenswood Park, Public Site
Ord. 2004-107 -Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Mizell Road, Public Site
Ord. 2005-8 - Amends Ord. 2000-34, as amended; 2015 Comp Plan
Ord. 2005-22 - Amends Ord. 2000-34, as amended; 2015 Comp Plan; Vail Point Tract
Ord. 2005-23 - Amends Ord. 2000-34, as amended; 2015 Comp Plan; Larson Tract
Ord. 2005-24 - Amends Ord. 2000-34, as amended; 2015 Comp Plan; Twenty Mile Parcels
Ord. 2005-25 - Amends Ord. 2000-34, as amended; 2015 Comp Plan; S-Curves Parcels
Ord. 2005-26 - Amends Ord. 2000-34, as amended; 2015 Comp Plan; Helow Intensive Commercial Site
Ord. 2005-27 - Amends Ord. 99-51, as previously amended; reaffirms, readopts, consolidates and incorporates impact fee Ords. 87-57, 87-58, 87-59, 87-60
Res. 2005-99 - Clarifies the procedures for obtaining and maintaining vested permit applications for residential and non-residential building permits
Ord. 2005-30 - Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Palm Lakes Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Ord. 2005-43 - Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; OT Flex Tooling Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Ord. 2005-44 -Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as mended; Hagerty Property Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Ord. 2005-67 - Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Twin Creeks DRI
Ord. 2005-68 -Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Charles Wolfe Property
Ord. 2005-77 - Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Marshall Creek DRI
Ord. 2005-92 - Amends 2015 Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Turnbull Investments, LLC
Ord. 2005-93 - Amends the County Five-Year Capital Improvements Schedule, 2005-2010 of the Capital Improvements Element of the Comp Plan; Turnbull Investments
Ord. 2005-94 - Amends the 2015 Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Greenway, Blueway, & Trails Policies
Ord. 2005-96 - Repeals and rescinds Ord. 2003-88
Ord. 2005-119 - Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; McDonald Residence
Ord. 2006-29 - Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Ashford Mills DRI
Ord. 2006-30 - Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Silverleaf DRI
Ord. 2006-47 Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; SR 16 property
Ord. 2006-48 - Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; SR 16 Property
Ord. 2006-49 Amends the 5-Year Capital Improvements Schedule, 2003-2008 of the Capital Improvement Element of the Comp Plan; SR 16 Property
Ord. 2006-50 Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Cynthia Taylor Property
Ord. 2006-51 Amends the 5-Year Capital Improvements Schedule, 2003-2008 of the Capital Improvements Element of the Comp Plan; Cynthia Taylor Property
Ord. 2006-52 - Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Pacetti's Marina
Ord. 2006-53 - Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; to amend the text of the goals, objectives, & policies of the FLU; Pacetti's Marina
Ord. 2006-54 - Amends the 5-Year Capital Improvements Schedule, 2003-2008 of the Capital Improvements Element of the Comp Plan; Pacetti's Marina
Ord. 2006-55 - Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Ashley Oaks & Mill Creek Ranch
Ord. 2006-56 - Amends the 5-Year Capital Improvements Schedule, 2003-2008 of the Capital Improvements Element of the Comp Plan; Ashley Oaks and Mill Creek Ranch
Ord. 2006-57 - Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Governor's Plantation-Heartwood
Ord. 2006-63 Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Clymer Road Property
Ord. 2006-64 - Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Stratton Road Properties
Ord. 2006-67 - Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Vilano Town Center Mixed Use
Ord. 2006-69 - Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; SR 312 & Old Beach Road
Ord. 2006-80 Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Nease Beachfront Park
Ord. 2006-90 Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Bicknell Family Trust
Ord. 2006-122 Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; 11325 Old Dixie Highway
Ord. 2006-126 Amends Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Helow Properties, Ltd.
Ord. 2006-132 Amends the 2015 Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; transportation element
Ord. 2006-133- Amends the 2015 Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; to amend the recreation and open space element
Ord. 2006-134 Amends the 2015 Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Hydro Aluminum Extruding Plant
Ord. 2006-142 Rescinds Ord. 2006-132; amends the 2015 Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; transportation element
Ord. 2006-143 Rescinds Ord. 2006-133; amends the 2015 Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; to amend the recreation and open space element
Ord. 2006-144 Rescinds Ord. 2006-134; amends the 2015 Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; Hydro Aluminum Extruding Plant
Ord. 2006-145 Amends the 2015 Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; to amend the future land use element of the goals, objectives & policies; Wells Farm Rural Center District
Ord. 2006-146 Amends the 2015 Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from A-I & R/S to RCD; Wells Farm Rural Center District
Ord. 2006-147 Adopting an amendment to the 5-Year Capital Improvement Schedule, 2003-2008 of the Comp Plan; Wells Farm Rural Center District
Ord. 2006-148 amends the 2015 Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from R/S to Residential Density-C & CV; H.E. Wolfe Trust
Ord. 2006-149 Amends the 2015 Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; to amend the text of the Comp Plan goals, objectives, & policies of the Future Land Use Element; H.E. Wolfe Trust
Ord. 2006-150 Amends the 5-Year Capital Improvements Schedule, 2003-2008 of the Capital Improvements Element of the Comp Plan; H.E. Wolfe Trust
Ord. 2007-2 - Amends the 2015 Comp Plan Ord. 2000-34, as amended; to change the 2015 FLUM from Residential A to Residential D, Wesley Manor, Inc./Westminster Woods
Ord. 2007-7 - Amends the 2015 Comp Plan, Ord. 2000-34, as amended; to change the FLUM from Parks and Open Space to Residential Density A (properties on Riverside Blvd.)
Ord. 2007-22 Amends the 2015 Comp Plan, Ord. 2000-34, as amended; to change the 2015 FLUM designation from Residential-A to Residential-C for Lot 10 on the north side of Bishop Estates Road in Julington Creek and the north half of Lot 16 west of Orange Ave
Ord. 2007-52 Amends the 2015 Comp Plan, Ord. 2000-34, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture to Residential-A
Ord. 2007-59 Amends the 2015 Comp Plan, Ord. 2000-34, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural Silviculture to Residential A (Kluba Residence)
Ord. 2007-66 Amends the 2015 Comp Plan, Ord. 2000-34, as amended; to change the 2015 FLUM designation from R/S to Residential-B (Wildcat and Turnbull Projects)
Ord. 2007-67 Amends the 2015 Comp Plan, Ord. 2000-34, as amended; to change the 2015 Comp Plan to add Policy A.1.11.1(H)(8)(E) (Wildcat and Turnbull Projects)
Ord. 2007-71 Amends the 2015 Comp Plan, Ord. 2000-34, as amended; to change the 2015 FLUM designation R/S to CC (Burke Parcel)
Ord. 2008-38 Amends the 2015 Comp Plan, Ord. 2000-34, as amended; to add the new public school facilities element
Ord. 2008-53- Repeals Ord. Nos. 2006-145, 2006-146 and 2006-147; amends Ord. 2000-34, Comp Plan, as amended, for Wells Farm Rural Center District; amends the 2003-2008 CIP schedule
Ord. 2009-17 Amends the 2015 Comp Plan, Ord. 2000-34, as amended; to amend the FLUM from R/S to NT; property between US 1 and Old Dixie Highway
Ord. 2009-33 Amends the 2015 Comp Plan, Ord. 2000-34, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from R/S to Residential-C for property south of Deerchase Drive at Tahoe Lane
Ord. 2009-37 Amends the 2015 Comp Plan, Ord. 2000-34, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silvicultural to Residential-A for property south of SR 13 W of Trout Creek, across from Pacetti's Fish Camp (David Rideout)
Ord. 2009-46 Amends the 2015 Comp Plan, Ord. 2000-34, as amended, to change the FLUM from Residential-B to Rural/Silvicultural (R/S); property located approximately one mile north of Adams Acre Rd
Ord. 2009-49 Amends the 2015 Comp Plan, Ord. 2000-34, as amended; to change the FLUM from Residential-B to Public; Anastasia Mosquito Control District site on EOC Drive off Agricultural Center Drive
Ord. 2009-56 - Amends the 2015 Comp Plan, Ord. 2000-34, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from R/S to RC; Buzzmart
Ord. 2009-63 Amends the 2015 Comp Plan, Ord. 2000-34, as amended; to change the FLUM from Residential-B to Community Commercial (CC); 3705 Lewis Speedway
Ord. 2010-3 Amends the 2015 Comp Plan, Ord. 2000-34, as amended, to change the FLUM from R/S to RC; Pellicer Creek Campground
Ord. 2010-26 Amends the 2010 Comp Plan, Ord. 2000-34, as amended; to amend the 2015 FLUM from R/S to MD (Nine Mile Gang); this ordinance was never effective, but was rescinded by Ord. 2010-33
Ord. 2010-27 Amends 2010 Comp Plan, Ord. 2000-34, as amended; to amend the text of the Comp Plan goals, objectives, & policies, Future Land Use Element; to add new Policy A.1.11(H)(8)(F); (Nine Mile Gang); this ordinance was never effective, but was rescinded by Ord. 2010-34
Ord. 2010-28 Amends the Five-Year Capital Improvement Schedule 2009-2014 of the Capital Improvement Element of the Comp Plan; (Nine Mile Gang); this ordinance was never effective, but was rescinded by Ord. 2010-35
Ord. 2010-31 Amends the 2015 Comp Plan, Ord. 2000-34, as amended, to change the FLUM designation from Residential B to Intensive Commercial; St. Johns Marketplace
Ord. 2010-33 Rescinds Ord. 2010-26; Amends the 2010 Comp Plan, Ord. 2000-34, as amended; to amend the 2015 FLUM from R/S to MD (Nine Mile Gang)
Ord. 2010-34 Rescinds Ord. 2010-27; Amends 2010 Comp Plan, Ord. 2000-34, as amended; to amend the text of the Comp Plan goals, objectives, & policies, Future Land Use Element; to add new Policy A.1.11(H)(8)(F); (Nine Mile Gang)
Ord. 2010-35 Rescinds Ord. 2010-28; Amends the Five-Year Capital Improvement Schedule 2009-2014 of the Capital Improvement Element of the Comp Plan; (Nine Mile Gang)
Ord. 2010-36 Amends the 2015 Comp Plan, Ord. 2000-34, as amended, to amend the 2015 FLUM from Industrial to Residential C and Intensive Commercial, to add new Policy A.1.11.1(H)(8)(E) & to amend the County 5-Year Schedule of the Capital Improvements ot add the Phase 1 SR 313 (Cordova Palms)
Ord. 2010-37 Amends the 2015 Comp Plan, Ord. 2000-34, as amended, to amend the 2015 FLUM from Residential B and Airport District to Industrial and Airport District; to add new Policy A.1.11.1(H)(8)(F) limiting development on the site (Lemberg South)
Ord. 2010-38 Amends the 2015 Comp Plan & FLUM Series, Ord. 2000-34, as amended; adopts the 2025 Comp Plan Update
Ord. 2010-41 Amends the 2015 Comp Plan, Ord. 2000-34, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from AI to RC; Bridle Ridge
Ord. 2010-46 Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Residential B to Community Commercial
Ord. 2012-13 Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended, to change the FLUM designation from rural/silvicultural (R/S) to Rural Commercial (RC), Dollar General Store at Flagler Estates Blvd & CR 13
Ord. 2012-16 Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended, regarding drive-in/through facilities and incentives for owners who restore and preserve a historic structure
Ord. 2012-25 Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended, to change the FLUM designation from Residential-B to Mixed Use; AML Extreme Powder Coating
Ord. 2012-30 Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Community Commercial to Mixed Use; Willard Commercial
Ord. 2013-11 Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from R/S to IC; Irriscape Property
Ord. 2014-3 Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended, to change the FLUM designation from Residential B and Intensive Commercial to Business and Commerce Park and Mixed Use and add a textual policy establishing development standards for a unified development plan for the business and commerce park; St. Johns Marketplace
Ord. 2014-8 Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended, to change the FLUM designation from Rural Silviculture to Residential C and add a textual policy limiting the number of lots, which shall not exceed 99 on 37.24 acres of land on Russell Sampson Road; Heritage Oaks
Ord. 2014-12 Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended, to change the FLUM designation from Residential B to Residential C and add a textual policy to limit the density to 52 units for approximately 17.57 acres of land on SR 16; Sunshine 16, Parcel 4
Ord. 2014-16 Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended, to change the FLUM designation from Residential A to Residenial B and add a textual policy limiting the maximum number of units to 616 for approximately 582 acres of land on Racetrack Road and part of the Bartram Park DRI; Bartram Park
Ord. 2014-24 Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended, to change the FLUM designation from Public to Residential-B; Ponte Vedra Croquet Court
Ord. 2014-26 Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended, to change the FLUM from Residential C to Mixed Use District; Moultrie Commons
Ord. 2014-32 Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended, to change the FLUM from Residential C to Residential D & add a textual policy to limit the maximum number of multi-family units to 288 on +/- 31.57 acres on Watson Road; Valencial Apartments
Ord. 2014-45 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural Silviculture to Residential B and add a textual policy to limit the maximum number of units to 512 on +/- 584 acres on Longleaf Pine Parkway; Julington Lakes
Ord. 2014-59 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture to Residential B; Stone Creek Landing
Ord. 2015-4 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; amending the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture to Intensive Commercial; Durbin Creek National, LLC
Ord. 2015-10 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to provide for a maximum of 999 residential units, 105,000 square feet of office space; Bannon Lakes
Ord. 2015-13 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; amending the Goals, Objectives, and Policies; amending the Land Use Element
Ord. 2015-22 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural Silviculture to Residential B; Oxford Estates
Ord. 2015-25 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM from Rural Silviculture to Agricultural Intensive; Tringali Family Farm
Ord. 2015-28 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Residential-B to Residential-C; Peppertree
Ord. 2015-38 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural Silviculture to Intensive Commercial; T's Learning Center; repeals and replaces Ord. No. 2015-35
Ord. 2015-54 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural Silviculture to Mixed Use District; SilverLeaf DRI
Ord. 2015-55 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Agricultural Intensive to Residential B; Wards Creek
Ord. 2015-77 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended, to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silvicultural to Residential-A; Batten Property
Ord. 2016-2 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from R/S to RES-C with a policy amendment limiting maximum residential dwelling units to 146 for +/- 102.38 acres; Veterans Parkway
Ord. 2016-5 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from R/S to P for +/- 8 acres; Anastasia Mosquito Control District
Ord. 2016-8 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from R/S to RES-C limiting the maximum dwelling units to 44 for +/- 22 acres; Tomoka Pines
Ord. 2016-19 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Residential-A to Community Commercial (CC); Mill Creek Hardware
Ord. 2016-23 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to modify Objective A.1.19, as approved by Ord. 2001-18; add Objective A.1.23 for the New Town Future Land Use Designation; Nocatee
Ord. 2016-25 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM Designation from Residential-B to Residential-C; Flora Park
Ord. 2016-31 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silvicultural to Mixed Use; SR 16 Self Storage
Ord. 2016-35 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from RES-B to R/S for +/- 100 acres off CR 214; Indianhead Biomass Services
Ord. 2016-41 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from IC to Residential-C on +/- 115.9 acres and from IC to I for +/- 39.4 acres; Cordova Palms
Ord. 2016-48 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM from CC to MD; off SR 16
Ord. 2016-52 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Residential-A (RES-A); along Joe Ashton Road
Ord. 2016-60 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Residential-C (RES-C) to Industrial (I); 1600 Northwood Drive
Ord. 2016-67 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Agricultural-Intensive (A-I) to (RES-A); limiting to one single-family swelling on +/- 5 acres; Putman House
Ord. 2017-1 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Community Commercial (CC); 4560 Race Track Road
Ord. 2017-14 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Intensive Commercial (IC); Project Family (5404 Race Track Road)
Ord. 2017-21 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Commercial (C) to Parks and Open Space, for +/- 1.5 acres; Usina Intracoastal Waterway Park
Ord. 2017-45 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Residential-A (RES-A); limiting uses to no more than 8 residential units in the OR zoning district; Brylnne Ricketts Trust
Ord. 2017-58 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Residential-A (RES-A); Casper Residence
Ord. 2018-4 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; amends the FLUM to include lands in the former Town of Hastings
Ord. 2018-8 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Ruran/Silviculture (R/S) & undesignated property formerly Race Track Road right-of-way to Community Commercial (CC) for +/- 7.6 acres; Bartram Park Commercial
Ord. 2018-20 - Amends Ord. 99-51, as amended; amending Art. II & XII; ban of medical marijuana treatment center dispensing facilities
Ord. 2018-25 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural Silviculture (R/S) to Residential-A (RES-A), limiting the property to one (1) single family dwelling unit for +/- 3.5 acres; Barnes at 8790 Batten Road
Ord. 2018-28 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Residential-B (RES-B) & Community Commercial (CC); limiting development for +/- 571.66 acres; ICI/Middlebourne
Ord. 2018-30 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Residential-B (RES-B) to Rural Commercial (RC) for +/- 9.9 acres on SR 207; Deep Creek RV Resort
Ord. 2018-34 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Industrial (I); limiting the allowable uses to (1) 100,000 sq. ft. of Light Industrial with up to 57,000 sq. ft. of Business and Commercial Park or (2) up to 200,000 sq. ft. of Light Industrial for +/- 25.85 acres on International Golf Parkway at the intersection of St. Marks Pond Blvd; St. Marks Industrial Park
Ord. 2018-39 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from R/S to RES-C; limiting the development to a maximum of 999 Residential, 100,000 sq. ft. of Commercial, & 50,000 sq. ft. of Office for +/- 524 acres; SR 16 west of I-95; Grand Oaks
Ord. 2018-43 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to amend the Transportation Element and the Capital Improvement Element
Ord. 2018-48 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Mixed Use District (MD) for +/- 7.4 acres at Race Track Raod & St. Johns Parkway; Parkway Place
Ord. 2018-53 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Residential-B (RES-B) to Mixed Use District MD for +/- 38 acres west of US Hwy 1 and south of Watson Road; Crescent Technical Court
Ord. 2019-4 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Residential-B (RES-B) to Mixed Use District (MD) for +/- 9.9 acres south of SR 16 between San Giacomo Road & South Francis Road; Palm Lakes/Marketplace, Parcel 3
Ord. 2019-7 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Residential-B (RES-B) for +/- 2,673 acres located west of I-95, south of CR 208, & north of CR 214
Ord. 2019-11 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Residential-A (RES-A) for +/- 9.6 acres located at US 1 South; Pellicer Creek Outpost
Ord. 2019-14 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Residential-B (RES-B) for a maximum of 160,000 square feet of non-residential development and a maximum of 818 age-restricted dwelling units for +/- 784 acres located between Longleaf Pine Parkway and Greenbriar Road/CR 210 W; Greenbriar Downs
Ord. 2019-19 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM from Residential-C (RES-C) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) for +/- .55 acres located on North Tenth Street; North Tenth Street
Ord. 2019-28 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural Silviculture R/S to Neighborhood COmmercial NC for +/- 4.95 acres on State Road 16; State Road 16 Commercial
Ord. 2019-32 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Residential-B, Community Commercial, and Residential-C for +/- 473 acres; Silverleaf
Ord. 2019-35 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to modify site specific text policy A.1.11.1(M)(8)(L) relating to the Bartram Park PUD; limiting the maximum number of dwelling units to 646 for +/- 582 acres on Race Track Road; Bartram Park
Ord. 2019-38 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Community Commercial (CC) & Residential-B (RES-B) to Mixed Use District (MD) for +/- 9.98 acres at 230 SR 206 W; Ocean Grove RV Sales and Storage
Ord. 2019-42 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) & Residential-A (RES-A) to Mixed Use District (MD) & Conservation (C) for +/- 71 acres within the SW Quadrant of Race Track Road & St. Johns Parkway
Ord. 2019-43 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Residential-B (RES-B) to Mixed Use District (MD) for +/- 9.99 acres on SR 207; Peck Property
Ord. 2019-45 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Residential-B (RES-B) for +/- 264 acres on Greenbriar Road, east of Longleaf Pine Parkway; Mill Creek Forest
Ord. 2019-47 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; relating to flood risk, high-tide events, storm surge, flash floods, and rising sea level impacts in coastal areas; amends Goal E.1, Coastal Management Element; amends the Redevelopment Component to the Coastal Management Element; Sea Level Rise
Ord. 2019-52 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Residential-C (RES-C); CR 210 West Daycare and Retail
Ord. 2019-55 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Residential-A (RES-A); Wolfe Road
Ord. 2019-64 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM deesignation from Residential-C (RES-C) to Rural Commercial (RC) of +/- 15.8 acres; North Beach Campground
Ord. 2019-74 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM deesignation from Agricultural-Intensive (A-I) to Residential-B (RES-B); Minorcan Mill
Ord. 2020-18 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; amending Site Specific Policy to provide for hospital uses; Durbin Park
Ord. 2020-27 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Residential-C (RES-C) to Town Center Mixed Use District (TCMUD); Vilano Beach Town Center Addition of 2 Corunna Street and 2806 Coastal Highway
Ord. 2020-29 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture to Residential-A on +/- 16.48 acres; Faver Dykes Homesites
Ord. 2020-32 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, to amend the goals, objectives, and policies regarding increased density for a Workforce Housing Zoning District
Ord. 2020-33 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Rural Commercial (RC) for +/- 74.14 acres on the south side of International Golf Parkway and west of St. Marks Pond Boulevard; St. Marks Campground
Ord. 2020-53 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Mixed Use District (MD) for +/- 6.66 acres south of Race Track Road and east of St. Johns Parkway
Ord. 2020-55 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Community Commercial (CC) with a text limitation of 90,000 sf to Community Commercial (CC) with a text limitation of 170,000 sf, for +/- 14.3 acres of land at 4560 Race Track Road
Ord. 2020-57 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Mixed Use District (MD) for +/- 1.16 acres of land at 11305 Old Dixie Highway; Bell Covered Storage
Ord. 2020-63 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Agricultural-Intensive to Residential-A, for +/-5.68 acres of land, located at 9321 Byrd Road
Ord. 2021-2 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Residential-B (RES-B) to Residential-C (RES-C) for +/- 6.12 acres of land, located south of CR 210 W, East & West of Beacon Lake Parkway; Twin Creeks PUD, Parcels 6A-2 & 6B
Ord. 2021-7 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Residential-C (RES-C) with a text amendment for a site in the St. Johns DRI for +/- 71 acres of land, located at 360 Indian Branch Ranch Road and 5400 Church Road, west of Pacetti Rd, to be accessed through Six Mile Creek South; TrailMark Added Land
Ord. 2021-14 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Mixed Use (MU) with a text amendment to Policy A.1.11.1(M)(8); State Road 16 Car Condos
Ord. 2021-18 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to modify the previously approved Bannon Lakes Comp Plan Text Policy A.1.11.1(M)(8)(F) in order to increase the maximum allowed residential units from 999 to 1,286 for +/- 580 acres on the north side of International Golf Parkway East of I-95 (Bannon Lakes)
Ord. 2021-20 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Community Commercial (CC) for +/- 7 acres at 5720 CR 210 West; Danforth Property
Ord. 2021-21 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Agricultural/Intensive (A/I) to esidential-A (RES-A) for +/- 5 acres at 5956 & 5960 Don Manuel Road; Don Manuel Road
Ord. 2021-33 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural Silviculture (R/S) to Residential-B (RES-B) for +/- 32 acres at Oxbridge Way off Longleaf Pine Parkway; Oxford Estates East
Ord. 2021-39 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to amend the Comp Plan Goals, Objectives, and Policies to comply with Section 163.3177, F.S.; and adoption of the St. Johns County Water Supply Facilities Work Plan
Ord. 2021-42 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Agricultural-Intensive (A-I) to Residential-A (RES-A) for +/- 5.16 acres east of CR 13 South and North of CR 13-A South; Clark Property
Ord. 2021-44 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Intensive Commercial (IC) for +/- 2.13 acres at 11280 US 1 North
Ord. 2021-45 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural Silviculture (R/S) to Residential-A (RES-A) for +/- 33.5 acres along Indian Branch Ranch Road; Indian Branch Farms
Ord. 2021-48 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Rural Commercial (RC) for +/- 8.38 acres at the corner of CR 13N and Joe Ashton Road; Six Mile Creek Outpost
Ord. 2021-52 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to amend the Comp Plan goals, objectives and policies regarding the termination of family farms after seven years; Family Farms
Ord. 2021-54 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to amend the Comp Plan goals, objectives and policies regarding amendments to the Workforce Housing Zoning Designation; amending the Land Use Element and Housing Element; removing the maximum sales price for the Workforce Housing Zoning District and defer to the sales price maximum established in the LDC; Workforce Housing
Ord. 2021-56 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Residential-C (RES-C) for +/- 46.53 acres off Race Track Road; Stonecrest
Ord. 2021-61 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Residential-B to Mixed Use for +/- 9.93 acres at Pacetti Road and SR 16, East of CR 2209 ROW; Palm lakes (The Marketplace)
Ord. 2021-64 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Mixed Use District (MD) for +/- 3.38 acres at 11275 Old Dixie Highway; Corner Lot RV/Boat Storage
Ord. 2021-68 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to amend the goals, objectives and policies regarding amendments to the Property Rights Element
Ord. 2021-69 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Residential-C to Rural Commercial (RC) for +/- 20.84 acres along A1A approximately 1.2 miles north of the Vilano Bridge; Beachcomber RV Resort
Ord. 2021-71 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural Commercial to Commercial for +/- 9.8 acres northwest of the intersection of SR 16 and SR 16A; Bridle Ridge
Ord. 2021-72 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Residential-A (RES-A) for +/- 18.95 acres at 10800 CR 13 N; Shaw Property
Ord. 2021-82 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) and St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) to Mixed Use (MU) for +/- 49.9 acres between SR 16 & I-95; TGC Parcel C
Ord. 2021-87 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) and Parks and Recreation to Residential-C and Conservation (CV) for +/- 733 acres east of Pacetti Road and north of CR 208; Adler Creek
Ord. 2021-88 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Rural Commercial (RC) , for +/- 9.99 acres; 8000 CR 13
Ord. 2021-90 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural Silviculture (R/S) to Mixed Use for +/- 19.17 acres off of San Pablo Road
Ord. 2021-95 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural Silviculture (R/S) to Mixed Use (MU) for +/- 6.66 acres; St. Johns Commerce East
Ord. 2022-4 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural Silviculture (R/S) to Residential-A (RES-A) for +/- 8.16 acres on the north side of CR 208 and east of CR 13 N; Wallace Property
Ord. 2022-5 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Parks and Open Space (PKOS) to Rural Silviculture (R/S) for +/- 40.4 acres at the southern terminus of Byrd Camp Road; Price Property
Ord. 2022-16 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Residential-A (RES-A) for approx. 8.6 acres of land, located south of Saint Marks Pond Blvd.; Pacetti Burchfield Family
Ord. 2022-19 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Agricultrural-Intensive (A-I) to Residentail-A for approx. 3.9 acres of land; 6075 Winifred Masters Road
Ord. 2022-36 - Rescinds Ord. 2021-92; Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) and Agricultural-Intensive (A-I) to Residential-A, Residential-C, and Commercial with a text amendment limiting development in specific areas for +/- 2,394 acres; SilverLeaf DRI
Ord. 2022-43 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Mixed Use District (MD) for +/- 4.17 acres at 6138 and 6148 Race Track Road
Ord. 2022-46 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Agricultural-Intensive (A-I) to Residential-A for +/- 16.78 acres at 7501 Cowpen Branch Road
Ord. 2022-50 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Residential-D to Mixed Use District (MD) for +/- 1.1 acres at 345 SR 207 and 1418 Highland Blvd; Goodman Commercial Expansion
Ord. 2022-52 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Residential-A to Residential-C for +/- 6.05 acres at 300 Orange Avenue; Southwood IV
Ord. 2022-54 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Agricultural-Intensive (A-I) to Residential-B for +/- .53 acres at 1180 County Road 13 S
Ord. 2022-60 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture to Residential-A for 10 acres at 3560 Joe Ashton Road
Ord. 2022-62 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Mixed Use District (MD) for +/- 8.8 acres at Le Parrish Road & I-95
Ord. 2022-64 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Residentia-B (RES-B) for +/- 4.14 acres at 125 Clatter Bridge Road
Ord. 2022-68 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Agricultural-Intensive to Neighborhood Commercial for +/- 6.5 acres at 6951 County Road 16A
Ord. 2022-76 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Residential-B, Residential-C, Residential-D, and Mixed Use District for +/- 2,211.60 acres at north and south of Greenbriar Road, east and west of Longleaf Parkway, and west of Veterans Parkway
Ord. 2022-80 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Agricultural-Intensive (A-I) to Rural Commercial (RC) for +/- 8.02 acres at 8801 CR 13 S
Ord. 2022-81 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Residential-A (RES-A) for +/- 1.12 acres at 8465 CR 208
Ord. 2022-85 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) for +/- 5.06 acres at CR 13 N and Palmo Fish Camp Road; Maples Family Neighborhood Commercial
Ord. 2022-87 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Residential-B (RES-B) to Community Commercial (CC) for +/- 2.26 acres at 6710 US 1 S; Smith US 1 Commercial
Ord. 2022-89 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to amend Policy A.1.11.3 to allow the construction of a personal property mini-warehouse self-storage facility; SR 207 & Wildwood Self-Storage
Ord. 2022-91 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Community Commercial to Residential-D for +/- .35 acres at 875 W King St
Ord. 2023-1 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Residential-C (RES-C) to Mixed Use District (MD) for +/- 3.89 acres at the SE corner of Kings Road and Kings Estate Road
Ord. 2023-14 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended; to change the FLUM designation from Rural Silvacultural (R/S) and Residential-B (RES-B) to Mixed Use District (MD) for +/- 20.41 acres at the SW corner of EOC Drive and Agricultural Center Drive; St. Johns Commerce Park
Ord. 2023-19 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010.38, as amended, to amend the goals, objectives, and policies regarding the workforce housing zoning designations
Ord. 2023-20 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended, to change the FLUM designation from Rural Silvaculture (R/S) to Residential-A (RES-A); McCrary Family
Ord. 2023-25 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended,
to change the FLUM designation from Rural Silvaculture (R/S) to Residential-A (RES-A); for approximately 19.81 acres of land, located on SR 16, east of the Shands Bridge
Ord. 2023-35 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended,
to change the FLUM designation from Rural Silvaculture (R/S) to Residential-B (RES-B); for approximately 31.8 acres of land, located South of Greenbriar Road
Ord. 2023-37 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended,
to change the FLUM designation from Rural Silvaculture (R/S) to Residential-B (RES-B), for approximately 580.9 acres of land, located south of Greenbriar Road and west of Longleaf Pine Parkway
Ord. 2023-39 -
Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended,
to change the FLUM designation from Rural Silvaculture (R/S) to Community Commercial (CC), for approximately 4.25 acres of land, located on County Road 210 West
Ord. 2023-47 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, to amend Policy A.1.11.3 to allow the construction of a personal property mini-warehouse self-storage facility, with a maximum floor area ratio of 110 percent, for property located at 11280 US HWY 1 North
Ord. 2024-18 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended, to change the FLUM designation from Rural Silvaculture (R/S) to Mixed Use Distrcit (MD), for approximately 20.67 acres of land, located at 9050, 9060, and 9080 US HWY 1 North, along with unadressed parcels located on US HWY 1 North and Old Dixie Highway
Ord. 2024-25 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended, to change the FLUM designation from Rural Silvaculture (R/S) to Residential-A (RES-A), for approximately 7.89 acres of land, located on unaddressed property to the north of 1511 St. Marks Road Blvd.
Ord. 2024-28 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended, to amend the Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies regarding wastewater treatment systems and onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems and amends goal D.1 sanitary sewer disposal and objectives D.1.3 wastewater systems and D.1.4 septic tanks; adding new policies D.1.3.6 and D.1.4.9
Ord. 2024-37 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended, to change the FLUM designation from A-I to to RES-A with a text amendment limiting the property to a maximum of (1) single-family dwelling unit, for approximately 5.34 acres of land located on 8460 County Road 13 South
Ord. 2024-43 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended, to change the FLUM designation from A-I to RES-A and Rural Silvaculture (R/S) to Mixed Use District (MD), for approximately 10.64 acres of land located at 4280 and 4286 Race Track Road
Ord. 2024-46 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended, to change the FLUM designation from Rural Silvaculture (R/S) to Residential-A (RES-A) with a text amendment limiting the property to a maximum of seven single-family dwelling units, for approximately 11.29 acres of land located at unaddressed property on the eastern end of Pine Island Road
Ord. 2024-51 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended, to change the FLUM desgination from Rural/Silvaculture (R/S) to Rural Commerical (RC) for approximately 19.97 acres of land, and to change the FLUM designation from Rural/Silvaculture (R/S) to Agriculture Intensive (A-I) for approximately 20 acres of land located at 9749 CR 13 South and 9855 CR 13 South
Ord. 2024-57 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended, to change the FLUM designation from Residential B (RES-B) to Mixed Use District (MD) for approximately 5.0 acres of land located at 390 Resort Way
Ord. 2024-59 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amended, to change the FLUM designation for approximately 45.80 acres of land, located at 7926 Colee Cove Road, from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Residential-A (RES-A), with a text amendment limiting residential uses on the subject property to a maximum of eleven single-family residential dwelling units
Ord. 2024-60 - Amends the 2025 Comp Plan, Ord. 2010-38, as amnended, to change the FLUM designation from Rural Silvaculture (R/S) to Resdiential-A (RES-A), with text amendment limiting the property to a maximum of five (5) single-family residential dewlling units, for approximately 30 acres of land located at an unaddressed parcel on the corner of Oscar Ashton Road and County Road 13A North
Ord. 2025-6 - Amends Ord. 99-51, as amended, regarding the placement of pavers and non-structural flatwork on lots
CONCERTS (See Outdoor, etc.)
Ord. 1976-12 - Outdoor musical entertainment, festivals, regulating
Ord. 1978-78 - Amends Ord. 1976-12
Ord. 1991-6
Resolution No. 1991-75 (See Concurrency Review Committee ByLaws)
Resolution No. 1991-79 (See Schedule of Fees)
Ord. 1994-8 - Extended duration of all concurrency exemptions
Ord. 1995-5 - Amends Ord. 1991-6; Repeals Ord. 94-8; extends time for completion of the Public Facilities Report; extends duration of all concurrency exemptions granted
Ord. 1996-35 -Amends Ord. 1991-6 & Ord. 1995-5 - extends time for completion of the Public Facilities Report
Ord. 1996-63 - Amends Ord. 1991-6, as amended; Public Facilities Report and amendments to the Concurrency Exemption Ordinance
Ord. 1991-7
Res. 1991-75 (See Concurrency Review Committee ByLaws)
Res. 1991-79 (See Schedule of Fees)
Ord. 1995-15 - Repeals Ord. 1991-7
Ord. 1998-3 - Amends Ord. 1995-15
Ord. 1999-11 - Amends Ord. 1995-15
Ord. 1999-17 - Readopting and Ratifying Ord. 1999-11
Ord. 2021-47 - CN to RMH(S)
Ord. 1988-55 - Conditionally amends & restates Ord. 8761, 8762 & 8213
Ord. 1990-63 - Amends Ord. 198855
Ord. 1996-58 - To provide Cable Television service in certain unincorporated areas of SJC
CONTRACTORS (Also see License)
Ord. 1976-23 -Amended
Ord. 1978-66 -Amended
Ord. 1980-25 - Amended
Ord. 1981-59 -Amended
Ord. 1981-73 -Amended
Ord. 1981-74 - Amends Ord. 1976-20, adds solar water hearing contractor and limited mechanical contractor, defines said contractors, establishes criteria for exam eligibility, provides fees, provides Grandfathered Clause
Ord. 1984-39 -Amended
Resolution 198478 (07/10/84) penalty late renewal
Ord. 1987-15 -Amended
Ord. 1992-29 -Amends Ord. 197620
Ord. 2002-48 - Repeals Ord. 1996-51, designating a Contractors Review Board and its members, and prescribes its powers, duites and responsibilites
Ord. 2002-48 - Repeals Ord. 1996-51, designating a Contractors Review Board and its members, and prescribes its powers, duites and responsibilites
Ord. 1991-5 - Ord. relating to retail grocers; creating the St. Johns County Convenience Store Security Ordinance
Ord. 2012-33 Repeals, restates, and replaces Ord. 1991-5, Convenience Store Security
Ord. 1972-7 - Septic tank & electrical permits
Ord. 1978-19 - Electrical fees
Ord. 1995-21 - Auth. issuance of taxable Revenue Bonds
Ord. 2021-30 - CDD established
Ord. 1990-10 - Duties of
Ord. 1990-32 - Amends Ord. 1990-10
Ord. 1991-31 - Amends Ord. 1990-10
Ord. 1996-70 - Repeals Ord. 1990-10; establishes functions, duties & powers
Ord. 1997-6 - Authorizing County Administrator to designate County Departments, positions and personnel
Ord. 1997-35 - Amends Ord. 1996-70; Expands experiences that allows a person to qualify for the position of County Administrator
Ord. 1997-50 - Amends Ord. 1996-70; Reduces the number of Commissioners' votes needed to appoint the County Administrator
Ord. 1999-44 - Amends Ord. 1996-70; the number of County Commissioners votes needed to appoint the County Administrator and the County Administrator's working relationships to employees under his supervision
Ord. 2010-47 - Repeals Ord. 96-70 & 97-6; provides for the functions, duties, & powers of the County Administrator
Ord. 2024-53 - Amends Ord. 2010-47; to require a majority, plus one vote of the Board of County Commissioners to further change any of the provisions
Ord. 1991-8 - Amending Ord. 1978-38
Ord. 2003-64 - Authority of the County Attorney to hire and dismiss County legal staff; establish that a Deputy County Attorney may be appointed by the County Attorney
Ord. 1976-5 - Creation, procedures, duties and responsibilities
Ord. 1992-2 - Restricts the use and providing penalties
Ord. 2004-42 - Imposition of a surcharge on noncriminal traffic infractions on certain criminal violations
Ord. 2009-29 Amends Ord. 2004-42; provides for an increase in the surcharge on non-criminal traffic infractions or certain criminal violations
Ord. 1998-22 - Requesting for state to cover the cost
Ord. 2015-53 - Established the CDD
Ord. 1989-52 - Emergency Ord. Repealing Res. 1985-184; Assessing Fee of $2; establishing SJC School Crossing Guard Program, etc.
Ord. 1991-39 - Amends Ord. 89-52, modifies the amount of money received pursuant to F.S. 318.21(g)2
Ord. 1993-39 - Amends Ord. 1989-52, as amended, modifies the amount of money received pursuant to F.S. 318.21 (2)(g) 2 to be used to fund the Program
Resolution No. 1994-204 - Amends Ord. 1989-52 and 1993-39; modifies the amount of money that will be used to fund the program
CUNNINGHAM CREEK - (Also see No Wake)
Ord. 2000-55 - Establish an idle speed, no wake zone, providing an operation standard for boats, vessels, and watercraft
Ord. 2023-22 - Dissolving the Deerfield Preserve CDD; repealing Ord. 2006-43
Ord. 1985-20 - Adopted
Ord. 2000-54 - Amends Ord. 1985-20 - allowing elected Officers and their employees to participate in def comp plans established by the BCC
Ord. 2006-82 - Restricting the use of certain lights on docks
Ord. 2003-48 - Requires the Clerk of Court to collect an additional $3.00 with each civil traffic penalty to fund the traffic education programs in public and nonpublic schools
Ord. 2007-28 Amends Ord. 2003-48; Amends fees from $3 to $5
Ord. 2017-35 - Establishes the DP1 CDD (Durbin Park Pavilion)
Ord. 1976-9 - Disposal of garbage
Ord. 2015-6 - imposing road capacity charges with property encompassed by the Development Agreement between Durbin Creek National, LLC & St. Johns County
Ord. 2020-19 - Amends Ord. 2015-6, the fee schedule for the calculation of the road capacity charges
Ord. 2015-5 - established
Ord. 1986-55 - Authorizing imposing a fee for (See Res. 1986-72)
Ord. 1986-65 - Establish uniform building numbering system
Ord. 1988-11 - Amending Ord. 1986-55
Ord. 2021-4 - Creating the SJC emergency management ordinance; repealing Ord. 2019-40
Ord. 2005-123 - Adopted
Ord. 2020-42 - Establishes the Entrada CDD
Ord. 2021-28 - Amends Ord. 2020-42 and grants the petition to expand the Entrada CDD
Ord. 2023-27 - Amends Ord. 2020-42 and Ord. 2021-28; expanding the Entrada CDD
Ord. 2024-29 - Amends Ord. 2020-42, Ord. 2021-28, and Ord. 2023-27 and grants the petition to expand Entrada CDD
Ord. 1990-65
Ord. 2001-51 - Authorizing COC to collect $10.00 fee for any civil suit in excess of $5,000.00 to fund a law library, repealing and replacing Ord. 1999-68
Ord. 2003-48 - Requires the Clerk of Court to collect an additional $3.00 with each civil traffic penalty to fund the traffic education programs in public and nonpublic schools
Ord. 2004-42 - Imposition of a surcharge on non-criminal traffic infractions on certain criminal violations
Resolution $1 assessment BCC Minutes Book Y, Pages 34, 2/8/72
Ord. 1985-43 - $2 additional
Ord. 1972-7 - Septic tank & electrical
Ord. 1978-19 - Electrical fees
Ord. 1978-54 - Septic tank fees raised to $25
Ord. 1978-74 - Amended
Ord. 1981-6 - Re: permits & fees; amended
Ord. 1982-2 - Health Department
Resolution 1982-48 Health Department BCC Minutes Book 6, Page 625
Ord. 1983-17 - Health Department
Ord. 1984-50 - Building/Fire fees refunds
Resolution 1986-139 Health Department -terminates prior resolutions establishing fees pursuant to Ord. 1982-2
Ord. 1978-6
Ord. 2000-60 - Repealing Ord. 2000-6 and 2000-42
Ord. 2010-19 Repeals Ord. 2003-52
Ord. 1995-58 - To prohibit disruptions
Ord. 1997-33 - Waiver of filing fees
Ord. 1974-6 - Fire Prevention & Control Tax District (created for unincorporated areas)
Ord. 1980-56 - Amends Ord. 1974-6; amended tax levy .750 mills
Ord. 2001-29 - Amending Ord. 1974-6 as previously amended by 1980-56 and 1984-10
Resolution 1982-150 Impact fees
Ord. 1984-10 - Amended, clarify revenue uses
Ord. 1987-59 - repeals Fire Impact Fee Ordinance
Ord. 2003-58 - Amends Ord. 1974-6, 1980-56, 1984-10 & 2001-29; Municipal Service Taxing Unit for fire prevention
Ord. 2003-61 - Amends Ord. 1974-6, 1980-56, 1984-10, 2001-29 and 2003-58
Ord. 2011-33 - Repeals & replaces Ord. 2011-14; recognizes the pre-empting of regulation of firearms by the State; prohibiting the bearing or possession of other weapons in/on County-owned & operated property
Ord. 1976-3 – Adopts by reference the 1974 Edition of the Southern Standard Fire Prevention Code
Ord. 1978-77 – Amends Ord. 1976-3, defines the penalties and provides that each day an offense or violation of this ordinance shall be deemed a separate offense
Ord. 1980-13 - Amends Ord. 1976-3; adopts by reference the 1979 Edition of the Standard Fire Prevention Code
Ord. 1982-63 - Amends Ord. 1976-3; adopts by reference the 1982 Edition of the Standard Fire Prevention Code
Ord. 1985-63 - Amends Ord. 1982-63; adopts by reference the 1985 Edition of the Standard Fire Prevention Code
Ord. 2016-29 - Enforcement of the Fire Prevention Code
Ord. 1994-12 - Established
Ord. 2023-29 - Prohibiting Floating Structures; included into the code enforcement citation ordinance
Ord. 1978-42 - Repealing Ord. 1974-20
Resolution 1989-33 Variance to Flood Damage Prevention
Ord. 1990-24 - Repeals Ord. 1987-14; Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance
Ord. 2015-8 - Adopts an Administrative Section to the Florida Building Code
Ord. 2022-33 - Adopts an Administrative Section to the Florida Building Code, Chapter 1, Scope and Administration
Ord. 1982-13 - Franchise Hastings five mile radius
Ord. 2019-13 - related to defaulted or abandoned property
Ord. 1981-7 - Falkner d/b/a Water Conditioning of St. Augustine
Ord. 1984-11 - Settle claim
Ord. 1973-6 - Water Franchise
Ord. 1973-7 - Sewer Franchise
Ord. 1998-26 - Law established
GAS TAX, LOCAL OPTION (Also see Local Option Gas Tax)
Ord. 1986-61 - Adopted 6 cent, repeals Ord. 198548
Ord. 2006-135 - Supplements Ord. 1986-61; extending the six cent local option fuel tax
Ord. 1986-35 - Exclusive Franchise
Ord. 2006-81 - Established
Ord. 2018-42 - Repeals Ord. 2010-48 & Res. 2009-11; relating to the operation of golf carts, low-speed vehicles, and mini trucks on county roads and sidewalks
Ord. 2024-7 - Amends Ord. 2018-42, section 6, regarding certain requirements to operate a golf cart on public roads or streets
Ord. 1987-28 - Authorized bond issue
Ord. 2002-24 - Authorize the issuance and sale of annual prepaid passes at the SJC Golf Course
Ord. 2014-51 - Establishes the St. Johns County Golf Course Fund as a special revenue fund
Ord. 2018-47 - CDD Established
Ord. 2024-1 -
CDD Established
Ord. 2013-37 Creation of the Hazardous Material Cost Recovery Ordinance
Ord. 2004-46 - Established
Ord. 2004-1 - Established
Res. 2003-137 - Granting an ad valorem tax exemption for historic properties at 24 Cathedral Place in St. Augustine, Florida in accordance with Ord. 1997-61 and F.S. 196.1997
Ord. 2022-55 - Repealing and replacing ordinances 1997-61 and 2009-59, providing for historic property tax exemption
Ord. 1999-59 - Additional homestead exemption of $25,000 for 65 years of age and older
Ord. 2007-20 Authorizes an additional homestead exemption of up to $50,000 for age 65 or older
Ord. 2013-18 Authorizes an additional homestead tax exemption of up to $249,000 for senior citizens who have lived in homesteaded property for 25 years
Ord. 1990-65 - Creates chapter of St. Johns County Code entitled Fair Housing Code, repeals Ord. 1985-1 and Ord. 1985-86
Ord. 1980-7 - Established
Ord. 1989-5 - Ratifying, confirming and reenacting as of March 6, 1980, Nunc Pro Tunc SJC Ord. 1980-7
Ord. 2001-20 - Amending Ord. 1980-7 as ratified, confirmed, and reenacted by Ord. 1989-5
Ord. 2009-11 Amends Ord. 1980-7, as ratified by Ord. 89-5; decreasing the membership of the HFA from 7 to 5
Ord. 2009-30 Amends Ord. 1980-7 as ratified, confirmed, and reenacted by Ord. 89-5, increasing the membership
Ord. 2015-69 - Creating the St. Johns County Illegal Drug Decontamination Ordinance
Ord. 1987-57 - Roads
Ord. 1987-58 - Parks
Ord. 1987-59 - Public facilities
Ord. 1987-60 - Schools
Ord. 1990-57 - Amends Ord. 198759, Public Capital Facilities Impact Fees
Ord. 1991-14 - Amends Ord. 198760, Educational facilities
Ord. 1991-26 - Amends Ord. 198759, Public Capital Facilities Impact Fees
Ord. 1992-21 - Amends Ord. 198757, Roads; fees may be paid over time for very low or low income residents
Ord. 1992-22 - Amends Ord. 198758, Parks; fees may be paid over time for very low or low- income residents
Ord. 1992-23 - Amends Ord. 198759, Public Capital Facilities; fees may be paid over time for very low or low income residents
Ord. 1992-24 - Amends Ord. 198760, Educational facilities; fees may be paid over time for very low or low income residents
Ord. 1992-40 - Amends Ord. 1987-57, Road
Ord. 1992-41 - Amends Ord. 1987-59, Capital Facilities
Ord. 1994-42 - Amends Ord. 1987-57 (Roads), Changes the amount attributable to residential units
Ord. 1994-43 -Amends Ord. 1987-58 (Parks) changes the amount attributable to residential units
Ord. 1994-44 -Amends Ord. 1987-59 (Public Capital Facilities) changes the amounts attributable to residential units
Ord. 1994-61 - Amends Ord. 1987-57; delays for 6 months the increase on the Road Impact Fee for lands in the COBRA Zone
Ord. 1994-62 - Amends Ord. 1987-57; delays for six months the increase on the Park Impact Fee for lands in the COBRA Zone
Ord. 1994-63 - Amends Ord. 1984-57; delays for 6 months the increase on the Capital Improvements Impact Fee for lands in the COBRA Zone
Ord. 1995-24 - Amends Ord. 1987-57; Road Impact Fees
Ord. 1995-25 - Amends Ord. 1987-58; Park Impact Fees
Ord. 1995-26 - Amends Ord. 1987-59; Pub Cap Fac Fees
Ord. 1995-27 - Amends Ord. 1987-60; Educ Fac Impact Fees
Ord. 1998-74 -Amends Ord. 1987-60; Educ Fac Impact Fees (Repealed by Ord. 1999-41)
Ord. 1998-75 -Amends Ord. 1987-59; Pub Cap Fac Impact Fees
Ord. 1998-76 - Amends Ord. 1987-58; Park Impact Fees
Ord. 1998-77 - Amends Ord. 1987-57; Road Impact Fees
Ord. 1999-41 -Amends, Combines and Supplements Ord. 1987-60, 1991-14, 1992-24, 1995-27 and 1998-74
Ord. 2000-57 - Amends Ord. 87-57, Road Impact Fees
Ord. 2002-45 - Amends Ord. 1987-57, allowing Road Impact Fees to be used to pay lawsuit settlements as a result of litigation regarding those fees
Ord. 2003-74 - Amends Ord. 1987-57, as amended; Section 13(B) regarding road impact fee credits
Ord. 2005-27 -Amends Ord. 1999-51, as previously amended; reaffirms, readopts, consolidates and incorporates impact fee Ord. Nos. 87-57, 87-58, 87-59, 87-60
Ord. 2009-45 - Amends and supplements the LDC, Ord. 99-51, as amended regarding impact fees, as consolidated by Ord. 2005-27
Ord. 2011-6 - Amends & supplements the LDC, Ord. 99-51, as previous amended; amends the consolidated impact fee ordinances, as consolidated by Ord. 2005-27, as amended
Ord. 2011-7 -Amends & supplements the LDC, Ord. 99-51, as previously amended; amends the consolidated impact fee ordinances, as consolidated by Ord. 2005-27, as amended
Ord. 2018-16 - Amends & supplements Ord. 99-51, as amended; amends the consolidated Impact Fee ordinances of the LDC, as consolidated by Ord. 2005-27, as amended
Ord. 2022-78 - Amends & supplements Ord. 99-51, as amended; amends Exhibit B Section 37 of Ord. 2018-16, which amends Ord. 2005-27 regarding Affordable Housing Impact Fee Deferral
Ord. 1992-20 - Surplus Public Funds Investment
Ord. 2017-32 - Amends the list of permitted investments, pursuant to the requirements of Section 218.415, Florida Statutes, as amended, and repealing and replacing Ord. 2014-18
Ord. 2010-20 Landscape irrigation for water conservation
Ord. 2006-157
Ord. 1988-67- Emergency Ord. declaring that an emergency exists; authorizing the BCC to expend County funds to educate the public as to the reasons why it is necessary and in the best interests for the county electorate to approve the issuance of General Obligation Bonds to finance construction of additional County Jail & Criminal Justice Facilities at the Bond Referendum election scheduled for November 8, 1988
Ord. 1970-4 - Franchise
Ord. 1974-9 - Amended
Ord. 1975-1 - Amended
Approved transfer to St. Augustine Cable TV Ltd. Minutes Book 2, Page 268 - 6/24/75 (Information copy of assignment of franchise with Ord. 19751)
Ord. 1977-18 - Amended rates
Ord. 1978-57 - Rate procedure amended
Assignment of Franchise to Fund VII/ABC Venture Jones Intercable, Inc. 10/23/79 Book 5, Page 339 (information copy with Ord. 1978-57)
Ord. 1984-31 - Coastal area franchise
Ord. 1985-75 - Amended, name Fund VII/ABC Venture
Ord. 1986-93 - Amend Ord. 1984-31, name Cablevision Ind., Ltd. Partnership
Ord. 1994-27 - Amends Ord. 1984-31- increase franchise fee
Ord. 1982-17 - Established
Ord. 2005-88 - Dissolving the Julington Creek MSTD
Ord. 1985-77 - Pay parking tickets for
"No Information"
Ord. 2005-17 - Established
Ord. 2021-38 - Repeals Ord. 1999-3, 2003-57; Establishes a LAMP and creates a LAMP Advisory Board
Ord. 1976-9 - Operations
Ord. 1985-4 and Ord. 1985-5 - Scallop Shells
Ord. 1987-44 - Establishing Tipping Fee
Ord. 1987-45 - Amend franchises for Tipping Fee
Ord. 1987-41 - Tire disposal fee
Ord. 1988-15 -Amending Ord. 1987-44
Ord. 1988-49 - Also see Waste Management
Resolution 1989-240 -Stating its intent to use the uniform method of collecting non ad valorem assessments assessed pursuant to SJC Ord. 198920, etc.
Ord. 1999-51 - Regulating the development of land and waters in St. Johns County, in twelve articles
Ord. 1999-60 - Amending and supplementing, adding and repealing Sections Articles II, IV, VIII, and XII
Ord. 2000-24 - Amending and supplementing, adding and repealing Sections of Article II & IV
Ord. 2000-25 -Amending, supplementing, adding and repealing Sections of Article VI
Ord. 2000-26 - Amending and supplementing, adding and repealing Sections of Article VII
Ord. 2000-36 -Amending and supplementing, adding and repealing Sections of Article XII
Ord. 2000-39 - Amending and supplementing, adding and repealing Sections of Article II & VI
Ord. 2000-43 -Amending and supplementing, adding and repealing Sections of Article V
Ord. 2000-58 -Amending and supplementing, adding and repealing Sections of Article III, V, IX, X and XII
Ord. 2001-01 - Amending and supplementing, adding sections to Article III, as adopted by Ord. 1999-51
Ord. 2001-22 - Amending Article III, Special Districts
Ord. 2001-34 - Amending Article VII regulating signs
Ord. 2001-39 - Amending Article IV, adding habitat management for the bald eagle and amending sections on environmentally sensitive areas, coastal conservation, natural preserves, onsite conservation and offsite conservation
Ord. 2001-42 - Amending Article X, as adopted by Ord. 1999-51, clarifying applying zoning variances versus non-zoning variances
Ord. 2001-63 - Amending, adding and repealing parts of Article IV, Natural Resources, Section 4.01.05, Trees and Other Vegetation of the LDC (Ord. 1999-51, as amended)
Ord. 2001-64 - Amending, adding and repealing parts of Article XII, Definitions and Part 12.01.00, definition of flag and lot of record of the LDC (Ord. 1999-51, as amended)
Ord. 2001-65 - Amending, adding and repealing parts of Article II, Zoning Districts of the LDC (Ord. 1999-51, as amended)
Ord. 2002-11 - Amending Article VI, Design Standards and Improvements, and Appendix E of the LDC
Ord. 2002-37 - Amending Article II of the Land Development Code, Uses Allowed within Zoning Districts, Use Classifications ans Defintions, Housing Types, Accessory Uses, Special Uses, Allowble Uses, Aircraft Landing Fields and Animal Hospitals
Ord. 2002-43 - Amending Section 8.01.02 of Article VIII of the LDC, regarding PZA membership
Ord. 2002-42 - Amending Artilce IV, Natural Resources, of the LDC relating to upland buffers
Ord. 2002-50 - Amending Article VI, Design Standards and Improvement Requirements of the Land Development Code
Ord. 2002-59 - Amending Article III of the Land Development Code relating to overlay districts
Ord. 2002-61 - Amending Article VII of the Land Development Code relating to signs
Ord. 2002-62 - Amending Article XII of the Land Development Code relating to Boarding Houses, Hotle/Motel/Motor Lodges, and Maufacture Modular/Mobile Homes
Ord. 2002-63 - Amending ApendiciesF and G of the Land Deveoplment Code
Ord. 2002-72 - An Emergency Ordinance amending Articles VII and XII of the Land Development Code, relating to signs
Ord. 2003-22 - Amends Article XI, Section 11.02.02, Ord. 1999-51, as amended re: signs
Ord. 2003-63 - Amends Ord. 1999-51; amends Art. III, Section 3.07.00, South Anastasia Island Overlay District
Ord. 2003-73 - Amends Ord. 1999-51; amends Art. IX, Section 9.06.04, regarding notice of hearings
Ord. 2003-90 Amends, supplements, adds, and repeals sections of Article V of the Land Development Code, as previously amended
Ord. 2004-6 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; amends Sect. 8.01.02 of Art. VIII, re the school board appointed member position on the Planning & Zoning Agency being a non-voting position during the member's candidacy for elected public office
Ord. 2004-22 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; amends Art. IX, Art. XI, Appendix A, Appendix E, & Appendix F
Ord. 2004-40 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; amends Art. VI and XII regarding design standards, improvement requirements and definitions
Ord. 2004-51 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; amends Art I, VII, XII, regarding flags and signs
Ord. 2004-71 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; amends Art III regarding historic preservation requirements
Ord. 2005-20 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; amends Art. II, IV, & V
Ord. 2005-27 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as previously amended; reaffirms, readopts, consolidates and incorporates impact fee Ords. 87-57, 87-58, 87-59, 87-60
Res. 2005-99 - Clarifies the procedures for obtaining and maintaining vested permit applications for residential and non-residential building permits
Ord. 2005-118 - Amends, supplements, adds, & repeals Sections of Article II, IV, VI, & XII, Ord. 1999-51
Ord. 2006-66 Supplementing, adding, and repealing sections of Articles II, III and VI, as adopted by Ord. 1991-51 (Vilano Beach Town Center Overlay District)
Ord. 2006-123 Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; Art. IV (upland buffers)
Ord. 2006-124 Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; Art. III & VI (design review boards membership)
Ord. 2006-131 Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; Art. XI (concurrency management)
Ord. 2007-9 Amends, supplements, adds, & repeals sections of Art. VI & XII of the LDC; regarding the uniform roadway addressing system
Ord. 2007-57 Amends, supplements, adds, & repeals Ord. 1999-51, Sections of Art. II, VI, & X
Ord. 2007-85 Amends, supplements, adds, & repeals Ord. 1999-51, Sections of Art. II, VI, and XII of the LDC
Ord. 2008-12 Amends, supplements, adds, & repeals Ord. 1999-51, Sections of Art. II, VI, & XII of the LDC
Ord. 2008-30 Amends, supplements, adds, & repeals Ord. 1999-51, Sections of Art. VI & XII of the LDC
Ord. 2009-2 Amends, supplements, adds, & repeals Ord. 1999-51, Sections of Art. II, IV, V, VI, & X of the LDC
Ord. 2009-28 Amends, supplements, adds, & repeals Ord. 1999-51, Sections of Art. II, III, IV, VI, VII, & XII of the LDC
Ord. 2009-44 - Amends, supplements, adds, & repeals Ord. 1999-51, Sections of Art. II, V, VI, VII, X, XII
Ord. 2009-45 - Amends and supplements the LDC, Ord. 1999-51, as amended regarding impact fees, as consolidated by Ord. 2005-27
Ord. 2009-48 Amends, supplements, adds, & repeals Sections of Art. VI, IX, XI, XII of the LDC, Ord. 1999-51, as amended
Ord. 2010-17 Amends, supplements, adds, & repeals Sections of Art. V & VI of the LDC, Ord. 99-51, as amended
Ord. 2010-18 Amends, supplements, adds, & repeals Art. XI of the LDC, Ord. 1999-51, as amended
Ord. 2010-23 Amends, supplements, adds, & repeals Art. II, III, V, VI, VII, IX, X, XII, & Appendix B
Ord. 2010-53 Amends, supplements, adds, & repeals Art. III, VI, VII of the LDC, Ord. 1999-51, as amended
Ord. 2011-15 Amends, supplements, adds, & repeals Art. III, VI, XI of the LDC, Ord. 1999-51, as amended
Ord. 2011-24 Amends, supplements, adds, & repeals Art III, X, XII of the LDC, Ord. 1999-51, as amended
Ord. 2011-27 Amends and restates Art II of the LDC, Ord. 1999-51, as amended
Ord. 2011-36 Amends, supplements, adds, and repeals Art. II, VI, X of the LDC, Ord. 1999-51, as amended
Ord. 2011-38 Amends, supplements, adds, and repeals Art. II, VI, VII, XII of the LDC, Ord. 1999-51, as amended
Ord. 2012-2 Amends, restates Art. II, IV, VI, & XII of the LDC, Ord. 1999-51, as amended
Ord. 2012-8 Repeals & reenacts Art. XII of the LDC, Ord. 1999-51, as amended
Ord. 2012-23 Amends, supplements, adds, & repeals Art. III, IV, VI, & XI of the LDC, Ord. 1999-51, as amended
Ord. 2012-32 Amends and restates Art. II of the LDC, Ord. 1999-51, as amended
Ord. 2013-4 Repeals and reenacts Table 2.03.01 of Art II of the LDC, Ord. 1999-51, as amended
Ord. 2013-26 Amends Art. II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, as amended
Ord. 2014-19 Amends and replaces Parts of Art. XI and Appendix A of the LDC, Ord. 1999-51, as amended
Ord. 2015-9 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; amends, repeals, and replaces Art. III of the LDC
Ord. 2015-14 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; Art. II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, IX, X, XII of the LDC
Ord. 2015-42 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; Art. III of the LDC
Ord. 2015-48 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; Art III of the LDC
Ord. 2015-49 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; Art. VI of the LDC
Ord. 2016-13 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; Art. II, IX of the LDC
Ord. 2016-36 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; Art. II, VI, XII of the LDC
Ord. 2017-17 – Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; Art. II, IV, VI of the LDC
Ord. 2017-22 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; Art. VII of the LDC; sign code revision
Ord. 2017-31 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; Art. II & VI of the LDC; relating to the measurement of height for fences, walls, & structures
Ord. 2017-40 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, Art V of the LDC; Architectural Review by Associations
Ord. 2018-5 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; amends Art. III of the LDC; enacting and establishing the Hastings Overlay District
Ord. 2018-16 - Amends & supplements Ord. 1999-51, as amended; amends the consolidated Impact Fee ordinances of the LDC, as consolidated by Ord. 2005-27, as amended
Ord. 2018-24 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; Art. III, VII, & X; relating to standards for signs, architecture, aesthetics, permitting, variances, and relief to LDC regulations
Ord. 2018-41 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; Art. II, VI, IX, XII; relating to alcohol beverage special use permits, fence height measurement, RV parking & boat storage, creation of animal care facilities, & clarifying resubmittal and expiration of development permit applications
Ord. 2018-44 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; Art. VI, XI, Appendix A; relating to Concurrency
Ord. 2018-51 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; Art. III; reduces the number of required members appointed to the Cultural Resources Review Board
Ord. 2018-62 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; Art. II, VI, & XII of the LDC; relating to brewpubs, microbreweries, rural industries, & domestic hens
Ord. 2019-84 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; Art. II, V, VI, IX, XII of the LDC; columnize land use designations and allowable uses, front yard setbacks in PUD'sfor parking of vehicles, building restriction line setbacks, parking requirements for townhomes, mailboxes within R-O-W, easement standards, public notice mailing period
Ord. 2020-23 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; Art. IV regarding protected trees
Ord. 2020-31 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; Art. II, V, VI, XII; to create a new housing zoning designation called "Workforce Housing Zoning District"
Ord. 2020-35 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; Art. VI; providing for the flexibility in roadway design
Ord. 2021-23 - Amends Ord. 1991-51, as amended; to add short term vacation rentals as an allowable accessory use in all zoing districts
Ord. 2021-53 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; to allow for termination of the Family Farm provision and reduce the minimum lot size requirement for PRD
Ord. 2021-55 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; to amend the Workforce Housing Zoning Designation and provide a maximum sales price
Ord. 2022-32 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; Art. III, Part 3.03.00, Flood Damage Control Regulations, and Art. XII, Part 12.01.00, Definitions
Ord. 2022-56 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended; Art. XII, to amend definition of historic property, adding definition of cotributing and noncontributing property
Ord. 2022-57 - Amends Ord. 1991-51, as amended; Art. IV, Section 4.01.09.E.3, lighting management for protection of marine turtles, exterior light fixtures
Ord. 2023-9 - Amends Ord. 1991-51, as amended; Art. II, Sections 2.02.01, 2.03.41, and 2.03.01; Art. VI, Section 6.08.04; Art. XII, to allow veterinary offices and animal hospitals in office and professional services use category
Ord. 2023-24 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended, to amend Art. V, VI, XII; Workforce Housing
Ord. 2024-26 - Amends Ord. 1999-51, as amended, ; amending Article II, part 2.02.00 uses allowed within zoning districts, section 2.02.01 use classifications and definitions to specify the level of special care housing allowed by specific use classifications; amending Article II, part 2.03.00, section 2.03.23; amending Article II, table 2.03.01; amending Article III, part 3.12.00, table 3.12.04; amending Article VI, part 6.08.00, to add section 6.08.44; amending Article XII
Ord. 1997-16 - Procedures and Special Master
Ord. 2006-94 - Established
Ord. 2010-45 Repeals Ord. 2006-94; dissolving the Las Calinas CDD
Ord. 1991-12 - Reimburse County Commissioners, County Public Officers, and Employees
Ord. 2011-4 Provides settlement authority of liability claims
Ord. 2020-8 - Amends Section 1, "Settlement of Certain Claims" and Section 2, "Rejection of Claims"
Ord. 1977-34 - County Public Advisory Board
Ord. 1987-30 - Establish Fine
Ord. 1984-67 - Amended, water/sewer license tax
Ord. 2002-12 - Granting a non-exclusive franchise to Litestream Technologies, LLC to provide cable TV service to an unincorporated area of the county
Ord. 1988-26 -Repealing Ord. 1971-8 & 1978-73
Ord. 2022-6 - Amends Ord. 1988-26, prohibiting littering and the abandonment of cars on public right-of-way; provides for the definitions of "Balloon" and "Sky Lantern"
Ord. 1970-1 - Running at large (Livestock)
Ord. 2022-23 - Levying a one-cent local government surtax on all taxable transactions in SJC; providing: that the levy of the surtax shall not be effective unless approved at a countywide precinct referendum election; that the levy shall be effective for 10 years, beginning January 1, 2023; for distrbution and use of the surtax revenues; and ballot language; directing the supervisor of elections to hold a countywide precinct referendum election on Nov. 8, 2022; etc.
Ord. 1986-61 - Six (6) cents (repealing 4 cents)
Ord. 2003-91 - Supplements Ord. 1986-61; extending the six-cent local option fuel tax
Ord. 2003-104- Emergency Ord.; amends Ord. 2003-91; changes the expiration date of the six cent local option gas tax from 08/31/2033 to 12/31/2032
Ord. 1980-28 - Prohibiting loitering for purposes of prostitution
Ord. 1991-11 - For purpose of illegally using, possessing, transferring or selling a controlled substance
Ord. 2021-67 - CDD established
Ord. 2006-40 Established
Ord. 1980-59 - Promulgates the rates to be charged for product, services, and facilities of the Water System of St. Johns County
Ord. 1986-32 - Amends Ord. 1980-59, as amended; minor and major modifications to the Mainland Water System ordinance
Ord. 1988-23 - Prohibiting cross connections between the County Mainland Water System and other water sources; prohibits cross connections between the Anastasia Sanitary District Water System and other water sources
Ord. 2017-8 – establishes a temporary moratorium for up to 12 months on facilities for Low-THC & medical cannabis and medical marijuana treatment centers
Ord. 1999-54 - Naming the district, describing the external boundaries, describing the functions and powers, and designating a five-member board
Ord. 2002-70 - Expanding the Marshall Creek Community Development District
Ord. 2005-120-Expands the Marshall Creek CDD; describes the boundaries of the expansion area
Ord. 2009-35 Expands the Marshall Creek CDD; describes the external boundaries of the expansion area
Ord. 2006-6 - Establishing an idle speed, no wake zone within a portion of the Matanzas River
Ord. 2006-20 - Establishes an idle speed, no wake zone within a portion of the Matanzas River
Ord. 2020-11 - Establishes a slow speed, minimum wake zone in Matanzas Inlet
Ord. 2004-112 -Removal of abandoned, junk, inoperable, or wrecked motor vehicles from private or public property
Ord. 1999-24
Ord. 2015-17 - Dissolving the Moultrie Creek CDD
MUNICIPAL SERVICE BENEFIT UNIT (MSBU) (Also see Road Improvements & Assessments)
Ord. 1994-12 - Fire Protection established
Ord. 1994-7 - Solid Waste Collection & Recycling established
Ord. 1994-16 - Stormwater Management Utility
Ord. 1994-47 - Amends Solid Waste Collection & Recycling Ord. 1994-7
Ord. 2004-64 - Creation of MSBUs in rights-of-way
Ord. 2007-1 Established
Ord. 2015-19 - Repeals & replaces Ord. 2011-35
Ord. 2021-9 - Amending Ord. 2015-19, establishing regulations for the control of noise, spcifically Section 7 entitled Granfathering, Vesting and Priority, to provide for certain noise producing public service activity
Ord. 1970-3 - Water franchise Frank D. & John F. Usina
Ord. 2014-25 Repeals Ord. 2003-18; dissolving and terminating the CDD
Ord. 2000-47 - Imposing a moratorium on Comp Plan and Zoning changes
Ord. 2001-77 - Imposing a moratorium on Comp Plan and Zoning changes within the Northwest Sector Study Area
Ord. 2002-02 - Imposing a moratorium on Comp Plan and Zoning changes within the Northwest Sector Study Area
Ord. 1992-12 - Prohibited in certain public places
Ord. 1993-33 - Amends Ord. 1992-12 in reference to breast-feeding
Ord. 1993-25 - Public Nuisance defined; makes it unlawful to cause, allow, or permit a public nuisance within De Leon Shores Subdivisions or Wellington by the Sea Subdivision Unit 1
Ord. 1993-26 - Public Nuisance defined; makes it unlawful to cause, allow, or permit a public nuisance within certain subdivisions within certain subdivisions within the Municipal Service District of Ponte Vedra Beach
Ord. 2014-29 Repeals & replaces Ord. 2012-10; regulation and control of public nuisances within the West Augustine CRA
OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES (Also see Code of Ordinance and Contractors)
Ord. 1976-23
Ord. 1987-36 - Amend fees
Ord. 1987-50 - Amend fees emergency
Ord. 1993-4 - Amends Ord. 1987-36, provides for the County to purchase licenses for private occupations and events that serve a public purpose
Ord. 2004-76 - Creation of an oil and grease management plan
Ord. 2008-40 Replaces Ord. 2004-76; oil and grease management program requirements
Ord. 2008-1 Adopting the list of permitted investments
Ord. 2024-17 - Establishing the Orange Branch CDD
Ord. 1976-12 - Regulating
Ord. 1978-78 - Amended
Ord. 2023-18 - Establishing a Slow Speed Minimum Wake Boating Restricted Area within a Portion of Pablo Creek
Ord. 2024-20 - Establishing a Slow Speed Minimum Wake Boating Restricted Area within a Portion of Pablo Creek
Ord. 2010-51 Regulations established
Ord. 1988-13
Ord. 1989-57 - Authorizing Clerk of Court to supply DMV with list of persons with outstanding parking violations
Ord. 1990-69 - Requiring the Clerk of Courts or Traffic Violations Bureau to perform certain duties pertaining to violations of FS 316.1955 & 316.1956 & similar Ordinances regulating parking in spaces designated for use by disabled persons
Ord. 2015-30 - Repealed Ord. 2006-58; creates the St. Johns County Parking Ordinance
Ord. 2006-68 - Amends certain parking provisions in Ord. 2003-5, Ponte Vedra Zoning District regulations
Ord. 2021-32 - Amends Ord. 2003-5, 2006-68, as amended
Ord. 2022-21 - Amends Section III of the Ponte Vedra Zoning District Regulations, Ord. 2003-5 as amended; to modify driveway separation requirements and limitations
Ord. 2025-1 - Amends Subsection XI.D, Section IX, Ponte Vedra Zoning District Regulations, Ordinance No. 2003-05, to add parking requirements and restrictions for San Juan Drive
Ord. 2018-14 - Establishes the Parkland Preserve Community Development District
PARKS, PUBLIC (Also see conduct on County Property reg.)
Ord. 1972-3
Ord. 2005-114 - Adoption of rules and regulations to various county parks
PAVING & DRAINAGE ORDINANCE (See Part 06.04.00 of the LDR)
Ord. 1996-40 - Roadway and Drainage Standards
See: Land Development Code; Section 2.04.06; Mobile Sales Units on Un-improved Property
Ord. 2023-16 - relating to pedestrian and vehicle safety with public roads and rights-of-way
Ord. 1991-45 - Relocated to St. Johns County
Ord. 1986-2 - Fees
Ord. 1981-68 - Structured
Ord. 1981-69 - Combine Zoning Board
Resolution 198595 - Seal
Ord. 1985-65 - Appeal procedures
Ord. 1991-15 - Amends Ord. 19765
Ord. 1993-3 - Reduces membership from 9 to 7; sets terms of members
Ord. 2002-43 - Amending Section 8.01.02 of Article VIII of the LDC, regarding PZA membership
Ord. 2017-59 - Created the MSTUs for the dune and beach restoration for Ponte Vedra and Vilano Beaches
Ord. 1980-49
Ord. 1981-14 - Amend Ord. 198049
Ord. 1982-23 - Budget
Ord. 1982-41 - Reestablished
Ord. 1982-73 - Joint tax revenues
Ord. 1982-74 - Joint trustees elections
Resolution 1983-20 - Boundary amended
Ord. 1983-35 - Expand services; amend charter
Ord. 2021-85 - Repealing Ord. 2018-59; replacing the Ponte Vedra Beach and Dune Restoration MSTU with two new MSTUs
Ord. 2006-68 - Amends certain parking provisions in Ord. 2003-5, Ponte Vedra Zoning District regulations
Ord. 2021-32 - Amends Ord. 2003-5, 2006-68, as amended
Ord. 2022-21 - Amends Section III of the Ponte Vedra Zoning District Regulations, Ord. 2003-5 as amended; to modify driveway separation requirements and limitations
Ord. 2022-37 - Amends, restates, consolidates, supplements, and replaces Ord. 2006-4, 2013-13, & 2016-45; completes the consolidation of the Main System and Ponte Vedra Systems; adopts utility rate tariff; and adopts updated the Utility Standards Manual
Ord. 2003-23 - Requires owners within the Ponte Vedra Wastewater Assessment area to connect to central sewer line as required by Res. 2002-245
Ord. 2020-65 - Establishing CDD
Ord. 2021-37 - Amends Ord. 2020-65, relating to Premium Pointe CDD
Ord. 2024-56 - Amends Ord. 2020-65, and grants the petition for the contraction of the Elevation Pointe CDD
Ord. 1996-73 - Repeals Ord. 1996-59 and readopts an amended version
Ord. 1980-28
Ord. 1996-63 - Amends Ord. 1991-6, as amended; amendments to the Concurrency Exemption Ordinance
Ord. 1996-40
"No Information"
Ord. 2011-17 Establishes procedures and requirements for real property acquisition, disposition, exchange, and leasing
Ord. 1990-67
Ord. 2003-79 - Repeals Ord. 1990-67, which created a CRA and is no longer necessary due to the creation of the current CRA
Ord. 2017-41 - Establishes notice proceedings for architectural permits received in communities RARAs
Ord. 2013-38 Repeals Ord. Nos. 1972-1, 1973-3, 1974-8, 1978-76, 1978-80, 1979-57, 1982-59, 1982-62, 1985-66, 1986-16, 1986-47, 1987-14, 1992-33, 1993-5, 1993-6, 1993-7, 1994-17, 1994-19, 1995-16, 1995-68, 1995-70, 1997-1, 1997-2, 1997-38, 1997-40, 1998-37, 1998-42, 1998-66, 1998-67, 1999-4, 1999-69, 2000-49 and 2000-64
Ord. 2014-14 Repeals Ord. Nos. 1972-4, 1973-2, 1976-21, 1976-31, 1978-27, 1978-30, 1978-39, 1978-79, 1979-24, 1979-60, 1980-29, 1981-26, 1983-55, 1986-12, 1986-18, 1986-80, 1987-24, 1987-42, 1987-43, 1988-32, 1988-48, 1989-33, 1990-4, 1990-17, 1990-20, 1991-28, 1991-47, 1991-51, 1992-13, 1992-28, 1993-1, 1993-11, 1993-28, 1994-56, 1994-58, 1995-1, 1996-29, 1996-39, 1996-52, 1998-18, and 2003-52
Ord. 2014-20 Repeals Ord. Nos. 1971-1, 1971-2, 1971-7, 1973-9, 1974-5, 1974-10, 1974-11, 1977-10, 1981-27, 1981-71, 1982-8, 1982-24, 1983-16, 1983-25, 1983-28, 1984-9, 1985-35, 1985-42, 1985-74, 1986-60, 1986-66, 1988-62, 1989-63, 1990-18, 1990-19, 1990-25, 1991-4, 1991-19, 1992-26, 1993-12, 1993-35, 1993-48, 1995-14, 1996-10, 1996-13, 1996-30, 1997-8, 1997-51, 1997-62, 1998-25, 1999-16, 1999-30, 1999-45, 1999-46, 1999-70, 2000-20, 2000-31, 2000-45, 2001-25, 2006-73, 2006-118, 2008-34, 2011-1, and 2011-19
Ord. 2014-34 Repeals Ord. Nos. 1975-8, 1977-7, 1978-33, 1978-59, 1981-18, 1988-43, 1988-49, and 2002-57
Ord. 2015-31 - Repeals Ord. Nos. 1981-16, 1982-13, 1988-10, 1994-37, 1995-22, 1996-72, 1998-48, 1998-57, 2008-33, 2008-42, 2008-43, Emergency Proclamations 2008-1, 2008-2
Ord. 2016-58 – Repeals Ord. 1970-4, 1972-6, 1974-9, 1975-1, 1977-18, 1978-57, 1979-1, 1979-23, 1980-2, 1980-24, 1981-28, 1981-62, 1981-83, 1982-17, 1984-31, 1984-62, 1985-75, 1986-83, 1986-93, 1987-32, 1987-61, 1987-62, 1987-63, 1988-38, 1988-42, 1988-54, 1989-52, 1990-10, 1990-32, 1990-59, 1991-5, 1991-9, 1991-31, 1991-39, 1992-1, 1993-39, 1994-27, 1995-64, 1997-68, 1998-1, 1998-11, 1998-22, 2001-19, 2002-1, 2005-1, 2005-88, 2008-45; 2009-61, and 2010-52
Ord. 2018-60 - Repeals Ord. 2017-59
Ord. 2018-26 - CDD established
Ord. 2019-71 - Expanding and contracting the boundaries of the CDD
Ord. 2020-7 - CDD established
Ord. 2000-59 - Restricting the use of County Roads located within Residential subdivisions
Ord. 2012-35 Establishes adopted design criteria and standards for existing county roads in environmentally challenging locations
ROAD IMPROVEMENTS, ASSESSMENTS (Also see individual road names)
Ord. 1996-53 - Repeals Ord. 1996-14
Ord. 2002-18 - Amends Ord. 1996-53 to provide methodology in determining interest rate for road improvement cost associated with MSBUs
Ordinance Book S
Ord. 1981-56 - Establishment
Ord. 2021-81 - Established
Ord. 2003-12 - Naming the district
Ord. 2022-22 - Establishing the St. Johns County Purchasing Policy, which shall govern the County's procurement and contracting operations for goods, services, and construction; rescinding St. Johns County Administrative Code Section 300
Ord. 2024-21 - Amends Ord. No. 2022-22, specifically Section 2, Section 3, and Section 16.3
(See unsafe building abatement)
Ord. 2000-48
Ord. 2008-49 Amends Ord. 2000-48, Standard Unsafe Building Abatement Code
Ord. 1996-20 - Establishes a slow speed/minimum wake zone in Salt Run
Ord. 1998-6 - Establishes a slow speed/minimum wake zone
Ord. 2020-64 - Disolving and terminating the Sandy Creek CDD; provides for the repeal of Ord. 2004-23
SCALLOP SHELLS (Also see Ord. 19854)
Ord. 1985-5 - Regulations
Ord. 1997-69
Ord. 1998-2 -Amends, clarifies, and restates Ord. 1997-15 re: communication towers
Ord. 1999-5 - Amends Ord. 1997-15
Ord. 1999-6 - Amends Ord. 1997-16
Ord. 1999-8 - Amends Ord. 1997-15
Ord. 2021-31 - relating to trespass warnings on county property
Ord. 2009-36 - Prohibits the presence of registered sexual offenders and sexual predators within 300' of specified locations designed for children
Ord. 2009-43 - Prohibits holiday activity for sexual offenders and sexual predators
Ord. 2023-45 - Amends Ord. 2009-43; prohibits holiday activity for sexual offenders and sexual predators
Ord. 1976-17 - Liability Insurance
Ord. 1994-48 - Current Sheriff of the County shall be the Chief Correctional Officer
Ord. 1990-47 - Creating a Career Service Act
Ord. 1999-61 - Amends Ord. 1990-47
Ord. 2013-1 Amends Ord. 1999-61
SIGNS, BILLBOARDS, ETC. (See Article VII of the LDR)
Ord. 1983-24 - Regulated
Ord. 1990-9 - Amends and restates sign ord. 198324
Ord. 1990-62 - Amends Ord. 19909
Ord. 1991-42 - Amends Ord. 19909
Ord. 1998-12 - Implementing a Temporary Abeyance
Ord. 1998-54 - Extends temporary abeyance to October 15, 1998
Ord. 1998-63 - Extends temporary abeyance to December 8, 1998
Ord. 1998-79 - Extends temporary abeyance to March 1, 1999
Ord. 1999-14 - Clarifies Ord. 1998-79
Ord. 1999-15 - Deletes Ord. 1990-9; 1990-62; 1991-42
Ord. 1999-35 - Deletes Ord. 1999-15
Now a part of the LDC (Ord. 1999-51, 1999-60 and 2000-26)
SLOW SPEED/MINIMUM WAKE ZONES (Also look for listing under location name)
Ord. 1996-20 - Salt Run
Ord. 1998-6 - Repeals and replaces Ord. 1996-20
Ord. 2006-20 - Establishes an idle speed, no wake zone within a portion of the Matanzas River
Ord. 1994-7 - Established
Ord. 1994-47 - Amends Ord. 1994-7
Ord. 1994-60 - Amends Ord. 1989-20; changes the date the non ad valorem assessments shall be levied
Ord. 1997-37 - Amends Ord. 1994-7 - Deletes and replaces Sections 13, 24 and 33, changing the date, residences, dwelling units and habitats are counted for purposes of assessment
Ord. 2006-98 Amends, combines & supplements Ord. 1989-20, 1989-58, 1990-31, 1990-58, 1990-64, 1991-10, 1991-33, 1992-14, 1992-39, 1993-44, 1994-60, 1997-28, & 1999-27
Ord. 2017-39 - Solid Waste and Recyclable Materials Management, collection, and disposal; repealed Ord. 1989-20, 1992-14, 1994-7, 1994-47, 1994-60, 1997-37, 1999-27, 2006-98
Ord. 2014-22 - Establishes the Southaven CDD
Ord. 2019-25 - Creation of the South Ponte Vedra Boulevard Dune and Beach Restoration MSTU & the Coastal Highway Dune and Beach Restoration MSTU
Ord. 1997-16
Ord. 1994-45 - Resolving disputes from County activities associated with planning, design or construction
Ord. 2020-49 - Establishment of the Stillwater CDD
Ord. 1994-16
Ord. 1994-51 - Amends Ord. 1994-16; revises references to St. Johns River Management District rules and regulations
Ord. 2006-62 - Implementation of a Stormwater Management Program
Ord. 1978-38 - Adopted
Ord. 1979-9 - Amended
Ord. 1979-82 - Amended
Ord. 1980-66 - Amended
Ord. 1982-6 - Amended
Ord. 1982-11 - Amended
Ord. 1984-60 - Amended
Ord. 1986-5 - Amended re: bonding
Ord. 1986-24 - Amended re: waivers
Ord. 1986-75 - Amended re: fire protection
Ord. 2005-85 - Imposing a moratorium on building permits within a portion of Summer Haven, Blocks 3-65
Ord. 2006-15 - Creation of the Summerhaven Municipal Service Taxing Unit (MSTU)
Ord. 2006-114 Extending a moratorium on building permits
Ord. 2007-75 Extending a moratorium on building permits
Ord. 2008-45 Discontinuing a temporary moratorium on certain building permits
Ord. 2013-12 Amends Ord. 2008-45; repealing Section 3
SURPLUS PUBLIC FUNDS (Also see investments)
Ord. 1992-20 - Authorizing the investment of
Ord. 2014-31 Adopting the list of permitted investments for surplus public funds
Ord. 2006-59 Establishment of the Sweetwater Creek CDD
TARGET INDUSTRY STUDY (Business Incentive Program)
Ord. 2002-47 - Approves and adopts the SJC Target Industry Study and implements the Business Incentive Program
(See Business Incentive Program)
Anastasia Mosquito Control District Ch. 388, F.S., 612745
Anastasia Sanitary District 571783
Elkton Drainage District Ch. 157.29, F.S.; 75901917
Historical St. Augustine Preservation Board Commission Ch. 266, F.S.; 631848
Ponte Vedra Zoning District 652171
St. Augustine Airport Authority 691541/631853
St. Augustine Port, Water & Beach District 70922
St. Johns Soil & Water Conservation District Ch. 582, F.S. 16 Mile Creek Water Control
Ch. 298, F.S. Circuit Ct. Decree Street Lighting District #1 67850
Fire Control Unit county Ord. 746; F.S. 125.01 (1) (d) (q)
Hastings Drainage District Ch. 157.29 F.S.; 64581915
St. Johns River Water Management District Ch. 373 FS amended
Resolution 1986-100 - Expand boundaries of Ponte Vedra Municipal Service District by election
Ord. 2005-86 - Establishment of a teen court fee ordinance
Ord. 1997-68 - Emergency Ordinance implementing a temporary abeyance
Ord. 1998-1 - Implementing a temporary abeyance
Ord. 1987-32 - County- wide Cable TV franchise
Ord. 1988-54 - Conditionally consenting transfer to Continental Cablevision of Jacksonville
Ord. 2000-44
Ord. 2013-36 Restricting the display and sale of flavored tobacco products
Ord. & Res. 1986-62 - Establishing and appointing Tourist Development Council and indicating intent to levy tax
Ord. 1986-72 Levy and impose a 2% Tourist Development Tax pursuant to the Local Option Tourist Development Act
Ord. 1988-27 - Amending Ord. 1986-62 and 1986-72
Ord. 1994-52 - Amends Ord. 1986-62 and Res. 1986-62; amends the provision regarding the appointment of the County Commission member to the TDC and the appointment of the TDC's chair
Ord. 1996-71 - Amends Ord. 1986-62; appointment of members to the TDC
Ord. 1986-72 Levy and impose a 2% Tourist Development Tax pursuant to the Local Option Tourist Development Act
Ord. 1988-27 - Establishing and appointing Tourist Development Council and indicating intent to levy tax Ord. and Res. 1986-62, Established Ord. 1986-72, Amending Ord. 1986-62 and 1986-72
Ord. 1991-44 - Increased by one (1) percent
Ord. 1992-18 - Amending Ord. 1988-27, as amended, which amends Ord. 198662 and 198672, specifies the enforcement powers of the Clerk of the Circuit Court to collect delinquent taxes together with interest and penalties
Ord. 1998-32 - Amends Ord. 1986-72 as amended, provides additional power to the Clerk, amends record requirements, provides audit assessment procedures, provides when an assessment or denial of refund becomes final
Ord. 2009-62 Levies and imposes an additional 1% Tourist Development Tax
Ord. 2010-2 Amends Ord. 2009-62; levies and imposes an additional 1% Tourist Development Tax
Ord. 2010-12 Repeals Ord. 1992-32, amends Ord. 86-72 & 91-44; provides that the 40-30-30 spending categorires can not be changed without a referendum election
Ord. 2010-13 Amends Ord. 1986-72, as previously amended; amends and changes the Tourist Development Plan
Ord. 2011-31 Amends, changes, & restates Ord. 2010-13 & 86-72, Tourist Development Plan
Ord. 2019-24 - Amends Ord. 2011-31, as amended; Tourist Development Plan
Ord. 2021-43 - Amends Ord. 1986-72 and 2011-31, as previously amended; amends Ord. 2019-24; levies and imposes an additional 1% tourist development tax and amends, revises, and restates the County's Tourist Development Plan
Ord. 2024-42 - Amends Ord. 2011-31, amending the SJC Tourist Development Plan, Section 2, use and allocation of tax revenues to remove the funding limits for special event and visitor information centers
Ord. 2015-43 - establishes a slow speed, minimum wake boating-restricted area
Resolution 1992-34 - Uniform method of collecting nonad valorem assessments
Ord. 2013-23 Dredging improvements to the Treasure Beach Canals; creates and establishes the Treasure Beach Canal MSBU to finance improvements
Ord. 2017-63 - Regulates the use of conty-owned canals within the Treasure Beach MSBU; created by Ord. 2013-23; repeals Ord. 1997-54 & 1999-7
Ord. 2015-61 - Treaty Oaks CDD dissolution; repeals Ord. No. 2006-87
Ord. 2005-16 - Removal of certain unsafe trees
Ord. 2006-5 - Establishing an idle speed, no wake zone for Trout Creek
Ord. 2014-44 - Establishing the CDD
Ord. 2021-46 - Amends Ord. 2014-44 and grants the petition for the expansion of the Trout Creek CDD
Ord. 2004-47- Established
Ord. 2006-77 - Expanding the Turnbull Creek CDD
Ord. 2016-15 - CDD established
Ord. 2016-62 – Amends Ord. 2016-15, and grants the petition for contraction of the Twin Creeks North CDD
Ord. 1970-3 -Water franchise
UNSAFE BUILDING ABATEMENT (See St. Johns County Standard Unsafe Building Abatement)
Ord. 2000-48
VACATION RENTALS, SHORT TERM - (See Land Development Code)
Ord. 2013-14 Establishes an idle speed, no wake zone on the Tolomato River surrounding a floating dock on the Vilano Fishing Pier
Established House Bill 2259, Laws of Florida 67850
BCC Minutes Book V, Pages 118119, 1968
Ord. 1996-36
WAKE ZONES (Also look for listing by location)
Ord. 1996-20 - Salt Run
Ord. 2001-8 - Establishing a slow speed/minimum wake zone in San Sebastian River
Ord. 2006-5 - Establishing an idle speed, no wake zone in Trout Creek
Ord. 2006-6 - Establishing an idle speed, no wake zone within a portion of the Matanzas River
Ord. 2013-14 Establishes an idle speed, no wake zone on the Tolomato River surrounding a floating dock on the Vilano Fishing Pier
Ord. 1997-33 - For exception, variances and appeals
Ord. 1988-49 - Authorizing the acquisition & construction of solid waste disposal facilities
Ord. 2008-57 Revoking all powers and duties of the WSA; rescinding all previous ordinances; transferring jurisdiction to the Florida Public Service Commission
Ord. 1989-21 - Rates, etc. (See Mainland Water System)
Ord. 1993-24 - Granting a water and sewer franchise to Northwest Utilities I, Inc.
Ord. 1999-36 - Regulating Construction, Use & Provision of water & Wastewater within the City of St. Augustine
Ord. 2013-21 Authorizes the creation of Utility Line Improvement MSBUs
Ord. 2022-37 - Amends, restates, consolidates, supplements, and replaces Ord. 2006-4, 2013-13, & 2016-45; completes the consolidation of the Main System and Ponte Vedra Systems; adopts utility rate tariff; and adopts updated the Utility Standards Manual
WELLS, RULES & REGULATIONS OF (See 3.02.00 of the LDR)
Ord. 1999-71 - Relating to requirements for construction of water wells within a designated unincorporated area of St. Johns County
Ord. 2001-70 - Creating and providing for appropriation of tax increment revenues and expenditures in the trust fund and delegating authority to the West Augustine Redevelopment Agency to administer the fund
Ord. 2002-64 - Amending Ord. 2001-70, pertaining to the West Augustine Redevelopment Trust Fund and creating separate accounts for West Augustine, Vilano Beach and Flagler Estates Communites Redevelopment Areas
Ord. 1979-52 - Water franchise
Ord. 2001-73 - Establishes a wind-borne debris region within SJC pursuant to the State of Florida Building Code
Ord. 2003-100 - Established CDD
Ord. 2021-16 - Amends Ord. 2003-100; Expansion of the World Commerce CDD
Ord. 2015-50 - Repeals Ord. 1985-9, 2003-42 - Creates the St. Johns County Wrecker Ordinance
ZONING BOARD (See Planning & Zoning Agency)
Formation of Minutes Book Z Page 421
Ord. 1981-68 - Combined with Planning Agency
Ord. 1978-1
Ord. 1978-58 -Amended
Ord. 1981-80 -Amended
Ord. 1979-61 - Amended/previously recorded plats in OR
Ord. 1979-62 - Amended/modifies RG2 zoning
Ord. 1979-79 - Amended/RG2 & RG2B height limit
Ord. 1979-81 - Amended/regarding height limit
Ord. 1979-83 - Amended/recording plats in OR zoning
Ord. 1980-33 - Amended/aircraft manufacturing
Ord. 1980-38 -Amended/RMHS class mobile homes
Ord. 1980-64 -Amended/modify definition variance
Ord. 1980-66 -Amended/final plat approval
Ord. 1981-4 - Include PSD classification
Ord. 1981-6 - Amended/permits and fees
Ord. 1981-14 - Amended/PUD for specific
Ord. 1981-17 - Amended/increase PSD size
Ord. 1981-41 - Amended/flea markets
Ord. 1981-55 - Mobile homes on nonconforming lots
Ord. 1981-69 - Amended/Zoning combined with Planning
Ord. 1981-70 - Modify height regulations
Ord. 1981-82 -Private roads or easements intersections
Ord. 1982-7 - Amend/height limit in RG1
Ord. 1982-15 - Amend/BCC approve height exception
Ord. 1982-23 - Fee for services
Resolutions 1982-52 and 1982-53
5/11/82, Book 6, Page 637, et seq.
Ord. 1982-40 - Amend/off street loading/parking
Ord. 1982-28 - Rezoning conditions
Ord. 1982-29 - Define side of building
Ord. 1982-30 - Define flea market
Ord. 1982-58 - Appeals procedure
Ord. 1983-5 - Amended/PSDPUD expired
Ord. 1983-23 - Amended/road approval
Ord. 1984-4 - Amended/temporary use
Ord. 1984-22 - Amended - height of building
Resolution 198479 fees for services
Ord. 1984-51 - Amended
Increases in permitted height by variance Animal food processing plants only by exception in OR Easement ingress/egress considered street; Deletes animal food processing from permitted if IW currently existing plants are grandfathered
Ord. 1985-4 - Amended/scallop shells
Ord. 1985-5 -Amended/scallop shells
Ord. 1985-8 - Amended/amendment requirements
Ord. 1985-31 -Amended/minor changes on PUD FDP
Ord. 1985-34 -Amended/alcoholic beverage as accessory use in OR
Ord. 1986-31 - Amended/mobile homes nondwelling; minor modifications to PUD's; time waiver
Ord. 1995-4 -Amends Ord. 1973-1, 1973-4, 1973-5, 1974-3, 1977-6; distance requirements between certain alcoholic beverage vendors
Ord. 1996-9 -Amends Ord. 1973-1, 1973-4, 1973-5, 1974-3, 1977-6 and 1988-12, establishes distance requirements between alcoholic beverage vendors
Ord. 1997-5 - Amends Ord. 1973-1, 1973-4, 1973-5, 1974-3, and 1977-6, creating a new part entitled "Communication Towers"
Ord. 1997-15 - Enacting and establishing a comprehensive zoning code by repealing Ords. 1973-1, 1973-4, 1973-5, 1974-3, and 1977-6, as amended
Ord. 1997-58 - Amends Ord. 1997-15 - Implement the local Comprehensive Plan for Planned Rural Development
Ord. 1998-10 - Amends County Ord. 1997-15, defining and clarifying ports and marinas
Classification created, 10/08/74, Minutes Book 1, Pages 69596
Seaview Park #1 & #3 rezoned, 11/12/74, Minutes Book 1, Page 723
Amendments, 08/19/75 Book 2, Page 321
Ord. 1978-65 - Amended
Ord. 1995-59 - Amendments
Ord. 1997-57 - Amends Ord. 1995-59 enacting and establishing a special overlay district
Ord. 1998-9 - Amendments readopting and restating the Ponte Vedra District
Ord. 1998-10 - Amends and clarifies the definition of marina
Ord. 1998-13 - Amendments establishing a new zoning district
Ord. 1998-39 - Adopts, readopts, and restates Ponte Vedra District regulations
Ord. 1999-19 - Amends Ord. 1997-15
Ord. 1999-20 - Amends Ord. 1998-9; repeals Ord. 1997-57
Ord. 1999-40 - Amending Ord. 1998-9
Ord. 1999-43 - Amending Ord. 1998-9, 1998-39 and 1999-20
Ord. 2000-63 - Amending Ord. 1998-9, 1998-39, 1999-20, and 1999-43
Ord. 2003-5 - Amends, readopts, & restates Ord. 1998-9, 1998-39, 1999-20, 1999-43 and 2000-63
Ord. 2006-68 Amends Ord. 2003-5; Ponte Vedra Zoning District regulations; regulating the parking of vehicles on Ponte Vedra Blvd
Ord. 2011-20 Amends, supplements, adds, and repeals the Ponte Vedra District regulations, Ord. 2003-5
Ord. 2018-15 - Amends the Ponte Vedra Zoning District regulations, Ord. 2011-20, as amended
Ord. 2020-38 - Amends the Ponte Vedra Zoning District regulations, Ord. 2011-20, as amended
Ord. 2021-32 - Amends Ord. 2003-5, 2006-68, as amended
Ord. 2022-21 - Amends Section III of the Ponte Vedra Zoning District Regulations, Ord. 2003-5 as amended; to modify driveway separation requirements and limitations
District A (NOW IN THE LDR)
Ord. 1973-1
Ord. 1995-4 - Amends Ord. 1973-1, 1973-4, 1973-5, 1974-3, & 1977-6: Distance requirements between certain alcoholic beverage vendors
Ord. 1995-9 - Amends Ord. 73-1; amends definition of Home Occupation and Home Office
District B (NOW IN THE LDR)
Ord. 1973-4
Ord. 1995-4 - Amends Ord. 1973-1, 1973-4, 1973-5, 1974-3, and 1977-6: Distance requirements between certain alcoholic beverage vendors.
Ord. 1995-9 -Amends Ord. 1973-4; amends definition of Home Occupation and Home Office.
District C (NOW IN THE LDR)
Ord. 1973-5
Ord. 1974-2 - Amended (Striking Section 1114)
Ord. 1995-4 - Amends Ord. 1973-1, 1973-4, 1973-5, 1974-3, and 1977-6: Distance requirements between certain alcoholic beverage vendors
Ord. 1995-9 - Amends Ord. 1973-5; amends definition of Home Occupation and Home Office
District D (NOW IN THE LDR)
Ord. 1974-3
Ord. 1974-21 - Amended/units per acre
Ord. 1975-17 - Amended/storage in commercial
Ord. 1976-24 - Amended/lot size mobile homes
Ord. 1977-2 - Amended/uses in OR
Ord. 1977-16 - Amended/amending OR uses, size
Ord. 1995-4 - Amends Ord. 1973-1, 1973-4, 1973-5, 1974-3, and 1977-6: Distance requirements between certain alcoholic beverage vendors
Ord. 1995-9 - Amends Ord. 1974-3; amends definition of Home Occupation and Home Office
District E (NOW IN THE LDR)
Ord. 1977-6
Ord. 1977-17 - Amended/nonconforming lots of record
Ord. 1978-75 - Amended/penalties
Ord. 1988-12 - Amends Ordiances 19731, 19734, 19735, 19743 and 19776 (Comprehensive Zoning Codes) adds Sec. 71613 (Alcoholic Beverage Establishments).
Ord. 1988-13 - Amends Ordinances 19731, 19734, 19735, 19743 and 19776 (Comprehensive Zoning Codes) adds Sec. 581 (v) Palmist, astrologist, psychics, clairvoyants, phrenologist and similar uses
Ord. 1989-4 - Amends Ordinances 19731, 19734, 19735, 19743 and 19776 (Comprehensive Zoning Codes) Places a maximum height of 35' on lands currently zoned CHT, CI, IW and OR, within the Coastal Corridor area, etc.
Ord. 1989-19 - Amends Ordinances 19731, 19734, 19735, 19743 and 19776 (Comprehensive Zoning Codes) provides quorum and voting requirements for the Planning and Zoning Agency
Ord. 1990-28 - Amends Ordinances 19731, 19734, 19735, 19743 and 19776 (Comprehensive Zoning Codes) provides for the maximum height of structures in the RS1 Single Family Residential District, to be 35 feet
Ord. 1990-33 - Amends Ordinaces 19731, 19734, 19735, 19743 and 19776 (Comprehensive Zoning Codes) disallows the erection of more than one main use structure on a recorded, or legally documented unrecorded, residential s/d; etc.
Ord. 1990-52 - Amends Ordinances 19731, 19734, 19735, 19743 and 19776 (Comprehensive Zoning Codes) and Ordinance 199033
Ord. 1993-3 - Amends Ordinances 1973-1, 1973-4, 1973-5, 1974-3, and 1977-6 (Comprehensive Zoning Code; Amends Ordinances 1976-5, 1981-68 (Creates PZA); reduces PZA membership from 9 to 7; increases terms from 3 to 4 years
Ord. 1995-4 - Amends Ord. 1973-1, 1973-4, 1973-5, 1974-3, and 1977-6: Distance requirements between certain alcoholic beverage vendors
Ord. 1995-9 - Amends Ord. 1977-6; amends definition of Home Occupation and Home Office