Ord. 2024-36 - IW to CI with conditions
Ord. 2022-17 - IW, with conditions to CW
Ord. 2024-48 - CHT to PUD
500 SR SR 16
Ord. 2013-24 – CG & RS-3 to PUD
4 Lakes Camprground
Ord. 2024-52 - OR to CR
4656 First Avenue
Ord. 2024-4 - CG to RS-3
Ord. 2022-44 - OR to PUD
6377 A1A South
Ord. 2021-27 - CN to RMH-S
6381 A1A South
Ord. 2021-75 - CN to RMH(S)
1125 Commercial
Ord. 2018-18 - OP to CI with conditions
1401 SR 207
Ord. 2009-25 - OR to CI
1885 SR 207
Ord. 2009-40 - OR to CI
1974 State Road 16
Ord. 2024-40 - OR and CI to CI
2885 Coastal Highway
Ord. 2023-3 - CHT to RS-3
2890 Hilltop Road
Ord. 2022-82 - CHT to RMH-S
3085 Commercial
Ord. 2023-11 - CI with three conditions to CI with one condition
5215 US 1 South
Ord. 2016-12 - PSD to CI
5461 & 5467 A1A S.
Ord. 2023-51 - CG to RS-3
5900 US 1 South
Ord. 2022-35 - OR to CG
A‑1‑A West PUD/Fla. Fairfield Co./The Fla. Co.
Ord. 1984‑29 - OR to PUD
Ord. 1986‑13 - OR to PUD
Ord. 2007-83 – Major modification to PUD Ord. 1984-29
Ord. 2014-52 - Major modification to Ord. 1984-29, as amended
Ord. 2018-27 - Major modification to the Fairfield at Ponte Vedra PUD, Ord. 1984-29, as amended
Aberdeen PUD
Ord. 2004-21- OR to PUD
Ord. 2016-21 - Major modification to the Aberdeen PUD, Ord. 2004-21, as amended
Aboud, Richard, et ux
Ord. 1979‑85
Absolute Development
Ord. 1997-19 - PSD
Absolute Development PUD
Ord. 2004-74 - PSD to PUD
Ord. 2018-55 - Major modification to the Absolute Development PUD, Ord. 2004-74, as amended
Adair's Unrecorded S/D
Ord. 1979‑6
Adams Acres
Ord. 2015-63 - IW to CG
Adlouni, Issam M. and Aminej
Ord. 1986‑41 - PSD
Ord. 2002-49 - Rezoning lands from CG to CI
Adjloni, Sam and Amine
Ord. 1990‑14
Adjloni, Sam, Amine and Erika Eickhoff - A & E Plaza PSD
Ord. 1997-59
Ag Center Boat and RV
Ord. 2021-26 - CG with conditions to CI
Ahern, Fred L. and the Estate of Lenore Anderson
Ord. 1993-45
Ord. 2007-73 - Major mod to Ord. 1993-45, as amended; Camarda Financial Advisors (formerly known as Ponce De Leon Professional Centre PSD)
Airport One Parcel 2
Ord. 2023-41 - CG to CI, with conditions
Airport Rezoning
Ord. 2014-1 – RS-3 & CG to AD
Airborne Trucking
Ord. 2006-17 - OR to CG
Airport Authority
Ord. 1995-31 (see also St.
Augustine/St. Johns)
Ord. 1995-32
Ord. 1996-27
Ord. 2007-6 – RS-3, CI, & OR to
Airport Commerce Park
Ord. 2008-32 – CI w/conditions, AD,
PSD, CG, & RS-3 to CG
Albers, Melissa
Ord. 2001-14
Albury Lore
Ord. 2022-3 - OR to PUD
Alcantara, Wendel, Wendal, Meyer
Ord. 1981‑53
Alcazar Gardens
Ord. 1996-56
Alcoholic Rehabilitation Center/Second Wind, Inc.
Ord. 1975‑6
Allgood, Howard and Shirley
Ord. 1987-55 - Rezoning from OR to CI w/ certain conditions
Alkhourly, Sam
Ord. 1988‑4
Allscape Rezoning
Ord. 2013-3 – IW to CW
ALSOP Race Track Road Commericla PUD
Ord. 2024-44 - OR to PUD for approximately 10.64 acres of land, located on the South Side of Race Track Road and West of St. Johns Parkway
Altosino, Michael and Laska K.
Ord. 1987‑22
AMG Service Center
Ord. 2019-48 - CI with conditions to CI with conditions
AML Extreme Powder Coating
Ord. 2012-26 – OR to CW
Amonette, Daniel H. and Nancy
Ord. 1984‑59
Amos, Melba A.
Ord. 1983‑1
(Also see Michael Fletcher Ord. 1991‑29)
Anastasia Baptist Church
Ord. 2010-10 – PSD to OR
Anastasia Lakes, Inc.
Ord. 1988‑9
Ord. 1989‑36
Anastasia Mosquito Control
Ord. 2009-50 – OR to PS
Ord. 2016-6 - OR to PS
Anastasia Shores PUD/August Dev. Ltd.
Ord. 1982‑73
Anastasia Wastewater Treatment Plant
Ord. 2007-65 – OR to PS
Ord. 2008-13 – Rescinds Ord. 2007-65; PS & OR to PS
Ancient City Plaza PUD
Ord. 2001-47 - Rezoning land from OR and RMH w/ conditions to PUD w/ special conditions
Ord. 2002-52 - Rescinding Ord. 2001-47 and rezoning lands from OR to PUD w/ special conditions
Ord. 2011-8 – Major modification to the PUD, Ord. 2002-52, as amended
Ancient City Dev. Corp.
Ord. 1975‑11
Ord. 1976‑26
Andalusia PUD
Ord. 2015-2 - OR & PUD to PUD
Ord. 2016-18 - Major modification to the Andalusia PUD, Ord. 2015-2, as amended
Anderson- Columbia Co.
Ord. 1994-21 - OR to PSD
Anderson, George L.
Ord. 1979‑5
Anderson Greenbriar
Ord. 2009-10 – OR to PUD
Anderson, Joe
Ord. 1987‑31
Anderson, John & Linda
Ord. 2005-41 - RS-3 to CI
Anderson Park PUD
Ord. 1996-66
Ord. 2004-25 - Amends PUD Ord. 1995-32
Ord. 2006-89 - Major modification to to the Anderson Park PUD, Ord. 96-66
Ord. 2008-16 - Major modification to the Anderson Park PUD, Ord. 2006-89
Ord. 2016-57 - Major modification to the Anderson Park PUD, Ord. 1996-66, as amended
Ord. 2018-50 - Major modification to the Anderson Park PUD, Ord. 1996-66, as amended
Ord. 2020-61 - Major modification to the Anderson Park PUD, Ord. 1996-66, as amended (Elevation Pointe at Anderson Park PUD)
Ord. 2023-42 - Major modification to the Elevation Pointe at Anderson Park PUD, Ord. 1996-66, as amended
Anderson, Thomas J. - (owner Louis L. Huntley)
Ord. 1989‑17
Andreu, M. and Inez Pacetti
Ord. 1985‑94
Angyalfy, William -- From CG with conditions to CI and CN
Ord. 2001-75
Animal Control Facility
Ord. 2006-79 - OR to PS
Anoroc, Inc. - Ponte Vedra By-The-Sea
Ord. 1994-6
Anthony, Dr. John J.
Ord. 1985‑4
Ord. 1993-24
Antonopoulos, Michel, MSD Development (aka Southlake PUD)
Ord. 1997-20
Ord. 2012-7 – Major modification to the Southlake PUD, Ord. 1997-20
Apeler, Victor H. and Martin
Ord. 1983‑29
Approach, The
Ord. 2021-77 - R-1-C to PUD
Arbor Mills PUD
Ord. 2014-11 - OR to PUD
Ord. 2015-27 - Major modification to the Arbor Mill PUD, Ord. 2014-11
Armstrong, George and Martha
Ord. 1982‑57
Arnett Heating & Air Conditioning
Ord. 2004-18 - OR to CI
Arnold, Colquitt
Ord. 1988‑17
Arnold, David
Ord. 1984‑38
Ord. 1996-45 - Change CN with
conditions to CN with change in conditions
Arnold, Jack
Ord. 1998-51
Ord. 2003-8 - CI & RS-2 to CG
Arnold, Jacqueline S.
Ord. 1982‑1
Arvida Corporation - (See Northgate PUD)
Ash C.R. 210 Commercial
Ord. 2016-37 - OR to PUD
Ashby Landing PUD
Ord. 2014-55 - PUD & OR to PUD
Ord. 2015-26 - Major modification to the Ashby Landing PUD, Ord. 2014-55
Ashby Landing North
Ord. 2016-7 - OR & IW to PUD
Ashford Mills PUD/DRI
Ord. 2006-119 - OR to PUD
Ord. 2014-40 - Major modification to the Ashford Mills PUD, Ord. 2006-119, as amended
Ord. 2015-67 - Major modification to the Ashford Mills PUD, Ord. 2006-119, as amended
Ashley Oaks PUD
Ord. 2006-109 - OR to PUD
Ashley, Ruby
Ord. 1978‑69
Ashourian, Mike - Owner
Ord. 1999-49 - Major modification to Randall Whitefield of Ash Properties
Ashton Downs PRD
Ord. 2006-106 - OR to PRD
Ord. 2022-24 - PRD to OR
Ashton Oaks PRD
Ord. 2005-39 - OR to PRD
Ord. 2007-49 – Major modification to
Ord. 2005-39, as amended
Ashton Rezoning
Ord. 2004-115 - OR to CI
Asselta, Jim - RZ to RS-3 Single Family Residential
Ord. 1997-53
Atkerson, Charles - Rezoning from OR to PUD
Ord. 1994-3
Atlantic Bank, St. Augustine
Ord. 1978‑58
Atlantic Self Storage
Ord. 1999-39 - Rezoning from OR to
Ord. 2006-7 - IW to CI
Atrium, The
Ord. 1978‑50 - PUD (Bos & Associates Inc., The First Wisconsin Nat'l Bank of Milwaukee, The Mount Holly Company)
August Development Limited - (See Anastasia Shores PUD)
Augustine, H.E. and Frances
Ord. 1986‑20
Austin, Paul H. and Janet
Ord. 1984‑28
Auto Pros Consulting
Ord. 2024-50 - CG to CI with conditions
Avera, Nancy W. and David H. Fort/Geraldine Hollis Gilbert
Ord. 1978‑82
Avery Project PUD (formerly known as Mexican Imports PUD)
Ord. 2006-38 - Major modification to the Avery Project, Ord. 2001-17, as amended
B.A.T. of Palm Valley, Inc.
Ord. 1990‑8
B.B.S.J.C./H.W. Mizell
Ord. 1986‑88
B.M.L. Investments and P.R.N. Investments
Ord. 1983‑36
B & W Enterprises of Jacksonville, Inc. PUD
Ord. 2003-59 - OR to PUD
Brown, Jr., J. Randolph
Ord. 1991‑3
B.S. Enterprises of St. Augustine, Inc.
Ord. 1991‑43
Ord. 2002-09 -Prairie Lakes PUD (Formerly Striar’s Acres PUD, Ord 91-43) Major Mod
B.S. Ranch, Inc.
Ord. 1990‑15
Bailey, Gregory Scott, Drashin, Robert, & Pounds, Michael
Ord. 1989‑40
Bailey, John D. /Pierre Thompson/Robert E. & Claudia Greggs
Ord. 1981‑81 - PSD
Bailey, John D./Pierre D. Thompson & Arthur Runk
Ord. 1987-52 - RMH to CG
Bailey, John D. & Margaret B. /Thompson, Pierre D. /Thompson
Ord. 1990‑29 - Maxie R. /Leslie, Edward M. & Linda/Mussalem, Edward G. & Harriett L.
Bailey, John Sr.
Ord. 1978‑49 - Moultrie Trails Dev. Co.
Ord. 1985‑70 - S.G. Properties, Inc. Arthur H. Runk, Pierre D. Thompson, Thompson, Bailey, Runk
Bailey, John D. Sr. & Margaret/A.H. & Mary P. Runk
Ord. 1984‑17 - PUD
Res. 1987‑101 - Modification to PUD
Baker, David E. by John W. Long
Ord. 1983‑9
Baker, David & General Contractors - PSD
Ord. 1987‑18
Baker, Emma F. and Loretta S. Jackson
Ord. 1977‑39
Baker Property
Ord. 2024-3 - OR and CI to CI
Baker, Sam
Ord. 1989‑11
Baker, Shirley J.
Ord. 1983‑47
Ball, Edward, Estate
Ord. 1984‑23
Bank of St. Augustine
Ord. 2003-13 - OR to PUD
Bank of St. Augustine – Datil Pepper Rd.
Ord. 2009-52 – OR to RMH-S
Barkoskie, Eston Jr. and Iris/Porter Place PUD
Ord. 2001-06
Barnett Bank of St. Johns on on behalf of Ernest E. Lee
Ord. 1991‑32
Barnett Bank of St. Johns County
Ord. 1986-88 - OR to CG with conditions
Barnett Banks Trust Co. NA, Trustee
Ord. 1981‑37
Banner Elk
Ord 2022-40 - Open Rural (OR) to Commerical Warehouse (CW)
Barnwell, Doris, Jack Shaffner and B. Robert Tucker as applicants
Ord. 1988‑45 - For the Estate of Mattie J. Kellow
Barrancotto, Franceis
Ord. 2000-37
Ord. 2007-68 – Major mod to Ord. 2000-37
Bartram Downs PRD - From OR to PRD
Ord. 2002-08
Ord. 2004-16 - Major modification to rd. 2002-8
Ord. 2015-70 - Major modification to Ord. 2002-8, as amended
Ord. 2022-67 - Major modification to the Bartram Downs PRD, Ord. 2002-08, as amended
Bartram Executive Park PUD
Ord. 2004-12 - OR to PUD
Bartram Farms PRD
Ord. 2006-18 - OR to PRD
Bartram Farms II PRD
Ord. 2006-130 - OR to PRD
Bartram Park
Ord. 2001-3 – OR to PUD
Ord 2001-33 - Major modification to Ord. 2001-3
Res. 2003-83 - Amends Ord. 2001-3; Approves a Master Development Plan to the PUD
Res. 2005-147 - Master Development Plan to Bartram Park PUD, Ord. 2001-3
Ord. 2006-102 – OR to PUD
Ord. 2013-6 – Major modification to the Bartram Park PUD, Ord. 2001-3, as amended (the Promenade at Bartram Springs)
Ord. 2014-17 – Major modification to the Bartram Park PUD, Ord. 2006-102, as amended
Ord. 2018-9 - Major modification to the Bartram Park PUD, Ord. 2001-3; OR to PUD for inclusion into the Bartram Park PUD, as amended
Ord. 2019-36 - Major modification to the Bartram Park PUD, Ord. 2006-102, as amended
Ord. 2020-2 - Major modification to the Bartram Park PUD, Ord. 2001-03, as amended
Bartram Plantation PUD
Ord. 1999-23
Ord. 2005-102 - Major Modification to PUD, Ord. 1999-23, as amended
Bartram Trail PUD
Ord. 1997-32
Bartram Walk PUD (formerly as Bartram Village)
Ord. 2003-9 - OR to PUD
Barzo, Craig/Old Moultrie Road Apartments PUD
Ord. 2001-36
Batton’s Place
Ord. 2008-8 – OR to RS-2
Bayard Raceway Rezoning
Ord. 2003-43 - OR to CI
Ord. 2004-81 - OR to PUD
Beachcomber Outdoor Resorts PSD
Ord. 1994-1
Beachcomber PUD
Ord. 2007-74 – OR, RMH, & PSD to PUD
Ord. 2021-70 - Major modification to the Beachcomber PUD, Ord. 2007-74, as amended
Beaver Creek Crossing/Harold W. Osborne
Ord. 1999-57 - Rezoning from OR to PSD
Beck Mitsubishi (Ray Carter Auto Sales, Inc.)
Ord. 2003-80 - CG to CI
Beckerman Residence
Ord. 2018-61 - CHT to RS-2
Beaver Toyota of St. Augustine
Ord. 2015-46 - OP to CI
Bell Covered Storage
Ord. 2020-58 - OR to CI with conditions
Ord. 2008-23 – OR to CI
Bella Terra Mini Storage
Ord. 2022-9 - OR to CG with conditions
Bella Terra PUD
Ord. 2024-14 - OR, CG, and CI with conditions to PUD
Belvedere Place
Ord. 2000-7 - Rezoning from OR to PUD with conditions
Ord. 2000-67 - Major Mod
Benchip Commercial
Ord. 2020-13 -
Benchip Commercial
Ord. 2022-7 - Major modification to the Benchip Commercial PUD, Ord. 2020-13, as amended
Ord. 2022-8 - PUD to WH, with conditions
Bennett, Thomas E., Jr.
Ord. 1990‑12
Bennett, Thomas E., Sr., & Thomas E., Jr.
Ord. 1990‑13
Berndt, Cindy (See also Maenza, Marie)
Ord. 1995-55 - Rezoning from CN to RMH-S
Bestar Funding Corp - Modifying PUD Master Development Plan
Ord. 1997-18 - Ord. 1994-57 to
Beverly Commercial Lots
Ord. 2007-62 – CN to CI
Ord. 2007-63 – RS-3 to CN
Beverly, Randy/Anastasia Advertising Art, Inc.
Ord. 1990‑39
Beverly, Randy, applicant/Cary J. Cowan
Ord. 1989‑38
Biera Mar Lots
Ord. 2024-13 - CG to RS-3
Big Oak Center
Ord. 2007-10 - OR to CI
Big Oak PUD
Ord. 2005-9 - OR to PUD
Ord. 2011-16 – OR to IW with conditions
Big Oak Road South
Ord. 2014-2 - IW to OR
Binninger, Charles and Marler, Cynthia D. (See Marler)
Ord. 1990‑37
Binninger Office Center
Ord. 2006-24 - OR to OP
Binninger Storage
Ord. 2007-77 – OR to CI
Binninger Trust
Ord. 2022-74 - OR to CI
Bishop, Terry and Adelle
Ord. 1996-1
Bittar-Sandhu Residence
Ord. 2022-71 - CG to RS-3
Bizatomic Offices
Ord. 2006-16 - OR to OP
Blind Ventures
Ord. 2017-54 - OR to PUD
Blue Steel (SR 207)
Ord. 2019-16 - CI with conditions to CI
Blythe, Joseph
Ord. 2000-51
Boardwalk PUD
Ord. 2007-33 – CG to PUD
Ord. 2013-9 – PUD to CG
Boatwright, George
Ord. 2000-65
Bobinski PRD
Ord. 2008-17 – OR to PRD
Bodee, Development Corp.
Ord. 1989‑61
Body Wise Wellness Center – Susan Huffman
Ord. 2004-8 - RG-1 to CN
Ord. 2004-11 - OR to CN
Bodden, Lester A. III
Ord. 1993-37
Boggs Storage Lot
Ord. 2020-10 - OR to CI
Bohanan, Lillian (Estate of), et al and Edward Schneider, representing the owners
Ord. 1988‑25
Boles, Joseph L., Jr., Trustee the Fredericka L. Del Giudice Trust
Ord. 1989‑14
Boles, Michael representing Baron L. Bartlett
Ord. 1991‑24
Bonfanti, Thomas & Danielle
Ord. 2004-79 - RS-3 to OR
Bono’s Pit Bar-B-Q – Ron Horcher
Ord. 2004-10 - RG-1 to CG -
Bower Rezoning
Ord. 2012-28 – CG to OR
Bradco Commercial Plaza
Ord. 2007-37 - IW to CG
Braly, Matthew
Belles Chase PUD
Ord. 2001-67
Braniff, Michael – River City Homes Development Corp.
Ord. 2002-66 - Rezoning lands from RS-2 with conditions to RS-2
Breakaway Trails
Ord. 2003-49 - OR to PRD
Bridge Venture Offices
Ord. 2006-21 - OR to OP
Bridgewater PUD
Ord. 2019-57 - OR to PUD
Bridle Ridge
Ord. 2010-42 - OR & CI to PUD
Ord. 2021-94 - Major modification to the Bridle Ridge PUD, Ord. 2010-42, as amended
Brinkhoff Charter School
Ord. 2024-32 - PUD to OR, with conditions
Broekema, William and Patricia / C.L. Francisco
Ord. 1992‑27
Brookside Preserve
Ord. 2020-25 - OR to PUD
Brookwood Properties, Inc.
Ord. 1992‑31 - Susan B. Turner & Carol B. Simone (owners); OR/RS‑2 to RS‑1 with certain conditions
Ord. 1994-15 - Hawkcrest Woods PSD
Brown, J. Brooks and Helen L.
Ord. 1989‑24
Brown, Anthony William
Ord. 1995-12
Bruce, Charles O. and Martha F.
Ord. 1990‑40
Bryant, Ira (Buddy Boys)
Ord. 1983-59 - OR to CG with conditions
Bryant, Wm P. on behalf of Charles B. Hooten, III
Ord. 1995-2
Burger King
Ord. 2012-19 - OR to CHT
Burkhardt, Marian A.
Ord. 1981‑66
Ord. 2009-47 – CHT to CI
Burns, Gene & Doris
Ord. 1981‑61
Burns, Joshua & Patricia L.
Ord. 1986‑64
Burns, Thomas N. and Francis J.
Ord. 1989‑30
Ord. 1990‑70
Bussey, Fawbush, Post, Post, Sleeth, Ross, Bryand, Moore (See Fawbush)
Butler Building of St. Augustine
Ord. 1975‑19
Butler, Robert and Lorraine
Ord. 1985‑39
Ord. 2009-57 – OR to CR
Byrnes & Norwood
Ord. 1983‑12
C & K Asset Management, Inc.
Ord. 2003-98 - CG to CI
CGS Commercial Park
Ord. 2006-65 - OR to CG
Cafaro, S. Raymond
Ord. 1978-68
Calmark Communities, Sunshine State Mortgage
Ord. 1984-18
Calnez Financial Corporation PUD
Ord. 1984-69
Camachee Cove Yacht Harbor, Inc.
Ord. 1978-17
Ord. 1981-45 - PUD
Canal Boulevard Shops
Ord. 2010-30 – OR to PUD
Ord. 2018-13 - Major modification to the Canal Boulevard Shops PUD, Ord. 2010-30, as amended
Canal Road
Ord. 2013-15 – CG to RS-2
Candyland, Inc.
Ord. 1979-42
Cannon, Edna M.
Ord. 1997-52 - R-1-A to PSD with conditions
Cantabene, Chris and Salvatore Lazzara
Ord. 1994-14
Cantrell Weaver Communities/Gerritt H. & Diane C. Holdrum
Ord. 1986-51
Capili Medical Office
Ord. 2006-26 - OR to OP
Capo, Aline (owner) - Ed Schneider (purchaser)
Ord. 1983-58
Capps, Jimmy Lee
Ord. 1988-53
Carasso, Irwin
Ord. 1982-2
Ord. 1983-2 - PSD
Ord. 1986-9 - PSD
Captiva Partners/Olson Tire
Ord. 2000-3 - Rezoning from CG with exceptions to PUD
Cardinal Industries, Inc.
Ord. 1976-32
Ord. 1983-39
Carpet N' Drapes
Ord. 1994-53
Carr, William B.
Ord. 1987-46
Carr, W.B. and Annette
Ord. 1989-9
Carrington, Max
Ord. 1985-16 - PSD
Res. 1986-158 - Major Modification to PSD
Carter, Joy and Ben Peters
Ord. 1979-76
Ord. 1980-6
Ord. 1980-46
Cassady, Alva Mae
Ord. 1984-47
Cassala Estates PUD
Ord. 2005-121 - OR & IW to PUD
Catholic Diocese of St. Augustine
Ord. 1973-15
Cavalier, Gallagher & Cofer
Ord. 1977-11
Cay, Solana
Ord. 1987-51
Cedar Point
Ord. 2014-28 – OR to PUD
Century Professional Park PUD
Ord. 2005-19 - RS-3 to PUD
Cesaritti, Susan Scott
Ord. 1989-23
Ord. 1989-27
Chalk Business Center
Ord. 2008-9 – OR to PUD
Chandler, Franzino, Leve
Ord. 1979-40
Chapman, Charles
Ord. 1995-57 - Rezoning from OR to CI
Chapman, Clarence and Fannie E.
Ord. 1986-23
Ord. 1999-48 - IW, RS-3, and OR to PSD
Chapman, Melvin
Ord. 1977-9
Champman Village PUD
Ord. 2002-58 - Rezoning lands from PSD ans RS-3 to PUD
Chappell RV/Boat Storage
Ord. 2022-69 - PRD to PUD
Charles Street Subdivision
Ord. 2007-8 - OR to RS-3
Chasewood PUD
Ord. 2014-6 – OR & RS-3 to PUD
Cheek, Jack
Ord. 1985-22
Cheek, John and Don Miniard
Ord. 1979-10
Chesterdone, N.V.
Ord. 1987-78
Chever Enterprises, Inc.
Ord. 1998-50
Christ Church in Ponte Vedra
Ord. 1979-43
Christ Episcopal Church - PSD
Ord. 1998-5
Ord. 2000-22
Ord. 2005-113 - R-1-D to R-2
Chiu, Henry L./Joe Kwons/Clarence James Jr.
Ord. 1986-56
Chiu, Y. Tim and Jolande M.
Ord. 1993-19
Ord. 1994-9
CI, Commercial Intensive
Ord. 1996-55
Cimarrone Golf & Country Club - AKA The Woodlands - AKA – Cordele Properties Major Modification (See The Woodlands)
Ord. 2001-62 -Major Modification to Ord. 1997-14, as amended, to the Vinings PUD, aka The Woodlands
Ord. 2015-47 - Major modification to The Vinings PUD, Ord. 1997-14, as amended
Circle K (US 1 & SR 206)
Ord. 2017-43 - CG with conditions to CG
Circle K at Masters Drive
Ord. 2020-6 - RS-3 & CI to PUD
Cissell, S.R.
Ord. 1989-37 - PSD
Ord. 1998-58 - OR to CN
Clark-Hanks Property
Ord. 2019-9 - CHT to RS-3
Classic Car Storage
Ord. 2018-54 - CG to CI
Clatter Bridge
Ord. 2022-65 - OR to RS-2
Climate Masters, Inc.
Ord. 1993-49
Ord. 1996-25 - Modifies Ord. 1993-49
Ord. 2004-59 - PSD to PUD
Climatized Self Storage U.S.1 South
Ord. 2005-116 - CI to PUD
Coastal Investments/Brad Bradshaw (David Foley, Trustee)
Ord. 1983-3
Coastal Village
Ord. 2015-71 - CI to RS-3
Coates, Thomas J.
Ord. 1987-3
Coates, Thomas J. and Jeannie Hansen
Ord. 1983-44
Cobblestone Creek PUD
Ord. 1998-7
Cobblestone Professional Park
CN to OR (1 of 2) – Ord. 2006-155
OR to CN (2 of 2) – Ord. 2006-156
Cobblestone Village I at St. Augustine PUD
From OR, CG and CN to PUD - Ord. 2002-25
Major modification to PUD Ord. 02-25, as amended – Ord. 2005-28
Cobblestone Village at St. Augustine Incremental PUD
From Or to PUD - Ord. 2002-26
Coby, Jerry S. and Constance D.
Ord. 1990-30
Cochran, Philip and Mary
Ord. 1983-26
Coday, Brian and Deidre
Ord. 1985-72
Cofer, Gallagher & Cavalier Inc.
Ord. 1977-11
Coggin Honda
PSD to CI – Ord. 2006-84
Cohen, Dr. Abraham (See Arnold Colquitt)
Coker, Alex
Ord. 1977-12
Cole, David W.
Ord. 1990-66
Colee Cove Landing North
OR to PRD – Ord. 2003-2
Major mod to Ord. 2003-2 – Ord. 2006-31
Coleman, George and Catherine
Ord. 1978-67
Coleman, Wm. Harold and Margaret E.
Ord. 1986-26
Collier, Delores/John & Mary Brill/Martha Nixon/Pete Peterson
Ord. 1985-56
Collier, William H.
Ord. 1984-44
Collosaurdo, Mrs. Ramona
Ord. 1976-19
Ord. 1977-33
Commercial Center
Ord. 2008-2 – OR to CI
Commercial Drive
CHT to IW – Ord. 2006-72
Commercial Retail Store (SR 16 at Varella Avenue)
Ord. 2017-7 – RS-3 to CN
Compton, Billy
Ord. 1998-45
Compton, Gloria
Ord. 1998-45
Conrad, Jack M.
Ord. 1974-17
Container Corporation of America
Ord. 1991-20
Content A1A
Ord. 2020-21 - CG to RS-3
Ord. 2021-47 - CN to RMH(S)
Content First Street
Ord. 2018-6 - CG to RS-3
Contentment Park
Ord. 2024-27 - OR to CHT with conditions
Continental Auto/Truck Service Center
Ord. 2014-15 – CHT to CI
Continental Truck Service
Ord. 2023-12 - CHT to CI
Cooksey’s Camping Resort Addition
OR to CHT – Ord. 2005-7
Cooksley Commercial
Ord 2022-41 - Open Rural (OR) and Commercial Highway and Tourist to Commercial Highway (CHT)
Cooksey, Mark
Rz: From RMH-S to OR - Ord. 1994-29
Cooksey, Mary and Mitch Kilpatrick
Ord. 1985.55
Coombs, Katherine/Marie Bradfisch/Richard & Shirley MacMullen
Ord. 1985.10
Cooper, Buddy
Ord. 1996-47
Cooper, James Martin III
Ord. 1993-30
Cooper, Joseph K. and Evelyn N.
(PVZB) Bk 4, Pg 557 - 08/22/78
Coopers Cove Road/Sherman Harris Jr.
Rezoning from RMH to RMH-S - Ord. 2000-10
Cope Homes, Inc.
OR to CI – Ord. 2004-113
Coquina Crossing, Ltd.
Prime Properties, LC - OR to PUD - Ord. 1993-47
Major Modification - Ord. 1995-34
Major Mod to Ord. 1993-47, as amended – Ord. 2003-41
Coquina Ridge PUD
Ord. 2013-31 – OR to PUD
Corbett, John & Evelyn and David Arnold
Ord. 1984-38 – RS-3 to CN, with conditions
Cordova Palms
Ord. 2016-46 – OR to PUD
Cordele Properties, Inc. - AKA The Woodlands - AKA Cimarrone
Ord. 1994-64
Corley, Margaret J., Leon E. and Katheryne T. Rowe
Ord. 1979-84
Corner 2 Commercial
Ord. 2009-23 – OR to CN
Corner Lot RV/Boat Storage
Ord. 2021-65 - OR to CI with conditions
Corwin, Edwin and Carolyn
PSDOrd. 1987-10
Corwin, Edwin and Carolyn/Jeffrey & Susan Dupont
Ord. 1985-41
Costanero Road
Ord. 2014-42 - CN to RMH(S)
Ord. 2015-32 - CN to RMH(S)
Costenero Road
Ord. 2013-30 - CN to RMH(S)
Ord. 2017-9 – CN to RMH(S)
6256 Costanero Road
Ord. 2019-8 - CN to RMH(S)
6324 Costanero Road
Ord. 2021-73 - CN to RMH(S)
Council on Aging
OR to CI – Ord. 2005-58
Countrywalk PUD (Kight-Countrywalk)
OR to PUD – Ord. 2004-35
Amends Ord. 2004-35; PUD to RS-3 – Ord. 2006-139
County Road 16A Restaurant
Ord. 2002-38
County Road 214
OR to PRD – Ord. 2006-45
Cowan, Cary J. (applicant Randy Beverly)
Ord. 1989-38
Cowan, Carey, Mike and Teri Sargeant
Conditional rezoning CG to CI - Ord.
Cox, Rudy and Sally
Ord. 1983-43
Ord. 1985-73
8000 CR 13 N
Ord. 2021-89 - OR to PUD
CR 210 Town Center
Ord. 2017-4 – OR to PUD
Ord. 2018-3 - Major modification to the CR 210 Town Center PUD, Ord. 2017-4, as amended
CR 210 West Daycare and Retail
Ord. 2019-53 - OR to PUD
County Road 210 Hotel
Ord. 2022-30 - OR & CI to CI
County Road 210 W Mixed Use PUD
Ord. 2022-29 - OR to PUD
Cracker Swamp Properties
Ord. 2022-79 - RG-2 & CG to OR
Craig Funeral Home
Ord. 1977-32
Ord. 1977-36
Ord. 1994-39
Ord. 1996-44 - Modifies Master Dev Plan
Crandall, Dale R.
Ord. 1978-35
Ord. 1978-36
Ord. 1978-37
Crane, Douglas C.
Ord. 1983-51
Crescent "95", Inc. (See Weinstock James)
Ord. 1988-44
Crescent Beach Developers, Inc.
PSD Ord. 1981-25
Crescent Cove
Ord. 2009-39 – PUD to RS-2
Crescent Cove Corporation
Ord. 1978-63
Crescent Key (aka Datil Pepper Place PUD)
Ord. 2014-41 - OR to PUD
Crescent Landing
RS-2 w/ conditions to RS-2 – Ord. 2006-78
Crescent Ranches
Ord. 2009-54 - OR to PRD
Crescent Sand Dollar Inc.
Ord. 1984-58
Ord. 1984-25
Cricket Creek Corp. Moultrie Commons PUD
Ord. 1996-67
Cripps, Robert L. Jr. / Xenia Teodorescu
Ord. 1985-32
Crisp-Lingerfelt Company
OR to PUD (Sanchez Grant) - Ord. 1993-10
Crosby, Quillan and Brenda P.
(See Prairie Creek IV S/D)
Crossroads Plantation Partnership
Modifies Ord. 1988-57 - Ord. 1996-69
Crown Coast Development Corp.
Ord. 1988-3
Cruisers Collision Center
Ord. 2013-19 – IW, PSD, & OR to CI with conditions
Cubbedge RV and Boat Storage
Ord. 2019-54 - OR to PUD
Cumberland PUD
Ord. 2011-44 – Major mod to the Cumberland PUD, Ord. 94-32, as amended
Ord. 2012-24 - Major modification to the Cumberland Industrial Park PUD, Ord. 94-32, as amended
Cumberland Timber Corp. (aka) Cumberland Industrial Park
Ord. 1991-21
Ord. 1994-32
Ord. 1996-15 - Major Modification to a PUD
Ord. 2002-36 - Major Modification to PUD Ord. 1994-32
Ord. 2004-55 - Major Modification to PUD Ord. 1994-32, as amended
Ord. 2020-14 - Major modification to the Cumberland Industrial Park PUD, Ord. 1994-32, as amended
Ord. 2023-31 - Major modification to the Cumberland Industrial Park PUD, Ord. 1994-32, as amended
Cunningham Creek Plantation
Ord. 1994-57
Cunningham Properties
Ord. 1983-57
Ord. 1984-27
Modifying PUD Master Development Plan of Ord 94-57 rezoning to PSD - Ord. 1997-18
Curtan, Robert E. Trustee
Green, Wayne, Loeffler, Trustees - Ord. 1980-47
Cypress Estates PUD
Ord. 2017-29 - OR to PUD
Cypress Lake Development (PUD 96-15 under Global Shelter)
Modifying the PUD - Ord. 1997-27
Cypress Point Partnership Ltd.
Ord. 1987-78
Cypress Point Development, Ltd.
Richard, Thomas A. and Nora and Taylor, George E. and Janice - Ord. 1990-7
Dal Ral Enterprises, Inc.
Ord. 1980-44
Ord. 1988-16
Dalton, Emory
Ord. 1987-23
Daniels, Tommy K.
Rezoning from OR to RS-2 - Ord. 1999-38
Ord. 1984-7
Darcy Partnership Ltd. (See Prairie Creek IV S/D)
Dardi, Mary Jane, Paul Fagundo, Jas. H. Donalson & Donna Schwitz
Ord. 1988-30
Davenport, Gary for Larry and Patricia Davenport. B From RS-3 to CN
Ord. 2002-15
Davis, Don
Ord. 1987-8
Davis Industrial Park
Phase III – OR to IW - Ord. 2004-3
Davis, Mildred and Lorine
Ord. 1979-14
Davis, Richard
Ord. 1997-30 (see Ronald Rivette)
Davis, Ronnie C. & Norita
St. Augustine Extendacare - Ord. 1983-20
Dawson, Galant, Maddox, Sulik, Nichols
Ord. 1981-11
Dave’s Auto Sales
IW to CI – Ord. 2005-12
Davis Industrial Park, Phase II
RMH(S) to IW – Ord. 2003-102
Davis Office Park
OR to CI – Ord. 2005-53
Days Inn of America Inc.
Ord. 1986-42
Debarr, Richard A.
Ord. 1979-59
Dealer Development Group/PSD
Ord. 1996-11
Deep Creek PUD
Ord. 1980-27
Deep Creek RV Resort
Ord. 2018-31 - OR to CR
Deerfield Meadows PUD
OR to PUD – Ord. 2004-20
Ord. 2017-47 - Major modification to the Deerfield Meadows PUD, Ord. 2004-20, as amended
Deerfield Preserve PUD
PUD & OR to PUD – Ord. 2006-42
Ord. 2016-17 - Major modification to the Deerfield Preserve PUD, Ord. 2006-42, as amended
Deerpark Commerce Center PUD
Ord. 2023-23 - Major Modification to the Deerpark Commerce Center PUD, Ord. 2005-91, as amended
Deerchase Drive
Ord. 2009-34 – OR to PUD
Deerpark Retail
Ord. 2011-3 – OR to CG
DeFouw and Wilson
Ord. 1975-9
Deland District, Methodist Church
Ord. 1983-52
Delcore Limited
Ord. 1983-30
Deltona Corporation - St. Augustine Shores
PUD - Ord. 1974-16
PUD amended - Ord. 1979-73
Approving a Maj Mod to the St. Augustine Shores PUD, Ord. 1979-73, as amended – Ord. 2002-76
Ord. 2007-18 - Major modification to PUD Ord. 1979-73, as amended
Ord. 2011-9 – Major modification to the PUD, Ord. 1979-73, Canopy Shores Park, as amended
Ord. 2017-25 - Major modification to the St. Augustine Shores PUD, Ord. 1974-16, as amended
DeMeo, Ralph A. - Seascape PUD by Joseph Goodrich, Jr.
Ord. 1979-3
Demetree Brothers Inc.
Ord. 1987-79
Res. 1991-39 - Major modification
Res. 1991-40 - Major modification
Devils Elbow PUD - From RS-2 to PUD
Ord. 2002-20
Ord. 2011-18 – Major modification to the Devil’s Elbow PUD, Ord. 2002-20
Devito's 6248 Costanero Road
Ord. 2023-33 - CN to RMH-S
DeVoe, Thomas and Ann Marie
Ord. 1982-66
DH Commercial
Ord. 2008-39 – OR to CI
Dick, Charles R and Betty L
Major mod to Ord. 1991-23 – Ord. 1996-43
Ord. 1977-42
DiMare, Frank
Ord. 1989-45
Governor's Plantation - Ord. 1991-30
Governor's Plantation - (Major Modification) - Ord. 1994-13
Dimare Tractor Supply
CG & RS-3 to CI – Ord. 2006-125
Dimsdale, J.E.
Ord. 1982-49
Dimsdale, Jim and Julian Goad
Ord. 1976-37
Dimsdale, James E.
Rezoning land from RMH w/ conditions to RMH - Ord. 2001-46
Dimsdale, James E. and Lyndale Investments
Ord. 1989-25
Diocese, Catholic of St. Augustine
Ord. 1973-15
Diocese of St. Augustine
Ord. 1978-46
Distributing Company, Burkhardt
Ord. 1973-17
Ditmore Office/Professional
OR to CN – Ord. 2006-151
Doan, David
Ord. 2000-21
Dobbs Road
Ord. 2010-11 – IW to CI
Ord. 2019-50 - IW to CW
Ord. 2020-48 - OR to CN
Dobbs Road Business Park
Ord. 2019-61 - IW with conditions to IW
Dobbs Road Warehouse
Ord. 2015-40 - IW with conditions to IW
Dollar General Store
Ord. 2012-14 - OR to CR
Donalson, James/Paul Fagundo/Chester Sims
Ord. 1987-29
Donalson, James N./Paul Fagundo/Mary Jane Dardi & Donna Schwitz
Ord. 1988-30
DoRego, Antonio F. and Emily
Ord. 1990-42
Doss, Roger G. and LaDonna E.
Ord. 1991-34
Double Bridges PRD
Rezoning lands from OR to PRD, with special conditions. Ord. 2002-04
Major Mod to Ord. 2002-4 – Ord. 2003-16
Douglas Business Park
Ord. 2023-17 - OR to IW with conditions
Doyle, Frederick and Ruth
OR to PSD - Ord. 1994-38
Drashin, Robert/Bailey, Gregory Scott/Michael Pounds
Ord. 1989-40
Dream Homes of the First Coast PUD (Cameron Jacobs)
Rezoning land from RG-2 to PUD - Ord. 2001-49
Dream Finders Homes (DFH) Corona
Ord. 2016-1 - Ponte Vedra By The Sea PSD to Multiple Family Residential (R-2)
Drew Equipment Company
Ord. 1978-44
Drunna Properties, Inc.
On Behalf of Peggy Watson - Ord. 1996-17 (See also P. Watson)
Dryden, Brenda
Ord. 1979-29
Dryden, Brenda J./Frederick L. Rice, Trustee
Ord. 1976-36
Drysdale, W.I. and Garret W. Usina
Ord. 1981-67
DuBois, Daniel S. and Michael B.
Ord. 1981-19
Dumas, Thomas, on behalf of record title owners
Ord. 1997-10 - CG, RS2, and OR to PUD
Ord. 2006-1 - Major mod to the Marsh Harbor at Palm Valley PUD, Ord. 97-10, as amended
Ord. 2006-105 - Major mod to Marsh Harbor PUD, Ord. 97-10, as amended
Dunes Club Partners
Ord. 1987-66
Dunes Golf Enterprise
Ord. 1987-48
Ord. 1995-60 - Major modification to The Woodlands PUD (also known as Cimarrone Golf and Country Club), Ord. 1987-48
Ord. 2015-41 - Major modification to The Woodlands PUD, Ord. 1987-48, as amended; aka The Preserve at St. Johns
Dunton, Benjamin F. and Christine C.
Ord. 1981-10
Duplantis, Todd - Race Track Petroleum
Ord. 2000-62
Dupont, A.J. Sr.
Ord. 1986-6
Dupont Center Properties, Ltd.
Ord. 1998-41
Dupont, Jeffrey & Susan/Edwin & Carolyn Corwin
Ord. 1985-41
Dupont, W.D. & Sons, Inc.
Ord. 1985-17
Durasko, John and Joan / Michael Tacar
Ord. 1981-65
Durbin Creek Crossing
Ord. 2019-66 - OR to PUD
Durbin Crossing
OR to PUD - Ord. 2004-7
Ord. 2012-1 - Major modification to Ord. 2004-7, as amended
Ord. 2014-49 - Major modification to Ord. 2004-7, as amended
Durbin Park PUD
Ord. 2016-64 – OR to PUD
Ord. 2018-57 - Major modification to the Durbin Park, Phase 1A, PUD, Ord. 2016-64, as amended
Ord. 2020-20 - OR to PUD
Duvalpilot Equipment Outfitters
OR & PSD to CI – Ord. 2005-73
Dyke, Michael and Ann
Ord. 1986-84
Eagle's Cove
Ord. 2015-44 - OR to RS-2
Eaton, Harlan K. and George J. Ellis, Jr.
CG to CI – Ord. 1996-54
E.B. Meade & Sons Inc.
(Dr. E.J. Beckman, landowner) Ord. 1975-16
Edgewater PUD
Ord. 2016-53 – OR & CG to PUD
Edgewater Business Center
Ord. 2022-90 - PUD to PUD
Edinger IV Beach Property
Ord. 2019-60 - CN to RMH(S)
Edmonds, James, General Contractor
Ord. 1989-50
Change of conditions - Ord. 1989-59
Edwards, Philip J.
PSD - Ord. 1989-35
Efstathion, James H.
PUD - Ord. 1984-49
Eickert, Keith B
Ord. 1984-32
1855 SR 207 OR to CI - Ord. 2004-72
Elk Park
Ord. 2011-13 – IW with conditions to CW with conditions
Elkton Center
Ord. 2009-3 – IW to CR
Ord. 2023-28 - Commercial General (CG) and Residential Single-Family (RS-3) to Comercial Rural (CR)
Elkton Concrete Castings PUD
Rezoning land from RS-3 to PUD - Ord. 2001-44
Elkton Corners
Ord. 2010-7 – IW to CR
Elkton Holding
Ord. 2014-39 - PUD to IW with conditions
Elkton Place
Ord. 2014-38 - RS-3 & CG to CR
Elleness Multi-Family
OR to RG-1 – Ord. 2006-25
Elliot, Justin
RS-E to OR – Ord. 2005-4
Ellis, George Jr.
Ord. 1983-48
CG to CI - Ord. 1996-54
CI to CI with change conditions - Ord. 1997-45
Ellison, Wayne T.
Ord. 1988-70
Ellison, Wayne and Debra on behalf of Leo Engel and Gilbert Mercure
Ord. 1996-28)
Enclave at Ponte Vedra Beach PSD, The
Ord. 1997-52 - R-1-A to PSD with conditions
Engel, Leo J. and Gilbert Mercure
Ord. 1996-28
Encanta PUD
Ord. 2014-10 – OR to PU see Windward Ranch due to name change
Enclave at Palm Valley
Ord. 2014-7 – OR to RS-2
Enclave at World Golf, The
Ord. 2016-47 – OR to PUD
Enterprise Leasing Company
CG to CI – Ord. 2005-42
Enterprise Rental Fleet Parking
Ord. 2020-26 - CG to CI
Entrada PUD
Ord. 2019-18 - PUD to PUD; consolidated three previously approved PUDs (Gateway to St. Johns PUD, Key Parcel PUD, & Reserve PUD)
Episcopal Diocese, Christ Church in Ponte Vedra
Ord. 1979-43
Epoch Properties
Ord. 1984-3 - PUD
Res. 1987-155 - Major Modification
Equities WGV
Ord. 2019-51 - OR to PUD
Estates at Cervantes
OR to RS-3 – Ord. 2005-59
Estates at Ponte Vedra
Ord. 2002-40
Estates Development
OR to RS-1 - Ord. 1997-26
Evans, Vance Q. and Dawn
Ord. 1985-52
Fader, Steven
Ord. 1987-71
Fagundo, P. Paul / James H. Donalson / Mary Jane Dardi and Donna Schwitz
Ord. 1988-30
Fagundo, Pau l/ James Donalson / Chester Sims
Ord. 1987-29
Fairfield Communities, Inc. (Fairfield at Ponte Vedra)
Ord. 1986-13
Ord. 1984-29
Ord. 1993-31
Modifying MDP incorporated into Ord. 1984-29 - Ord. 1997-48
Ord. 2018-27 - Major modification to the Fairfield at Ponte Vedra PUD, Ord. 1984-29, as amended
Family KIA
Ord. 2011-26 – PUD & OR to CI
Farm Boy’s Produce
Ord. 2017-6 – OR to CI
Fatemi Commercial PUD
Ord. 2021-22 - OR to PUD
Fawbush, Post, Post, Sleeth, Bryant, Moore, Bussey
Ord. 1982-37
Ferber/SR 16
Ord. 2007-15 - OR to PUD
Ord. 2022-66 - CI & PUD to PUD
Ferrell, Roland E.
Ord. 1985-15
Ferris, Elsie
Ord. 1986-73
Ferris, Elsie R. Anderson
Rezoning land from OR and RMH w/ conditions to PUD w/ special conditions - Ord. 2001-47
Fidus Office Warehouse
Ord. 2017-61 - OR to IW
FIDUS Warehouse and RV/Boat Storage
Ord. 2024-15 - OR to IW with conditions
Finklestein, Max J.
Ord. 1991-48
PSD to CG - Ord. 2002-29
Fiore Industrial Park
(See Landers Atkins Planners)
First City Cycles
RS-3 to CI – Ord. 2003-77
First City Industrial Park
Ord. 2010-9 – IW to CW
First Coasts Commercial Realty for Frances Badger
PUD – Ord. 1997-21
Fisher, Kevin
Ord. 2001-16
Fitzwater, Jacob J.
Ord. 1974-15
Flagler Boulevard
Ord. 2020-22 - OR & IW to CI
Flagler Commerce Center
Ord. 2019-22 - IW to CI
Ord. 2020-51 - RS-3 to CI with conditions
Flagler Health Care Foundation, Inc/Flagler Hospital, Inc.
Ord. 1986-34
Flagler Hospital, Inc.
RG-2 to CG - Ord. 2001-61
Flagler Landing
PUD - Ord. 1987-6
Flagler Village Apartments
CG and RG-1 to RG-2 - Ord.
Flannory, Horace and Annie
Ord. 1982-20
Fletcher Development Corp.
Rezoning from OR to PUD - Ord.
Fletcher Land Corporation
Ord. 1974-7 - OR to RS-1 & RG-1
Caballos Del Mar PUD - Ord. 1975-15
Extend PUD dates Inlet Beach - Ord.
Amend DRI - Ord. 1981-33
Amend DRI - Ord. 1981-34
Ord. 1985-2
Rezoning from R-1-C and RG-1 to PSD - Ord. 1991-35
Major Mod to Marriott at Sawgrass Resort Hotel / Players Club PUD –Ord. 2002-17
Major Mod to the Marsh Landing PUD (Ord. 75-15, as amended) and
rezoning from OR to PUD - Ord.
Major Mod to the Caballos Del Mar PUD, Ord. 75-15, as amended – Ord. 2006-28
Ord. 2007-84 – Major modification to
PUD Ord. 1975-15 & 2002-17, as amended
Ord. 2014-50 - Major modification to The Players's Club PUD, Ord. 1975-15, as amended
Ord. 2016-34 - Major modification to the Marsh Landing, Unit 32, Lot 42 PUD, Ord. 1975-15, as amended
Ord. 2017-44 - Major modification to the Player's Club PUD, Ord. 1975-15, as amended
Ord. 2017-50 - Major modification to the Marsh Landing (Quadrille) PUD, Ord. 1975-15, as amended
Ord. 2018-23 - Major modification to the Player's Club (Oakbridge) PUD, Ord. 1975-15, as amended
Ord. 2018-37 - Major modification to the Players Club PUD, Ord. 1975-15 & FDP 1996-224, The Veranda Property; consolidating & amending the changes made by Ord. 2006-140, Veranda Development & Ord. 2008-28, Veranda USP, as amended
Ord. 2019-21 - Major modification to the Players CLub PUD, Ord. 1975-15, as amended
Ord. 2022-11 - Major modification to the Marsh Landing PUD, Ord. 1975-15, as amended
Ord. 2024-45 - Major modification to the Marsh Landing PUD, Ord. 1975-15, as amended
Fletcher, Michael on behalf of Belba Amos
Ord. 1991-29
Flora Branch PUD
Ord. 2007-92 - OR to PUD
Ord. 2014-53 - Major modification to Ord. 2007-92
Ord. 2016-28 - Major modification to the Flora Branch PUD, Ord. 2007-92, as amended
Florida East Coast Railway Company
Ord. 2003-75 - IW to OR
2003-106 - Resinds Ord. 2003-75; IW to OR
Florida Fairfield Co.
(See Fairfield Communities, Inc.)
Florida First Coast Development Corp. (See Walden Chase)
Ord. 1998-44
Florida General Equities Inc.
Ord. 1979-80
Florida Lands Research & Dev. Corp.
(K.S. Toney) - Ord. 1978-15
Florida Land Resources
Ord. 1993-31 - See Fairfield
Florida Power & Light Co.
Ord. 1973-10
Ord. 1975-3
Floridian at St. Augustine PUD
OR to PUD – Ord. 2006-136
Ord. 2015-12 - Approves a major modification to the Floridian at St. Augustine PUD, Ord. 2006-136, as amended
Ord. 2020-43 - Major modification to the Last Mile Distribution Facility PUD; previously approved as Floridian at St. Augustine PUD, Ord. 2006-136, as amended
(See Last Mile Distribution Facility PUD)
Floyd, Moses and Lucy
Ord. 1987-47
Foley, David, Trustee
(See Coastal Investments)
Food Trucks, Mobile Food Vending, Old A1A
Ord. 2016-27 - CG to CI with conditions
Ford Investments Inc./David Rozen/John Tesdorpf
Ord. 1987-19
Forest Properties Ltd.
Ord. 1983-35
Fort, David H. / Nancy W. Avera/Geraldine Hollis Gilbert
Ord. 1978-82
Fort Development Company and John K. Sisk
Ord. 1989-8
Fort, Donald C. (See Sunrise Partnership)
The Fountains of St. Augustine (Terry E. Trexler)
Ord. 1989-26
Ord. 1989-56
Res. 1990-9 - FDP - Temporary Sales Center
Fountains East PUD
Ord. 2020-59 - OR to PUD
Fountains North
Ord. 2020-15 - OR to PUD
Ord. 2021-58 - Major modification to the Fountains North at St. Johns PUD, Ord. 2020-15, as amended
Four Winds Condominium Assn., Inc.
Ord. 1980-31
2884 N. Fourth Street
Ord. 2018-52 - CG to RS-3
Foxhill Estates Inc. (Menkes)
Ord. 1983-8
Francis Street
Ord. 2021-36 - CN to RS-3
Francisco, C.L./William and Patricia Broekema
Ord. 1992-27
Franklin, John & Cherry
CI to OR – Ord. 2005-54
Ord. 2008-26 – OR to CN
Franzino, Chandler, Leve
Ord. 1979-40
Frawley Rezoning
PSD to CI – Ord. 2005-18
Freedom Boat Club
Ord. 2022-2 - RMH to CHT
Frei, Terry D. and India R. - (see Prairie Creek IV S/D)
Frenette, Martha and Ray, owners/Cason, III, James H., applicant
Ord. 1990-26
Frenette, R.P. and M.E. owners / Nelson, James and Virginia L., applicants
Ord. 1990-21
Friendship Park
Ord. 2007-45 – PUD to CI
Frog Hollow Mobile Home Park
Ord. 2020-50 - CG to RMH with conditions
Frontier Commons PUD
Ord. 2008-24 - OR to RS-3
Fruit Cove Ltd.
Ord. 1979-22
Ord. 1979-30
Ord. 1990-51
Fruit Cove Shopping Center PUD
RS-2 & CG to PUD – Ord. 2006-86
Fulkerson Rezoning
Ord. 2020-36 - OR to CI
Fuller, Kelli
Rezoning from CI to OR - Ord. 2000-1
G and C Developers, Inc.
OR to PRD - Ord. 1999-62
Gaddy, Robert L./Robert Kent/Donald McConville
Ord. 1977-13
Gaines Road
Ord. 2021-63 - OR to RS-3
Galant, Dawson, Maddox, Sulik, Nichols
Ord. 1981-11
Ord. 2008-14 – OR, RMH, & IW to IW
Gallagher & Cavalier Inc. & Cofer
Ord. 1977-11
Gambrell, Helen and Joseph G.
Ord. 1979-36
Garner, Charles, as authorized by R.F. Coltrane
Major Mod to Ord. 93-13 - Ord.1997-9
Garrett, Winton, Jr.
Ord. 1988-39
Gate Petroleum Co (Louis L. Huntley)
From IW to CI, Comercial Intensive - Ord.
Gateway to St. Johns PUD
OR to PUD – Ord. 2006-13
Ord. 2006-13 was consolidated into the Entrada PUD, Ord. 2019-18
Gay, Alpha A.
Ord. 1985-33
Geier, Lawrence and Carmalita / Fred and Arlene Jeknovorian
Ord. 1978-64
Ord. 1981-77
General Development Corporation (See Julington Creek PUD)
General Mills Restaurants, Inc. - (Red Lobster)
Ord. 1993-13
Genesis Group - Regis Pines PUD
Ord. 2002-39
Genovar, Eugenia Y.
Ord. 1978-21
Ord. 1979-27
Ord. 1979-63
Ord. 1979-75
Ord. 1980-53
Ord. 1981-9
Mitchell Company - Ord. 1986-43
Genovar, Phil
OR to CI - Ord. 2001-41
Genovar, Philip B.
Ord. 1981-60
Genovar, Phillip G.
Ord. 1973-14
Ord. 1973-20
Ord. 1973-21
Ord. 1980-45
George, Edward, Richard Noda, & John and Margaret Olivet, and Patricia Olivet
RS-3 to OP – Ord. 2005-60
George, Wayne Residential Lots
CN to RS-3 – Ord. 2005-97
Ord. 2009-6 - Or to CG
GHM Real Estate
Ord. 1998-69
Ord. 2016-56 – Major modification to the North St. Johns Commerce Center PUD, Ord. 1998-69, as amended
Ord. 2021-59 - Major modification to the St. Johns Commons at CR 210 PUD, as amended
Gilbert, Geraldine Hollis/David H. Fort/Nancy W. Avera
Ord. 1978-82
Gibson, Steve - Mexican Imports PUD
Ord. 2001-17
(See Avery Project PUD)
Gill, Thomas / Tim Gabriel & Associates
Ord. 1985-85
Ord. 1994-2
Girvin, Walter D.
CHT to RS-3 - Ord. 2002-75
Gissy, Donald A.
Ord. 1986-68
Global SE
CHT to CI – Ord. 2005-6
Global Shelter Inc. PUD (Cypress Lakes)
Ord. 1986-15
Modifying the PUD - Ord. 1997-27
Ord. 2022-34 - Major modification to the Cypress Lakes Village PUD, Ord. 1986-15, as amended
Goad, Julian
Ord. 1979-72
Ord. 1989-2
Goad, Julian and Jim Dimsdale
Ord. 1976-37
Goelz, Gloria Child
Ord. 1991-22
Golden Eye PRD
Ord. 2004-83
Golfway Centre PUD/Wilson, Marvin
OR to PUD - Ord. 1997-67
Ord. 2000-29
Good News Presbyterian Church
Ord. 2009-9 – RS-2 to OR
Goodman Commercial Expansion
Ord. 2022-51 - RMH and CI with conditions to Commercial Intensive
Goodman, William, Trustee for Goodman Trust (See Osprey Cove
Ord. 2000-33
Goodrich, Joseph Jr. - Seascape PUD - lands of Ralph A. DeMeo
Ord. 1979-3
Goodwin, J.W.
Ord. 1982-32
Goodwin, Joseph T., Trustee
Ord. 1982-25
Ord. 1982-35
Goodwin Realty & Investment Company
Ord. 1979-50
Ord. 1982-34
Gordon, Richard
Ord. 1984-78
Gordon, Richard and Sandra
Ord. 1998-45
Gornley, William and Carol
Ord. 1988-66
Governor's Plantation (See Frank DiMare)
Ord. 1991-30
Grafft, Jerrell (S & L Leasing)
Ord. 1983-22
Grafft’s Landing PUD
OR to PUD – Ord. 2005-79
Ord. 2015-34 - Major modification to Ord. 2005-79, as amended
Graham and Company Distribution Project
Ord. 2007-5 – OR to PUD
Ord. 2015-73 - Major modification to Ord. 2007-5, as amended
Ord. 2019-6 -Major modification to the Graham and Company Distribution PUD, Ord. 2007-5, as amended
Graham, Theodore T.
Ord. 1985-84
Gran Lake PUD ( fka Liberty Park PUD)
Ord. 2013-29 – Major Modification to
the Gran Lake PUD, previously known as Liberty Park PUD, Ord. 2005-33,
as amended)
Grand Cay PUD (fka Spanish Cay)
OR to PUD – Ord. 2004-75
Major mod to Ord. 2004-75, as amended – Ord. 2005-40
Grand Cypress PUD
Ord. 2021-1 - From OR and CI to PUD
Grand Creek PUD
Ord. 2019-34 - OR & PRD to PUD
Grand Oaks PUD
Ord. 2018-40 - OR to PUD
Grand Ravine PUD
OR to PUD – Ord. 2005-111
Grant, Alex
Ord. 1979-37
CI with conditions to CI with a change in conditions - Ord. 1996-55
Gray Fox Farms PRD
OR to PRD – Ord. 2005-37
Great Expectations
Ord. 2016-50 – OR to CI with conditions
Ord. 2022-70 - CG to RS-3
Green, David B., Trustee - Curtan, Wayne, Loeffler, Trustees
Ord. 1980-47
Green, Katherine R.
Ord. 1977-22
Green, R.A. et al (TDL Enterprises)
Ord. 1984-43
Green, Thomas D./Elbert and Jeannine Mott/Carol Simone/Albert
Ord. 1985-54
Greenbriar Downs
Ord. 2019-15 - OR to PUD
Ord. 2021-98 - Major modification to the Greenbriar Downs PUD, Ord. 2019-15, as amended
Greenbriar Estates
OR to PRD – Ord. 2003-103
Greenbriar Helow
Ord. 2022-77 - OR to PUD
Greenbriar Preserve
Ord. 2013-27 – OR to PUD
Greene, Thomas H. and E.J. Plesko
Ord. 1974-4
Greenspan, Thomas and Marie
CN to RMH-S - Ord. 1997-55
Greggs, Robert E. and Claudia / Pierre Thompson / John D. Bailey
PSD - Ord. 1981-81
Grevior, Arnold and Frank Stuart
Ord. 1978-23
Ord. 1981-1
Grey Hawk
Ord. 2013-17 – OR to PUD
Grier, Lawrence and Lita / Fred and Arlene Jeknovorian
Ord. 1978-64
Ord. 1981-77
Ord. 1985-81
Griffins Point Associates
Ord. 1989-6
PUD Ord. 1997-42
Modifying Ord. 89-6 - Ord. 1997-43
Griner, J.J.
Ord. 1977-29
Griner, James and Judith
Ord. 1984-24
Grizzard, Sandra
Ord. 1997-24
Gross, Evelyn / James A. and Theresa Patterson / Linda Keller
Ord. 1985-38
Ord. 1980-32
Ord. 1980-33
GSLR Enterprises
Ord. 2024-33 - CN to [RMH(S)]
Guidice, Joseph Del
Ord. 1981-52
Guina, James K. and Mary Ann
PSD - Ord. 1981-22
Res. 1987-69 - Major Modification to
Fruit Cove Medical Plaza
Ord. 2011-22 – Major modification to
Ord. 1981-22, as amended
Guitar Shop, The
Ord. 2021-76 - OR to CW
Gunby, William R. Jr.
Huguenot Harbour (Lightsey Road) -OR to PSD – Ord. 1993-20
GVA, Inc. (Seagate Partners)
Ord. 1994-4
Ord. 1994-5
Approves a major modification to the Eagle Creek PUD - Ord. 2005-57
HDG US 1 North
Ord. 2021-74 - OR to CW
H & J Investments, Topo Inc.
Ord. 1977-14
Haake, Paul
Ord. 1976-4
Hahenman, Robert (Sea Pines)
RS-2 (with conditions) to RS-2 (with conditions) - Ord. 2001-52
Hale, Clara A. / Frank D. Upchurch
Ord. 1980-18
Haley, Mrs. Charlcie M.
Ord. 1987-72
Hall, Raymond A.
Ord. 1984-13
Hall, Raymond A. on behalf of Prospectors Marketing, Inc., owners
Ord. 1988-28
Hamlett, Susan and Alex Grant
Ord. 1996-55
Hams Nursery
Conditional rezoning from RS-3 to CI - Ord. 1988-33
Haney, Wallace E. and Linda / William G. Lucas
Ord. 1985-69
Hanna, John M.
Ord. 1978-56
Hansen, Jeannie/Thomas J. Coates
Ord. 1983-44
Hardee's - SR 16 & Green Acres Road
Ord. 2018-17 - OR to CG
Hardeman, P.H. andCecelia
Ord. 1984-32
Hardison, Edward Jr.
PSD - Ord. 1984-70
Res. 1989-68 - Major Modification
Hardy, Richard
CG to CI - Ord. 1996-54
Harlan, John and Edwyna
Ord. 1980-50
Harley Davidson PUD
Major modification to the Stone Mountain Carpet Mill Outlet PSD (Ord.
94-53) to Harley Davidson PUD - Ord. 2002-3
Ord. 2008-15 - Major modification to
the Harley Davidson PUD, Ord. 2002-3, as amended
Harris, Janice and Hakes, Cheryl
Ord. 2001-10
Harris, Sherman Jr.
Rezoning from RMH to RMH-S - Ord. 2000-10
Harwick, Peter and Kim
Ord. 1995-29
Harwil Fixture Company
Ord. 2009-64 – IW to RS-3
Haswell, Forest et al, by Philip Holmberg
Ord. 1983-40
Haupt Center
OR to CI – Ord. 2005-89
Hausen, Richard and Joyce
Ord. 1977-37
Hawaiian Isle Estates Inc.
Ord. 1973-18
Ord. 1973-19
Ord. 1980-9
Hawkcrest Woods PSD
Ord. 1994-15
Hein, Alex and E. Virginia
Ord. 1988-73
Hendry, Jr. et al
Ord. 1987-2
Henningsen, Jenny / Palmer, Daniel Patrick
Ord. 1990-27
Henry Street
Ord. 2021-66 - RMH to CN
Heritage Development
Ord. 2019-76 - OR to CW
Heritage Oaks
Ord. 2014-9 – OR to PUD
Heritage/Woodlawn Properties LLC
OR to PUD - Ord. 2000-4
Major Modification to PUD Ord. 2000-4 – Ord. 2004-27
Herring, Jonathan and Heymen, Sterling
Ord. 1998-31
Hersey, John E.
Ord. 1983-27
Herzog, Marion J.
Ord. 1985-28
Heyman, Sterling and Herring, Jonathan
Ord. 1998-31
Hideway at Old Moultrie Rezoning
OR to PUD – Ord. 2003-38
Higgins, Gregg
Ord. 2000-35
High Chapparrel, Inc.
CG to CI – Ord. 2002-74
High and Dry Storage
Ord. 2011-12 – HI to CW
Hightower Property
OR to RS-3 – Ord. 2006-85
Hilden Business Park
OR to PUD – Ord. 2004-70
Ord. 2007-11 - Major modification to the Hilden Business Park PUD, Ord. 2004-70, as amended
Hill, Dan
Ord. 1976-8
Hilltop Estates
Ord. 2023-2 - OR to RS-3
Hilltop Rezoning
Ord. 2009-8 - OR to CG
Hilton, Orville and Hilda
Ord. 1987-12
Hirshberg, Herbert S.
Ord. 1987-38
Hodgins Sheldon
Ord. 2007-69 - RMH to CN
Holdrum, Gerritt H. and Diane C. - Cantrell Weaver Communities
Ord. 1986-51
Holiday Inn Express
Ord. 2007-89 - OR & CHG w/conditions
to CHT
Holmberg, Philip (Forest Haswell et al)
Ord. 1983-40
Holmes Lumber Company Employees Profit Sharing Plan
Rogers B. Holmes and Carmen Pike, Trustees - Ord. 1979-53
Home Again
Ord. 2022-84 - RG-2 to PS
Home Occupation
Ord. 1995-9
Honey Branch Estates
OR to PRD – Honey Branch Estates – Ord. 2005-83
Honey Branch Farms
Ord. 2024-10 - PRD and OR to PRD
Hooten, Charles B. III
Ord. 1995-2
Hover, Donald T.
CN to RS-3 - Ord. 1999-66
Hopkins, Mrs. Ann
Ord. 1976-28
Ord. 1977-38
Ord. 1978-8
Ord. 1978-47
Ord. 1979-25
Ord. 1980-5
Ord. 1981-51
Horn, Clyde H.
Ord. 1975-21
Horton Grocery
CG with conditions to CG without conditions – Ord. 2004-78
Horton, Richard and Velma
Hovater’s Commercial Development to PSD
Ord. 1996-12
Howell, William M. and Charles Cook III
(See Sunrise Partnership)
Huffman, Susan – Body Wise Wellness Center
RG-1 to CN – Ord. 2004-8
Hughes Palm Valley
Ord. 2007-80 - OR to RS-2
Hughes, Stephen and Kathleen
OR to CG – Ord. 2003-54
Huguenot Harbour (Lightsey Road)
OR to PSD (William R. Gunby, Jr.) - Ord. 1993-20
Hunters, Charles
Ord. 1984-79
Hunters Creek
OR to RS-2 – Ord. 2004-26
Huntley, Louis
Ord. 1982-55
Huntley, Louis L, owner / Thomas J. Anderson, representative
Ord. 1989-17
Hurley, James and Linda
Ord. 2000-69
Hutchinson Business Park
PSD to CI - Ord. 2006-83
Hyde Park
Ord. 2009-41 – OR to PRD
Ord. 2009-42 – OR to PUD
Ord. 2012-11 – Major modification to the Hyde Park PUD, Ord. 2009-42, as amended
Ord. 2012-12 – Major modification to the Hyde Park PUD, Ord. 2009-41, as amended
Hydro Aluminum (formerly known as VAW of America, Inc.)
Ord. 1988-24
Amends Ord. 1988-24 - Ord. 1992-3
Ord. 2008-60 – IW & OR to PUD
Ord. 2021-97 - Major modification to the Hydro-Aluminum PUD, Ord. 2008-60, as amended
Ickes, Kendall S. and Michele / Richard Joyce
Ord. 1986-85
Ickes, Kendall S. and Michele / Steven Knight
Ord. 1984-53
IGP Commerce Center
Ord. 2019-69 - OR & I to PUD
Indian Forest Compground & Commercial Park PUD
Ord. 1997-56
Ord. 2007-76 – Major modification to
PUD Ord. 1997-56
Inman Commercial
Ord. 2009-12 – OR to CI
Inman, et al
Ord. 1987-4
Inman Road Commercial
Ord. 2019-62 - IW to CI
Inman, Wallace F. and Ira L.
Ord. 1987-4
Ord. 1989-7
Innlet Beach
(See Fletcher Land Corporation)
Inter-Medic Associates Inc.
Ord. 1981-30
Island Cottages PUD
CG and RG-2 to PUD – Ord. 2003-34
Major Modification to PUD Ord. 2003-34 – Ord. 2004-73
Island Docs Moultrie Road
Ord. 2021-6 - From PSD to OP
Ord. 2022-25 - CN to OP
Island Lakes
PUD - Ord. 1984-17
Res. 1989-38 - Major Modification
Island Landing
(See GVA, Inc.)
Islands at Ponte Vedra
Ord. 1987-7
Istoria PUD
OR to PUD – Ord. 2004-31
Major mod to the Istoria PUD & rezoning from PUD & OR to PUD, Ord.
2004-31, as amended – Ord. 2006-39
ITT Rayonier
Ord. 1978-45
Ord. 1980-51
Ord. 1986-86
Ord. 1987-25
Amends Ord. 1987-25 - Ord.1987-35
Jacalone, Joseph and Jeanette
Ord. 1989-54
Jack Wilson Chevrolet Buick Inc.
Ord. 1975-10
Jackson, J.W. and Hazel
Ord. 1979-35
Jackson, James W. and Donna M.
Ord. 1980-36
Jackson, Loretta S. and Emma F. Baker
Ord. 1977-39
Jackson, Ronald
Ord. 1978-2
Ord. 1978-55
Ord. 1981-75
Jacksonville Methodist Home, Inc.
(See Wesley Village, Inc.) - Ord. 1990-34
Amendment to Ord. 90-34 - Ord. 1995-13
Rezoning to PUD - Ord. 1998-30
(See Westminister Woods PUD)
Jacobs, Cameron
Dream Homes of the First Coast, Inc. PUD. (From RG-2 to PUD)
Ord. 2001-49
James, Clarence
Ord. 1986-56
Jams, Horace R. Sr.
Ord. 1974-12
James, Jim
Ord. 1979-44
James, John and John Tesdorpf
Ord. 1985-90
Janson, Ronald D.
Ord. 1978-9
Janson, Ronald D. and David F. Pacetti
Ord. 1978-10
Janson, Ronald D. and Mary K
Ord. 1976-16
Ord. 1979-69
Janus Financial Corporation
Ord. 1980-43
JB Plaza, Inc.
OR & IW to CI – Ord. 2005-81
Johns Creek PUD
Ord. 1999-28
Johns Creek
OR & PUD to PUD – Ord. 2006-14
John’s Glen (See Silverfield Development Company)
OR to PUD - Ord. 1995-41
Johns Hot Tubs Park Inc.
Ord. 1983-30
Johnson, David W.
Ord. 1990-44
Johnson, Jackie E.
Ord. 1982-56
Johnson, Mike/H. W. Mizell
Ord. 1985-12
Ord. 1985-87
Res. 1987-109 - Ownership change
Johnson, William W. and Ruby
Ord. 1978-60
Johnston, Clayton
Ord. 1984-56
Jo-Morris Properties, Inc.
Ord. 1973-11
Jones, J.W.
Ord. 1988-29
Jones, John W. Jr.
Ord. 1986-8
Jones, Frank and Lillie
Ord. 1984-74
Jones, Helen B. by Harry L. Mathis
Ord. 1977-30
Jones, Malinda U. - (Also Laird & Usina)
Ord. 1975-14
Joy, William F.
Ord. 1982-51
Julington Creek PUD, General Development Corporation
Ord. 1982-14
Ord. 2006-12 - Major modification to
Julington Creek Plantation PUD, Ord. 1982-14
Ord. 2006-97 – Major mod to the
Julington Creek PUD, Ord. 82-14, as amended
Ord. 2006-107 – Major mod to the
Julington Creek Plantation PUD, Ord. 82-14, as amended
Julington Creek Plantation PUD
Ord. 1993-43
Major Modification to Ord. 1993-43 - Ord. 1995-54
Modifies master development plan, Inc. into Ord 93-43, as amended –
Ord 1997-7
Modifies master development plan, Inc. into Ord. 93-43, as amended - Ord. 1998-55
Modifies master development plan into Ord. 93-43, as amended –
Ord. 1999-65
Major Mod to Ord. 1993-43 - Ord. 2001-21
Major Mod to Ord. 1993-43 – Ord. 2003-4
Major Mod to Ord. 1993-43 – Ord. 2003-55
Approves a major modification to the Julington Creek Plantation
(Bartram Trail Library) PUD Res. No. 1996-48, as amended – Ord. 2005-46
Ord. 2010-50 – Major modification to Ord. 1993-43. as amended
Ord. 2011-5 – Major modification to Ord. 1993-43, as amended
Ord. 2012-27 – Major modification to Ord. 1993-43, as amended
Ord. 2015-74 - Major modification to Ord. 1993-43, as amended
Julington Lakes PUD
Ord. 2014-46 - OR to PUD
Ord. 2022-15 - Major Mod. to PUD
Justice Development
Ord. 1989-48
Kamm, Jeffrey H. / John Van Olphen
Ord. 1984-72
Ord. 2008-55 – Moultrie Commerce Park; CI w/conditions (Ord. 84-72) to CG
Kangaroo Expansion
Ord. 2008-56 – OR to CG
Kapler, George (Cedar Ridge PSD)
Ord. 1995-23
Karsam Offices
OR to OP – Ord. 2006-103
Kaslers, Inc.
Ord. 1991-13
Kass, Jerome
Ord. 1973-13
Katnack Administrative
Ord. 2009-55 – CI to RMH
Katepally Family Community Commercial
Ord. 2022-83 - OR to PUD
Ord. 2023-44 - Major Modification to the Katepally Family Community Commercial PUD, Ord. 2022-83, as amended
Kazmierski, Edward and J.
Ord. 1983-15
Keffler, Gil
Ord. 1983-4
Keknovorian, Fred and Arlene/Lawrence and Carmalita Geier
Ord. 1978-64
Ord. 1981-77
Ord. 1985-81
Ord. 1991-1
Keller, Linda / Evelyn Gross / James and Theresa Patterson
Ord. 1985-38
Kelley, Frank J. III and Mary Kaye
Ord. 1983-31
Kellow, Estate of Mattie J., Koris Barnwell, rep., Jack Shaffner and B. Robert Tucker, applicants
Ord. 1988-45
Kenny, Theodore J. and Kathryn
Ord. 1996-4
Kensington PUD
OR to PUD – Ord. 2003-105
Major mod to the Kensington PUD Ord. 2003-105, as amended –
Ord. 2005-107
Kent, Robert, Robert L. Gaddy and Donald McConville
Ord. 1977-13
Kenton, Lewis and Linda
Ord. 1983-56
RS-3 to CI - Ord. 2003-92
Key Parcel
Ord. 2008-52 – OR to PUD
Ord. 2008-52 was consolidated into the Entrada PUD, Ord. 2019-18
Family KIA of St. Augustine (See Nils and Nora Ny)
Ord 2000-23
Killian, Ralph
Ord. 1976-13
Kilpatrick, Mitch and Mark Cooksey
Ord. 1985-55
King, Emory
Ord. 1976-2
King, Mr. and Mrs. Emory
Ord. 1979-15
King, R.S.
Ord. 1986-50
King Street Project
RS-3 & CG to RG-2 MF – Ord. 2006-35
Kings Trace PUD
OR to PUD – Ord. 2005-14
Ord. 2007-25 - Major Mod to the Kings Trace PUD, Ord. 2005-14, as amended
Kirk, M and M. Linton R.
Ord. 1978-22
KKP – Chippewa / Stonehurst Plantation
Ord. 2001-04
Klein, Herbert and Geraldine
Ord. 1993-22
Klippstein, Adolph
Ord. 1985-25
Klipstein, Virgin and Brenda
Ord. 1986-52
Klipstine, Joseph
Ord. 1977-5
Knight, Steve and Kendall S. and Michele Ickes
Ord. 1984-53
Knights Inn
Ord. 2010-6 – CG to CI
Knio, Assad
Ord. 1977-45
Knox, Larry W.
Ord. 1988-5
Kon Tiki Resorts Inc.
Ord. 1976-34
Kohls, Polornowski, Wasson
Ord. 1986-7
Kotrady Hudgins Croyle Funeral Home PUD
OR & RS-3 to PUD – Ord. 2004-13
Kranski, Mary
Ord. 1976-35
Kulwicki, Edmund J. and Wilma M.
Ord. 1978-81
Kuvick, Steven and Mary
Ord. 1979-11
Kwons, Joe, Henry Chui and Clarence James
Ord. 1986-56
Kyall, Kirby
Ord. 1982-44
Ord. 1983-37
L & B Industrial Park
Ord. 2010-16 – IW to CW
Lagasse, Barbara P. and Alonzo H. Manucy Jr.
Ord. 1986-40
Lagasse, Paul E., Jimmie T. Poppell and William C. Shivers
Ord. 1979-68
Laird, Catherine U. (Also Jones & Usina)
Ord. 1975-14
Lakewood Pointe
Ord. 2015-65 - OR & RS-1 to PUD
Lakes at Mill Creek Plantation
Ord. 2015-36 - OR to PUD
Lakes at Ponte Vedra
Ord. 2015-37 - OR to PUD
Land, Jack (See Estate of Wm. F. Brown)
Landers Atkins Planners
Ord. 1987-56
Ord. 2001-69 - Major modification to the Fiore Industrial Park PUD, Ord. 87-56, as amended
Ord. 2004-37 - Major modification to Fiore Industrial Park PUD, Ord. 87-56, as amended
Ord. 2005-2 - Major modification to the Fiore Industrial Park PUD, Ord. 87-56, as amended
Ord. 2024-22 - Major modification to the Fiore Industrial Park PUD, Ord. 87-56, as amended; Pappy and 210 Commercial
Landings at Greenbriar, The
Ord. 2023-36 - OR to PUD
Landings at St. Johns, The
Ord. 2023-38 - OR & RS-2 to PUD
Landrum, Roy (Estate) (Fiddlers Hammock)
PUD - Ord. 1995-38
Landscaper Project
OR to CI – Ord. 2006-76
Lanier / Crews / Nottingham
Ord. 1984-25
Las Calinas PRD
OR to PRD – Ord. 2004-60
Major mod to the Las Calinas PRD Ord. 2004-60 – Ord. 2005-106
PRD to PUD – Ord. 2005-109
Ord. 2007-82 – Major modification to PRD Ord. 2005-106
Las Palmas PUD
Ord. 2002-44
Laurie, Gavin, Agent - Seaside Capers Inc.
Ord. 1977-21
Last Mile Distribution Facility
Ord. 2020-43 - Major modification to the Last Mile Distribution Facility PUD; previously approved as Floridian at St. Augustine PUD, Ord. 2006-136, as amended
Law, George
Ord. 1986-57
Laurence Properties
Ord. 1997-52 - R-1-A to PSD with conditions
Lazzara, Salvatore and Chris Cantabene
Ord. 1994-13
LDC Business Park
Ord. 2004-34 - OR to IW
Ord. 2009-26 – PSD to IW
Leduc, Henry and Hien, Virginia
Ord 1999-31 - Rezoning CG
Ord. 2003-51 - RS-3 to PUD
Ord. 2005-74 - Major mod to Ord. 2003-51, NAPA Auto Parts PUD, as amended
Leduc Lounge
CG w/ conditions to CG – Ord. 2003-19
Legare, Clothilde
Ord. 1979-47
Lee, A. J. and Hattie R.
Ord. 1979-64
Lee, Thomas and Sharon
Ord. 1995-30
Lee, Ernest E. on behalf of Barnett Bank
Ord. 1991-32
Legtland, W. Judson and Peggy V. and McFauls, James B. and Nancy L.
Ord. 2001-60 - CHT to RS-3
Lenya Corp S.A.
Ord. 2001-24
Leonard’s Studio
Ord. 2011-21 – IW to CG
Les Miles Enterprises
Ord. 1982-21
Lesley, Edward M. and Linda; Bailey, John D. and Margaret B.; Thompson, Pierre D.; Thompson, Maxie R.; Mussalem, Edward G. and Harriett L.
Ord. 1990-29
Lester, John A. and John and Martha Tindall
Ord. 1984-55
Leth, Vincent
Ord. 1978-11
Leth, Vincent M. and Sue M.
Ord. 1987-69
Levy Commercial
Ord. 2005-82 - OR to OP
Lewis, Herbert and Edith W.
Ord. 1986-70
Lewis, Nancy J.
Ord. 2000-56
Lewis Point PSD
Lewis State Bank
Extending PUD (Vilano Beach Ltd.) - Ord. 1976-38
(See Ordinances 1973-13 and 1974-22)
Liberty Park PUD
OR to PUD – Ord. 2005-33
Major modification to Liberty Park PUD, Ord. 2005-33 – Ord. 2006-10
See Gran Lake PUD (Liberty Park PUD’s name changed to Gran Lane PUD)
Lieu, Connie, et al
Ord. 1982-43
Lighthouse Toyota
Ord. 2003-66 - PSD to CI and OP
Lightsey Road Apartments
Ord. 2010-22 – OR to PUD
Lightsey Road Extension
Ord. 2017-3 – OR to PUD
Lightsey Road Self-Storage
Ord. 2019-59 - OR to PUD
Ord. 2021-99 - Major modification to the Lightsey Road Storage PUD
Lightsey Road Venture
Ord. 1993-23
Lilies, Rutledge R. (See Sunrise Partnership)
Lindsley, James S.
Ord. 1974-23
Little Catrell
Ord. 2023-7 - CI with three conditions to CI with one condition
Loeffler, John E., Trustee - Curtan, Wayne, Green, Trustees
Ord. 1980-47
Logan, Edward J.
Ord. 1988-40
Long, John W. (See David E. Baker)
Ord. 1986-48
Lopes, J. T.
Ord. 1977-26
Lowe’s of St. Augustine
Ord. 2012-9 – CG to PUD
Lucas, William G. and Wallace E. and Linda Haney
Ord. 1985-69
Lupus, Mary I.
Ord. 1982-16
Lynch, Lawrence and Jean
Ord. 1983-6
Lyndale Investments and James E. Dimsdale
Ord. 1989-25
M. M. W. S., Inc. and Weldon Lands
Ord. 1986-63
M & O SA Holding, LLC
Ord. 2017-57 - IW with conditions to IW with conditions
MacDonald, Davis and Leanne
Ord. 1988-2
MacMullen, Richard and Shirley, Marie Bradfisch and Katherine Coombs
Ord. 1985-10
Maddox, Dawson, Galant, Sulik, Nichols
Ord. 1981-11
Maenza, Marie (See also Berndt, Cindy)
Ord. 1995-55 - CN to RMH-S
Magre, Joseph P.
Ord. 1978-85
Maguire, Craig
Ord. 1984-63
Ord. 1995-62 - CG to PSD
Maguire Land Corporation
Ord. 1996-32
Ord. 1998-8
Ord. 1998-71
Ord. 1999-13 - Rezoning to IW
Ord. 1999-12 - Rezoning IW to OR
Ord. 2011-11 - Major modification to the Technology Center at St. Marks PUD, Ord. 1998-8, as amended
MAI Office Complex
Ord. 2024-23 - OR to CN w/ conditions
Makarios South
Ord. 2008-48 – OR to PUD
Ord. 2016-3 - Major modification to Ord. 2008-48, as amended
Maley, R.D.
Ord. 1981-5
Mallard Landing PUD/Beau Investments, Inc.
Ord. 1984-30
Mallard Landing 81, Limited Partnership
PUD to PUD - Ord. 1993-46
Maltby, Joe H. and Judith B.
Ord. 1980-41
Mancino, David A.
Ord. 1995-11
Manucy PUD
Ord. 2009-21 – OR to PUD
Manucy, Alonzo H. Jr. and Barbara P. Lagassee
Ord. 1986-40
Manucy, Flossie H.
Ord. 1978-34
Maples Family Neighborhood Commercial
Ord. 2022-86 - OR & PSD to PUD
Ord. 1987-49
Ord. 1988-50
Ord. 2007-78 – Residential Mobile/Manufactured Housing & RMHS, RS-3 to PUD
March Investments Inc. - PSD
Ord. 1985-59
Ord. 1988-68 and Res. 1988-283
Marine Club PV PUD
Ord. 2004-88
Marler, Cynthia D. and Binninger, Charles
Ord. 1990-37
Marsh Cove, Ltd.
Ord. 1993-32
Marsh Creek - (See Stokes-O'Steen)
Ord. 1988-21
Marsh Creek Partnership
Ord. 1989-41
Major Modification - Res. 1989-199
Major Modification - Ord. 1994-22
OR to PUD - Ord. 1994-23
OR to PUD - Ord. 1996-49
Modifies Ord. 86-79, 94-22, 94-23, 96-49; modifies MDP- Ord. 1996-50
Modifies Ord. 86-79, as amended by Ord. 94-22, 94-23, 96-49 to PUD - Ord. 1997-66
Ord. 2012-24 - Major modification to the Cumberland Industrial Park PUD, Ord. 94-23, as amended
Marsh Harbor at Palm Valley
CG, RS-2, & OR to PUD – Ord.
Major mod to the Marsh Harbor at Palm Valley PUD, Ord. 97-10, as amended – Ord. 2006-1
Marsh Harbor South
OR to PRD – Ord. 2006-104
Ord. 2016-26 - Major modification to the Marsh Harbor South PRD, as amended
Marsh Lakes PUD - James Efstathion - Ponte Vedra Corp.
Ord. 1984-49
Amended - Ord. 1985-7
Amended - Ord. 1985-92
Marshall Creek PUD
Ord. 1984-20
Ord. 1998-64
OR to PUD and Major Mod to Marshall Creek PUD (Ord 98-64) – Ord. 2002-33
Major mod to Marshall Creek PUD Ord. 98-64, as amended – Ord. 2005-29
Major mod to Marshall Creek PUD Ord. 98-64, as amended – Ord. 2005-105
Ord. 2009-66 – Major mod to Marshall Creek PUD, Ord. 98-64, as amended
Marshside and Marshside North PSD
Ord. 1995-18
OR to RS-2 – Ord. 2005-11
Martin, Frank J. and Elizabeth
Ord. 1990-41
Ord. 1990-43
Martin, Jimmy S.
Ord. 1981-78
Martin, Roland, Gary Blackwell and James B. Williams
Ord. 1974-19
Martindale, Harvey E
Ord. 1981-24
Mason, Robert, Isabelle, Reginald, Alice
Ord. 1981-43
Mason, Otis and Myrtis
Ord. 1989-10
Masters, Edward and Colese
Ord. 1982-46
Matanzas Forest Limited
Ord. 1981-2
Ord. 1981-3
Walt Slater - Ord. 1983-32
Matanzas Shores PUD
Ord. 1982-47
Mathis, Harry L.for landowner Helen B. Jones
Ord. 1977-30
Mathis, Robert and George McClure B.
PUD to OR - Ord. 2002-22
Mattress Link
OR to IW – Ord. 2004-62
Mayacol, Inc.
Ord. 1998-21
Mayan Construction (Kauffman)
Ord. 1987-39
Mabee, Martha (On behalf of owner James Martin Cooper, III)
Ord. 1993-30
Mayberry Commercial
Ord. 2019-72 - OR to CI
Mazzo, W.L.
Ord. 1984-65
McCall, Ray C.
Ord. 1995-8
McClean, Bruce
OR to RS-2 - Ord. 2001-45
McClure, George and Robert Mathis
PUD to OR - Ord. 2002-22
McCormac, Marc (and Thomas Shank)
CG to RS-3 – Ord. 2003-14
McKay Parcel
Ord. 2007-61 - RMH to OR
Meade, E.B. & Sons, Inc. (landowner Dr. E.J. Beckman)
Ord. 1975-16
Meares, Houston D.
Ord. 1982-3
Meldon, Jeffrey - Lavigne/Johnson
PSD - Ord. 1984-64
Mellon (See Rattlesnake Island PUD)
Menkes, L. Chet and Roslyn
Ord. 1985-80
Ord. 1988-8
Menkes (See Foxhill Estates)
Mensforth Family Community Commercial PUD
Ord. 2023-40 - OR to PUD
Mercure, Gilbert and Engel, Leo
Ord. 1996-28
Merritt Office Building
Ord. 2008-6 – RS-3 to PUD
Meszaros, Mrs. Margaret
Ord. 1975-13
Methodist Church, Deland District
Ord. 1983-52
Mexican Imports (See Steve Gibson)
Meyer, David and Ellen
Ord. 1985-37
Meyer, Wendel, Wendel, Alcantara
Ord. 1981-53
Meyers RV Center
Ord. 2007-55 – OR & CHT to CI
MGM Land Development, Inc.
CHT to RS-3 - Ord. 2001-57
Michael, Warren T and Heather/Ivey House
RS-3 to CG - Ord. 1999-56
Mickler’s Bend PUD
OR to PUD – Ord. 2004-38
Mickler Landing PUD
PSD to PUD – Ord. 2004-2
Ord. 2007-24 - Major modification to Ord. 2004-2, as amended aka Verticality at Ponte Vedra
Mickler Road PUD
OR to PUD - Ord. 2002-05
E. Corner of Mickler and Neck Road
OR to RS-2 – Ord. 2003-99
ICI Middlebourne
Ord. 2018-29 - OR to PUD
Ord. 2020-41 - Major modification to the ICI Middlebourne PUD, Ord. 2018-29, as amended
Ord. 2023-6 - Major modification to the ICI Middlebourne PUD, Ord. 2018-29, as amended
Mihm, Edwin and Peggy, Lot 22 - Marsh Landing at Sawgrass Unit Thirty-Two AA
Ord. 2000-32
Miles, Leslie L.
Ord. 1976-29
Mill Creek Crossing
Ord. 2021-78 - OR to PUD
Mill Creek Forest
Ord. 2019-46 - OR to PUD
Mill Creek Hardware
Ord. 2016-20 - OR to PUD
Ord. 2018-19 - Major modification to Mill Creek Hardware PUD, Ord. 2016-20, as amended
Mill Creek PUD
OR to PUD – Ord. 2005-104
Shoppes at Mill Creek PUD, OR to PUD – Ord. 2006-153
Mill Creek Plantation
Ord. 2013-10 - OR to PUD
Mill Creek Plantation North
Ord. 2014-56 - OR to PUD
Miller Enterprises, Inc.
Ord. 1977-28
Mills Residence
Ord. 2016-33 - OR to RS-1
Mills, Sidney J.
Ord. 1979-70
Ord. 1979-71
Ord. 1981-37
Ord. 1982-54
Ord. 1984-54
Ord. 1985-53
Mills Workforce Housing
Ord. 2024-9 - RS-3 and OR to to WH, with conditions
Milton, Joseph P. (See Sunrise Partnership)
Miniard, Don and John Cheek
Ord. 1979-10
Minyard, James and Corinn, on behalf of Margaret Rhoads
Ord. 1996-5
Minorcan Mill
Ord. 2019-75 - OR to PUD
Mishoe, Harry and Margaret
Ord. 1985-14
Mission Trace PUD
Ord. 2004-110
Ord. 2007-88 – Major modification to the Mission Trace PUD, Ord. 2004-110, as amended
Ord. 2008-51 – Major modification to the Mission Trace PUD, Ord. 2007-88, as amended
Mitchell Company
Ord. 1986-87
Mitchell Company for Genovar
Ord. 1986-43
Mitchell, Frank and Mary
Ord. 1986-25
Mitchell, Gary & Elaine
OR to RS-2 – Ord. 2005-52
Mitchell, Nellie
Ord. 1975-18
Mitchell, Willie
Ord. 1994-11
Ord. 2008-25 - IW to RS-3
Mizell, H.W. (owner)
Mike Johnson (buyer) - Ord. 1985-12
Jim Wilcox, Jr. (buyer) - Ord. 1985-30
William Mazzo (buyer) - Ord. 1987-21
Ord. 1990-1
Ord. 1998-16
Ord. 1998-17
Ord. 2000-15
Mobile Food Vending, Old A1A, aka "Food Trucks"
Ord. 2016-27 - CG to CI with conditions
Modling, A. Calvin
Ord. 1994-53
Moe, Richard and Helen and George Law
Ord. 1986-57
Molner Commerce Center
OR & CG to CI – Ord. 2006-110
Molner, Richard Lee
CG to CI - Ord. 2002-13
Momentum Twin Creeks PUD
Ord. 2022-59 - PUD to PUD
Monahan, Clark V.
Ord. 1982-50
Montgomery Land Company
Ord. 1990-35
Montura PUD
OR to PUD – Ord. 2004-39
Moore, Fawbush, Post, Post, Sleeth, Ross, Bryant, Bussey
(See Fawbush)
Moore, Iris Jo
Ord. 1984-47
Moreman, Reginald et al
Ord. 1984-68
Morgan, Gerald P.
Ord. 1982-26
Morgan’s Cove PUD
OR to PUD – Ord. 2006-92
Ord. 2012-6 – Major modification to the Morgan’s Cove PUD
Morris Communications Corporation / St. Augustine Record
CI with conditions to CI - Ord.
Morse, Diane
Ord. 2001-23
Moses Creek Estates Development
Ord. 1993-17
Rezoning from expired PUD to PUD - Ord. 1996-19
Mott, Elbert and Jeannine; Carol Simone; Albert Zeigler; Thomas Green
Ord. 1985-54
Moulds, Mitzi
Ord. 1987-76
Moultrie Bluff Plaza PUD
Ord. 2009-31 – PSD to PUD
Ord. 2013-39 – Major modification to Ord. 2009-31
Moultrie Commons PSD
Cricket Creek Corp. - Ord.
Ord. 2014-27 – PSD & CG to PUD
Moultrie Crossing (See Stoutenburgh/Peabody)
OR to PSD-Stoutenburgh/Peabody - Ord. 1995-56
PSD to RS-3 – Ord. 2003-50
Moultrie Heights Complex
Ord. 2017-27 - OR to CG with conditions
Moultrie Heights Venture
Ord. 1981-54
OR to PSD - Ord. 1999-52
Moultrie Montessori School; additional land
Ord. 2015-39 - RS-3 to CG
Moultrie Oaks Retirement Community - Phase VI
Ord. 2016-40 - OR to RMH with conditions
Moultrie Oaks Townhomes
Ord. 2019-30 - CN to PUD
Moultrie Office
OR to OP – Ord. 2005-87
Moultrie PSD
Ord. 1986-73
Moultrie Trails Development Company - S.G. Properties, Pierre D. Thompson, John Bailey Sr., Arthur H. Runk - Moultrie Trails PSD
Ord. 1978-49
Moultrie Woods PSD (Coastal Land Development Corp.)
Ord. 1984-37 - OR to PSD
Ord. 2015-64 - PSD to PUD
Mount Holly Company, The
The Atrium PUD - Ord. 1978-50
First Wisconsin Nat'l Bank of Milwaukee
Bos & Associates, Inc.
Mr. T’s Heathing & Air
Ord. 2009-13 - PSD to Ci with conditions
Mueller, Frederick
Ord. 1990-36
Mueller’s Landing PRD
OR & PRD to PRD - Ord. 2006-32
Muentes, Bolivar and Eva and A.J. McGuinness
Ord. 1984-12
Ord. 1987-7
Murabella Plaza
Ord. 2018-11 - OR to PUD
Murabella Station
Ord. 2017-48 - OR to PUD
Murray, David and Linda
Ord. 1988-22
Music Theatre at I-95
OR and IW to PUD - Ord. 2003-96
Mussallem, Dr. A.J.
Ord. 1977-27
Mussallem, Edward G.
Rezoning from OR, RG-2, to RG-1 - Ord. 1999-64
Mussalem Edward G. & Harriett L./Lesley, Edward M. & Linda/Bailey, John D. & Margaret B./Thompson, Pierre D./Thompson, Maxie R.
Ord. 1990-29
Mussallem, Harriet
Ord. 1987-65
McConville, Donald, Robert L. Gaddy and Robert Kent
Ord. 1977-13
McCumber Homes, Inc. (On behalf of Reginald and Linda Bailey)
Ord. 2001-53 - Rezoning lands from CG to IW
McDonald, Leniel E. and Frances
Ord. 1983-7
McElroy, Richard G. et ux
Ord. 1973-16
McEntyre, Ralph
Ord. 1978-20
McFauls, James B. and Nancy L.; and Legtland, W. Judson and Peggy
Ord. 2001-60 - Rezoning lands from CHT to RS-3
McGarvey, Paula S.
Ord. 1996-46
McGuinness, A. J.
Ord. 1984-12
Ord. 1987-68
Ord. 1988-71
Ord. 2001-35
McGuire, James and Marjan
Ord. 1996-22 - Plastic Surgery Center; IW to PSD
ML Conner
Ord. 2024-8 - CN to RS-3
Natural Stone
Ord. 2008-27 - CHT to CI
Ord. 2009-32 – CI to CI with conditions
Neder, Ellis PUD
Ord. 1987-6
Neighborhood Realty
Ord. 1994-33
Neighborhood Realty PSD
Ord. 1997-25
Nelson Commercial
PSD to CI – Ord. 2006-2
Nelson, Frank J. Sr
PUD - Ord. 1987-20
PUD - Ord. 1990-61
Nelson, James and Virginia L. applicants; Frenette, R.P. and M.E. owners
Ord. 1990-21
Nemours Foundation, The
Ord. 1989-16
Nevins, Michael and Dorothy
Ord. 1986-21
Newberry, Howard B. and Jacquelynn D.
Ord. 1988-41
Nicholades, Peter and Linda
Ord. 1998-45
Nichols, Dawson, Galant, Maddox, Sulik
Ord. 1981-11
Nine Mile Gang
Ord. 2011-41 – OR to PUD
Ord. 2015-11 - Major modification to the Nine Mile Gang PUD, Ord. 2011-41, as amended
Ord. 2017-38 - Major modification to the Bannon Lakes PUD, Ord. 2015-11, as amended
Ord. 2019-26 - Major modification to the Bannon Lakes PUD, Ord. 2015-11, as amended
Ord. 2021-10 - Major modification to the Bannon Lakes PUD, Ord. 2015-11, as amended
Ord. 2021-19 - Major modification to the Bannon Lakes PUD, Ord. 2015-11, as amended
Ord. 2024-41 - Major modification to the Bannon Lakes PUD, Ord. 2015-11, as amended
Nix Boat Yard
Ord. 2023-49 - OR to CW, with conditions
Nixon, Martha; Delores Collier; John and Mary Brill; Pete Peterson
Ord. 1985-56
Nocatee Center
Ord. 2007-86 – OR to CN
Nocatee PUD
OR to PUD – Ord. 2002-46
Approves a Master Development Plan to the Nocatee PUD named Sandy Ridge South MDP, Ord. 2002-46, as amended – Res. 2005-193
Major mod to Oak Hammock MDP (Nocatee PUD) Res. No. 2004-29 – Ord. 2006-33
Major mod to the Nocatee PUD, Ord. 2002-46 - Ord. 2006-115
Major mod to the Town Center South MDP, Res. 2006-24 – Ord. 2006-116
Ord. 2007-32 – Major modification to the Nocatee PUD, Ord. 2002-46
Ord. 2008-5 – Major modification to the Nocatee PUD, Ord. 2002-46, and the 20 Mile Village Center, MDP 2006-20
Ord. 2008-21 – Major modification to the Nocatee PUD, Ord. 2002-46, as amended
Ord. 2009-16 – Major modification to the Nocatee PUD, Ord. 2002-46, as amended
Ord. 2009-18 – Major modification to the Nocatee PUD, Ord. 2002-46, as amended
Ord. 2011-23 – Major modification to the Nocatee PUD, Ord. 2002-46, as amended
Ord. 2015-62 – Major modification to the Nocatee PUD, Ord. 2002-46, as amended
Ord. 2016-24 - Major modification to the Nocatee PUD, Ord. 2002-46, as amended
Nock, John
Ord. 1995-47
Amending Ord. 1995-47 – Ord. 996-42
Nolan, Charles
Ord. 1985-96 - OR to RS-2
Norquist Property
Ord. 2017-19 – CN to RMH(S)
North Beach Investments, Inc.
Ord. 1987-67
North Beach Campground
Ord. 2019-65 - RMH to PUD
North Creek PUD
Ord. 2019-2 - OR & PUD to PUD
North Crescent Beach Ltd. and Sea Place Masters Assn., Inc.
PUD - Ord. 1985-78
Northeast Planning District
Administratively rezoning within the … for consistency with the FLUM - Ord. 2004-32
North Florida Industrial Park
Ord. 2008-37 - PSD to PUD
Ord. 2017-60 - Major modification to the North Florida Industrial Park PUD, Ord. 2008-37, as amended
North Florida Sweeping Inc.
Ord. 1993-50
Amending Ord. 1993-50; Maj. Mod., Smith Trucking Company –
North Orange Place
Ord 2022-39 - Residential Single-Family (RS-3) to Workforce Housing (WH)
North Pointe at Ponte Vedra
OR to PUD – Ord. 2005-112
Ord. 2006-154 - Major mod to the North Pointe at Ponte Vedra PUD, Ord. 2005-112
North River Island (Trustees of Barco Family Charitable Trust)
CHT to RS-3 – Ord. 2003-15
Northeast Florida Development Company / Frederick and Ruth Doyle
OR to PSD - Ord. 1994-38
Northgate, Arvida Corp
PUD - Ord. 1982-67
Northridge Lakes PUD
OR to PUD – Ord. 2002-60
Major mod. to Northridge Lakes PUD Ord. 2002-60 – Ord. 2006-37
Ord. 2013-7 – Major modification to the Northridge Lakes PUD, Ord. 2002-60, as amended
North Roscoe Residential Lots
Ord. 2015-33 - CG to OR
North Tenth Street
Ord. 2019-20 - Residential Single Family (RS-3) to Office Professional (OP)
Norwood & Byrnes
Ord. 1983-12
Northwood Drive
Ord. 2016-61 – RMH-S to IW
Northwood Properties
Ord. 2019-83 - OR to CW
Ord. 1984-25
Number One Realty Corp. (Terry Pacetti)
Ord. 1978-25
Ny, Nils and Nora (See Family KIA of St. Augustine)
Ord. 2000-23
Nye, Logan Inc.
Ord. 2000-70
Oak Harbour PUD
OR to PUD - Ord. 2002-10
Rescinds Ord. 2002-10; OR to PUD, with special conditions- Ord. 2002-23
Oakland Avenue, 631
Ord. 2022-14 - CG to RS-3
Oakridge Landing PUD
Ord. 2013-8 – OR to PUD
Oaks PUD, The
RMH to PUD – Ord. 2006-111
Oaks at Palm Valley, The
Ord. 2007-46 – OR to RS-1
Oaks of St. Johns PUD
RS-E to PUD - Ord. 2001-76
Oak Trail Preserve
Ord. 2016-66 – OR to PUD
Ord. 2022-20 - PUD to OR
O'Brien, Jack T.
Ord. 1984-30
Ocean Cay
Ord. 2013-20 – OR to PUD
Ord. 2014-58 - Major modification to Ocean Cay PUD, Ord. 2013-20, as amended
Ocean Gallery Property Owners Assoc.
Ord. 1989-53
Ord. 1990-2
Ocean Grove RV Sales and Storage
Ord. 2019-39 - OR & CW to CI
Ocean Villas West Inc.
Ord. 1974-1
Amending Ord. 1974-1 - Ord. 1975-2
Odom’s Mill PUD
Ord. 1996-8
Major Modification - Ord. 1996-34
Major Modification to Ord. 1996-8, as amended – Ord. 2005-61
Odum's Mill PUD - Landvest Ltd.
Ord. 1980-54
Phasing schedule amended - Ord. 1982-39
Office Warehouse
Ord. 2011-40 - OR to CI
Oglesby, Gregory B.
Ord. 1982-36
Ohana Breeze
Ord. 2024-39 - CN to [RMH(S)]
O'Hara, Edward B.
Ord. 1978-3
Oland, Parker
Ord. 1987-53
Old A1A, Mobile Food Vending, aka "Food Trucks"
Ord. 2016-27 - CG to CI with conditions
Old Brick Road
Ord. 2008-36 – OR & IW to PUD
Ord. 2019-3 - Major modification to the Old Brick Road PUD, Ord. 2008-36, as amended
Old Brick Road Association
Ord. 1985-21
Old City RV & Boat Storage
Ord. 2019-31 - OR to CI
Old Dixie Highway Land Company
Ord. 1989-15
Oldfield Forest
OR to PUD – Ord. 2006-137
Ord. 2010-32 - Major modification to the St. Johns Marketplace (Oldfield Forest) PUD, Ord. 2006-137, as amended
Ord. 2014-4 – Major modification to the St. Johns Marketplace (Oldfield Forest) PUD, Ord. 2006-137, as amended
Ord. 2014-5 – PUD to CI & CW
Old Florida PUD
Ord. 2006-19 - OR to PUD
Ord. 2011-45 - PUD to OR
Old Lewis Speedway
Ord. 2023-8 - IW & RS-3 to RS-3
Old Moultrie Rezoning
OR to CN (The Vault Group) – Ord. 2003-39
Old Moultrie Bluff PUD (aka Salida del Sol)
Ord. 2006-108 - OR to PUD
Ord. 2007-43 - Major modification to the Old Moultrie Bluff PUD, Ord. 2006-108, as amended
Ord. 2020-60 - Major modification to the Old Moultrie Bluff PUD, Ord. 2006-108, as amended
Old Moultrie Flex Space
Ord. 2022-61 - RG-2, RS-3, & CI to CW
Old Moultrie Road Apartments PUD (See Craig Barzo)
Old Moultrie Road
OR & RS-3 to OR – Ord. 2006-93
Ord. 2009-53 – OR to PUD
Old Moultrie Road Medical
Ord. 2010-25 – OR to CG w/
Old Moultrie Storage & Office
OR to CG – Ord. 2005-115
Old Ponte Vedra Marshside, Ltd.
Ord. 1996-23
Old Moultrie Village PUD
OR to PUD – Ord. 2005-90
Old Stone Credit Corp.
OR to PSD - Ord. 1992-42
Old Town Food Mart
Ord. 2012-29 – OR & CG to CG
Olson Tire/Captiva Partners
CG with exceptions to PUD - Ord. 2000-3
Oliveros, Ellen P.
Ord. 2000-52
Oliveros, R.F.
Ord. 1981-21
Ord. 1981-31
Ord. 1984-19
Oliveros, Richard
Ord. 1977-43
One North Commercial
Ord . 2024-11 - CI with conditions to CI
Oppenheim, Kenneth
Ord. 1977-41
Orange Street
Ord. 2008-31 – CN to RS-3
Orchard Park II PUD
Ord. 2022-27 - OR & PUD
to PUD
Orthodox Christian Mission Center PUD
OR to PUD – Ord. 2003-72
Orthopedic Associates 210 Office
Ord. 2009-65 – PUD to CG
Osborn Family Rezoning
Ord. 2019-79 - CHT & OR with conditions to OR
Osceola Business Park PSD
OR to PSD - Harold W. Mizell - Ord. 1999-32
Ord. 2009-14 - PSD to CG
Osceola Landing
OR to RS-3 – Ord. 2006-46
Osgood, Donald T.
Ord. 1977-1
Osprey Cove Estates (See William Goodman)
Ord 2000-33
Osprey Cove
Ord. 2019-49 - PRD to OR
Ossi, John and George
Ord. 1980-26
OT Flex Tooling
OR to IW – Ord. 2005-50
Our Lady Star of the Sea
Ord. 2011-30 – R-1-C to PUD
Ord. 2018-58 - Major modification to the Our Lady Star of the Sea PUD, Ord. 2011-30, as amended
Owens, Grover C. and Joyce
Ord. 1980-50
Owings, Conway W.
Ord. 1991-38
Oxford Estates
Ord. 2013-16 – OR to PUD
Ord. 2015-23 - Major modification to the Oxford Estates PUD, Ord. 2013-16, as amended
Ord. 2017-26 - Major modification to the Oxford Estates PUD, Ord. 2013-16, as amended
Ord. 2021-34 - Major modification to the Oxford Estates PUD, Ord. 2013-16, as amended
Pacetti, David and Roland
Ord. 1989-44
Pacetti, David F.
Ord. 1980-1
Pacetti, David F. and Ronald D. Janson
Ord. 1978-10
Pacetti, David and William
PSD - Ord. 1985-3
Pacetti, Estelle and Eddie
Ord. 1979-32
Pacetti, H. Roland and ITT Rayonier
Ord. 1987-25
Pacetti, H. Roland and Wildwood Pines Properties
Ord. 1989-1
Amending Ord. 89-1, by correcting legal - Ord. 1989-12
Ord. 1989-44
Pacetti, Inez and M. Andreu
Ord. 1985-94
Pacetti, Jimmy and Donna
Ord. 1982-19
Pacetti, Pinkham E. and Linda H.
PSD - Ord. 1985-67
OR and PSD to CHT with conditions - Ord. 1995-37
Pacetti, Ralph
Ord. 1978-52
Pacetti Road Plaza
Ord. 2010-1 – OR to PUD
Ord. 2019-58 - Major modification to the Pacetti Road Plaza PUD, Ord. 2010-1, as amended
Ord. 2022-18 - Major modification to the Pacetti Road Plaza PUD, Ord. 2010-1, as amended
Pacetti, Terry (#1 Realty Corporation)
Ord. 1978-25
Terry Pacetti Construction Company
Ord. 1978-87
Ord. 1978-88
Ord. 1979-31
Terry W. Pacetti
Ord. 1981-38
Ord. 1981-39
Terry Pacetti Construction Company (Wildwood Creek III S/D)
Ord. 1982-27
Padgett, Herbert and James Burch
Ord. 1979-41
Pagoda Properties
Ord. 2016-54 – RG-1 & CHT to RG-1 with conditions
Palencia North PUD
OR, PRD, CHT to PUD – Ord. 2005-108
Palm Cove
Ord. 2012-18 - PSD to PUD
Ord. 2017-37 - Major modification to the Palm Cove PUD, Ord. 2012-18, as amended
Palm Lakes PUD/Marketplace
OR to PUD – Ord. 2002-65
Major Mod to Palm Lakes PUD Ord. 2002-65, as amended – Ord. 2005-34
Ord. 2016-49 – Major modification to the Palm Lakes PUD, Ord. 2002-65, as amended
Ord. 2019-5 - Major modification to the Palm Lakes PUD, Ord. 2002-65, as amended
Ord. 2021-62 - Major modification to the Palm Lakes PUD, Ord. 2002-65, as amended
Palm Valley Gardens
Ord. 2015-66 - OR to PUD
Palm Valley Gardens III
Ord. 2018-12 - OR to RS-2
Palm Valley Harbor
Ord. 1989-37
Palm Valley Subdivision
OR to RS-2 – Ord. 2005-47
Palmer, Daniel Patrick and Henningsen, Jenny
Ord. 1990-27
Palmer, James and Cleo
Ord. 1979-16
Ord. 1979-55
Palmer, James E. and Jackie
Ord. 1993-38
Palmer, R. E.
Ord. 1981-76
Palmo Creek PRD
Ord. 2007-79 - OR to PRD
Palms at Ponte Vedra, The
Ord. 2013-5 – PUD & RG-1 to OR with conditions
Pamies, Linda J. (See Joseph Klipstein, landowner)
Ord. 1977-8
Pamies, Gary and Patricia
CG to RS-3 – Ord. 1999-53
Ord. 2007-90 – OR to OP
Paramore, Ruby S.
Ord. 1975-23
Parker Automotive PUD
OR and CG to PUD – Ord. 2003-44
Parker, Edward R. and Vernell
Ord. 1976-25
Parker, Katherine and James Soll
Ord. 1979-7
Parkview Development Inc. - Ed. Burkhardt
Ord. 1995-43
Parkway Place
Ord. 2018-49 - OR to PUD
Ord. 2020-3 - Major modification to the Parkway Place PUD, Ord. 2018-49
Ord. 2020-54 - Major modification to the Parkway Place PUD, Ord. 2018-49, as amended
Parmley, Susan (Sehulster)
OR to RMH-S with conditions - Ord.
Paradise Gardens
Ord. 2013-2 – OR & IW to CI
Partin, Daniel and Martin
Ord. 1979-65
Parts Direct
CG & RS-3 to CI – Ord. 2004-114
Pastures of Picolata, The
Ord. 2007-87 - OR to PRD
Patel Medical Offices
Ord. 2007-36 – OR to OP
Patterson, James A. and Teresa
Ord. 1984-15
Ord. 1985-38
Pavilion at SR 207, The
Ord. 2020-45 - CHT & CI to PUD
Payasada Estates PUD
Ord. 2004-109
Peck, Hiram H. for owners Ray and Marjorie Peck
Ord. 1988-75
Peck Property
Ord. 2019-44 - OR to CG
Peele, Allen
Ord. 1985-23 (See Res. 1985-91)
Peele, Raymond and Dorothy
Ord. 1983-21
Pellicer Creek Campground
Ord. 2010-4 – CHT to CR with
Pellicer Creek Outpost
Ord. 2019-12 - PUD to OR
Pellicer Creek PUD
Ord. 1984-16
Pellicer, Edward and Dorothea (Serendipity III, Inc.)
Ord. 1977-15
Ord. 1984-5
Pellicer, William E. and Dorothea
Ord. 1988-72
Ord. 1977-42
Peters, Ben and Joy Carter
Ord. 1980-6
Petersen Enterprise Inc.
Ord. 1982-72
Peterson Enterprises (See Goodwin Realty & Investment Co.)
Peterson, Pete; John and Mary Brill; Martha Nixon; Delores Collier
Ord. 1985-56
Petty, Laurie
Ord. 1986-69
Phillips, James L. and Marion
Ord. 1979-26
Phillips-McCarty Commercial
Ord. 2009-27 – RS-2 to PUD
Pickard, Virginia Lee and William Tilly
Ord. 1986-17
Pickering, Michael
Ord. 2000-40
Picolata Rezoning
Ord. 2010-5 – PRD to OR
Pietro, Dominick and Frank
Ord. 1979-66
Piesco, Michael
OR and RMH w/ conditions to PUD w/ special conditions - Ord. 2001-47
Pine Island
Ord. 2024-19 - OR to PUD
Pionessa, Mark and Suzan
Ord. 1989-60
Ord 2000-18
Pionessa, Mark
Ord. 1997-27 - PSD
Ord 2000-41 - Watermark Plaza PUD
Ord. 1985-11 - Pirates' Landing PUD -
Gerald Dake
Plancom Development Corporation
Ord. 1977-3
Ord. 1977-24
Plantation Annex
Ord. 1991-46 - OR to PUD
Plantation Park Associates
Ord. 1992-30 - OR to IW with certain
Plantation PUD
Ord. 2003-94 - OR to PUD
The Plantation at Ponte Vedra PUD (Formerly Mickler's Landing)
Ord. 1984-35 - Landvest Ltd.
Res. 1989-265 - Amends Ord. 84-35,
Major Modification
Ord. 2007-54 - Major modification to
Ord. 84-35, as amended
Ord. 2014-37 - Major modification to
Ord. 1984-35, as amended
Plastic Surgery Center of St. Augustine
Ord. 1996-22 - IW to PSD
Playa Rive PUD
Ord. 2005-21 - RG-1 & RG-2(B) to
Players Club
Ord. 1999-18 - Major Modification to
Ord. 1975-15
Ord. 2006-28 - Major Mod to the
Caballos Del Mar PUD, Ord. 75-15, as amended
Ord. 2006-140 - Major Mod to Players
Club PUD, Ord. 1975-15, as amended
Ord. 2008-28 – Major Mod to Players
Club PUD, Ord. 1975-15 & FDP 1996-224, as amended
Ord. 2011-32 – Major modification to
Ord. 1975-15, Players Club PUD, as amended
Ord. 2014-23 – Major modification to
Ord. 1975-15, The Players Club PUD
Ord. 2014-50 - Major Modification to Ord. 1975-15, The Players Club PUD, as amended
Ord. 2018-23 - Major modification to the Player's Club (Oakbridge) PUD, Ord. 1975-15, as amended
Ord. 2018-37 - Major modification to the Players Club PUD, Ord. 1975-15 & FDP 1996-224, The Veranda Property; consolidating & amending the changes made by Ord. 2006-140, Veranda Development & Ord. 2008-28, Veranda USP, as amended
Ord. 2019-21 - Major modification to the Players Club PUD, Ord. 1975-15, as amended
Ord. 2019-68 - Major modification to the Players Club PUD, Ord. 1975-15, as amended
Plesko, E.J. and Thomas H. Greene
Ord. 1974-4
Pokornowski, Kohls, Wasson
Ord. 1986-7
Pollard, Darnell
Ord. 1996-67 - Moultrie Commons PSD;
Cricket Creek Corp.
Ponce De Leon Resort and Convention Center, Inc.
Ord. 1989-28
Ord. 1995-45 - Rezoned to PUD
Ponce De Leon Villas PUD
Ord. 1986-78
Ponce Therapy Care Center
Ord. 2019-70 - OR toCG
Ponte Vedra
IW to OR – Ord. 1999-34
Ponte Vedra By-The-Sea
Ord. 1994-6
Phase 2-A - Ord. 1995-3
Ponte Vedra By-The-Sea Estates
RG1 to PSD with conditions - Ord. 2000-5
Ponte Vedra Club
Ord. 2000-61
Ponte Vedra Corporation - James Efstathion - Marsh Lakes PUD
Ord. 1984-49
Ponte Vedra Indoor/Outdoor Services
PSD to PUD – Ord. 2003-21
Ponte Vedra Lakes Boutique
Ord. 2019-78 - R-1-C to PUD
Ponte Vedra Lakes Neighborhood Office Park
R-1-C and RG-1 to PSD – Ord. 1991-35
PSD and amend Ord. 1991-35 - Ord. 1999-55
Ponte Vedra Lakes Office Park South
Ord. 2010-40 - R-1-C to PUD
Ponte Vedra Polo Club
Ord. 1989-55
Res. 1989-265 - Major Modificationto PUD 84-35
Ponte Vedra Resort PUD
Ord. 2023-50 - OR, R-1-B, R-1-C, R-2, R-3, R-4 to PUD
Ponte Vedra Self Storage
Ord. 2021-40 - R-1-C to PUD
Ponte Vedra Square Shopping Center
Ord. 2018-7 - CG & R-1-D to PUD
Ponte Vedra Station
Ord. 2009-15 - RG-1 to PUD
Ord. 2010-43 – Major Mod to Ord. 2009-15, as amended
Ponte Vedra Storage Center
Major Modification - Ord. 1998-46
Ponte Vedra Valley PUD
OR to PUD – Ord. 2003-46
Major Modification to the Ponte Vedra Vallue PUD Ord. 2003-46, as amended – Ord. 2006-127
TBD of Ponte Vedra, LC
Ord. 1998-34
Pope Site, The
Ord. 2019-37 - OR to PUD
Pope, Verle, Estate of
Ord. 1980-61
Poppell, Jimmie T., Paul E. Legasse and William C. Shiver
Ord. 1979-68
Porpoise Point Partnership
Ord. 1982-22
Porpoise Point PSD
Ord. 1986-71
Porpoise Point PUD
Vilano Beach Ltd - Ord. 1973-12
Lewis State Bank - Walter Realty Investors
Extending dates of PUD - Ord. 1976-38
Extending PUD - Ord. 1980-14
Extending PUD - Ord. 1980-63
Porter, Paul
Ord. 1995-20
Porter Place PUD (See Barkowski)
Possum Trot
Ord. 2015-58 - OR to PUD
Post, Fawbush, Post, Sleeth, Ross, Bryant, Moore, Bussey
(See Fawbush)
Post, Norman and Octavia
Ord. 1979-13
Poteat, Jack et al
Ord. 1979-21
Ord. 1979-34
Ord. 1993-23
Poteat, Jack L.
Ord. 1989-46
Poulos, Dr. Steve
RS-3 and CI to CG – Ord. 2004-33
Pounds, Michael; Drashin, Robert and Bailey; Gregory Scott
Ord. 1989-40
Powell, Clyatt, R.
Ord. 1985-51
Powell, David and L.M. Taylor
Ord. 1986-54
Powell, David (On behalf of Ross M. Chapman)
Ord. 1994-46
Powell Heating and Air Conditioning
CI with conditions to IW - Ord.
Powell, Ruth W.
Ord. 1989-43
Prairie Creek IV S/D (See Darcy/Bodee)
Ord. 1982-31
Prairie Lakes PUD (Formerly Striar’s Acres PUD, Ord. 1991-43)
Major Mod. – Ord. 2002-09
OR to PUD – Ord. 2006-11
Pratt & Wareh
Ord. 1987-5
Premier Communications Group
Ord. 2021-79 - RS-3 to CN
Preserve @ Eagle Cove, The
Ord. 2021-84 - PRD to OR
Preserve at Eagle Cove, The
Ord. 2009-58 – OR to PRD
Preserve Pointe
Ord. 2016-51 – OR to RS-2
Prime Properties, L.C. (See Coquina Crossing)
OR to PUD – Ord. 1993-47
Pritchard II, Lysle
Ord. 1980-62
Proctor, Clarence and Shirley
Ord. 1983-13
Project Family
Ord. 2017-15 – OR to PUD
Prospectors Marketing, Inc. (See Raymond A. Hall)
Ord. 1988-28
Prosperity Bank of St. Augustine
Ord. 1991-23
Prosperity Properties of North Florida, Inc.
Ord. 1994-54
Protean Investors, Inc.
Ord. 1981-12
Provin, Bruce L.
Ord. 1980-19
PRN Investments
Ord. 1981-35
PRN Investments & BML Investments
Ord. 1983-36
PS Partnership
Ord. 2001-38
Pupello, Robert
Ord. 2000-46
Pure Powersports
Ord. 2021-41 - IW with conditions to CW
Putnam State Bank
Ord. 2000-16
Pyramid Associates Inc.
Ord. 2001-13
Quinlivan, Robert W. and Elaine
Ord. 1980-34
R.V. Sales
Ord. 2007-60 – CHT to CI
Rabbit Hill
RS-3 & PSD to PUD – Ord. 2004-69
Ord. 2016-10 - Major Modification to the Rabbit Hill PUD, Ord. 2004-69, as amended
Race Track Road PUD (3635 Race Track Rd)
Ord. 2006-61 - OR to PUD
Ord. 2023-54 - MAJMOD to PUD, amending Ord. 2006-61
Racetrack Road (1795 SR 16)
OR to CG – Ord. 2005-5
Racetrack Road (SR 16 @ Racetrack Rd)
Ord. 2007-53 – OR to CG
Racetrack Road (4560 Racetrack Road)
Ord. 2017-2 – OR to PUD
Ord. 2020-56 - Major modification to the 4560 Race Track Road PUD, Ord. 2017-2, as amended
Ord. 2024-47 - Major modification to the 4560 Race Track Road PUD, Ord. 2017-2, as amended
Race Track Road, 6148
Ord. 2022-44 - OR to PUD
Raley, Lawrence H.
Ord. 1980-57
Ord. 1982-52
Rancho del Mar
Ord. 2008-59 – OR to PUD
Rattlesnake Island PUD
Ord. 1985-27
Ratz-Broudy, Linda
RS-3 to CN - Ord. 2002-07
Ravenheir Enterprises
Ord. 2008-50 - IW to CI
Ravenswood PUD
RMH(S) and RS-3 - Ord 2001-58
Major modification to the Ravenswood Forest PUD, Ord. 2001-58, as
amended – Ord. 2005-51
Ravenswood Subdivision
Ord. 2021-5 - From OR and PUD to WH
Ravenswood Village
Ord. 2018-1 - OR & PUD to PUD
Ray, Bobbie B. and Clifford O.
Ord. 1993-18
Ord. 1986-86
Rayland Company, Inc.
Ord. 1988-69
Ord. 1997-14
Ord. 1996-2
Ord 2000-50
Major Mod to Ord. 1997-14, as amended, to the Vinings PUD, aka The Woodlands – Ord. 2001-62
Major Mod to Equestrian Way PRD (Ord. 2000-50) - Ord. 2002-30
Major Mod to the Vinings PUD Ord. 97-14 – Ord. 2003-17
Approves a MDP to the Vinings PUD – Res. 2003-128
Ord. 2015-47 - Major modification to The Vinings PUD, Ord. 1997-14, as amended
Ray’s Auto and Fender
Ord. 2007-14 – RS-1 to CI
RecNation St. Augustine
Ord. 2024-30 - RS-3 to IW
Red Lobster (General Mills Restaurants)
CG to PSD - Ord. 1993-13
Red Lobster PSD
Major modification to Ord. 1993-13, Raymond F. Coltrane – Ord. 1997-9
Red Moon Properties
Ord. 2022-13 - CN to RMH(S)
Reddie, P.T. Inc.
Ord. 1987-17
Reed’s Nursery
CG to OR – Ord. 2003-35
Reetz, Guenther and Christine Bayer
Ord. 1983-50
Regency Square
CG to CI – Ord. 2005-10
Regis Lakes PUD - TDL Enterprises Inc.
Ord. 1985-40
Ord. 1998-15 - Major modification to the Regis Lakes PUD
Ord. 2019-27 - Major modification to the Regis Lakes PUD, Ord. 1985-40, as amended
Regis Pines PUD
Ord. 2002-39
Major modification to Ord. No. 2002-39 – Ord. 2004-19
Ord. 2006-96 – Major modification to the Seaview Landing PUD, Ord. 02-39, as amended by Ord. 2004-19
Ord. 2011-42 – Major modification to the Silver Creek PUD, aka Sea View Landing, Ord. 02-39, as amended
Ord. 2021-25 - Major modification to the Silver Creek PUD, Ord. 2002-39, as amended
Register, Lois Lee
Ord. 1978-26
The Reserve PUD
Ord. 2015-75 - OR, RMH & CHT to PUD
Ord. 2015-75 was consolidated into the Entrada PUD, Ord. 2019-18
Residential Communities of America
Ord. 1983-36
Rhoads, Margaret S.
Ord. 1996-5
Rice, Frederick L. (Trustee) for Brendy J. Dryden
Ord. 1976-36
Richardson, Wyman and Kay/Solana Professional Building PUD
Ord. 2001-11
Amends Ord. 2001-11, as amended; approves major modification to Ponte Vedra Parke PUD (previously Solana Professional Building PUD) –Ord. 2003-78
Rinehart, Harry E.
Ord. 1990-50
Rinehart, Raymond
Ord. 1992-11
Ringhaver, Randall L.
Ord. 1987-27
Ord. 1988-6
Ring Power Corporation
Ord. 2000-30
Ring Power PUD (Ray’s Tires & Service Center)
Ord. 2007-42 – PSD to PUD
Ring Power at World Golf Commerce Center PUD
OR to PUD – Ord. 2003-3
Major Mod to Ord. 2003-3, as amended – Ord. 2003-60
Rinker Materials Corporation
Ord. 1983-53
River City Homes Development Corp. – Braniff, Michael
RS-2 with conditions to RS-2 - Ord. 2002-66
River Plantation PRD
OR to PRD – Ord. 2005-36
Rivers Edge Plantation
Ord. 1993-41
RiverPoint PUD
RMH, OR, and CN to PUD - Ord. 2003-97
River Road, 8292
Ord. 2022-47 - CI to RS-2
Rivers Self Storage
Ord. 2024-34 - OR to PUD
Riverside Blvd Lots Rezone
Ord. 2021-80 - CG to RS-3
River Town North Riverfront
OR to PRD - Ord. 2000-8
Rescinding Ord. 2000-8 and rezoning lands from OR to PRD –
Ord. 2002-53
RiverTown PUD
OR, PRD, & PUD to PUD –Ord. 2005-100
Major modification to the Rivertown PUD, Ord. 2005-100, as amended – Ord. 2006-113
Ord. 2007-40 – Major mod to Ord. 2005-100, as amended
Ord. 2010-49 – Major mod to Ord. 2005-100, as amended
Ord. 2017-18 – Major modification to Rivertown PUD, Ord. 2005-100, as amended
Ord. 2019-56 - Major modification to Rivertown PUD, Ord. 2005-100, as amended
Ord. 2023-10 - Major modification to the Rivertown PUD, Ord. 2005-100, as amended
Rivette Warehouse
Ord. 1997-30
Amends Ord. 97-30; IW with conditions to IW – Ord. 2005-62
Robert F. Ensslin Jr. Armory
Ord. 2008-54 – OR & CHT to PUD
Ord. 2020-12 - Major modification to the Robert F. Ensslin, Jr. Armory PUD, Ord. 2008-54, as amended
Roberts, Allan
Ord. 1984-48
Roberts, Allan and Camilla
Ord. 1994-40
Ord. 1991-49
Ord. 2001-15
Roberts Road Inc. (See James Ricky Wood)
Ord. 2000-19
Roberts, Tee
Ord. 1981-50
Robey, Lee S. (See Haven Dev.)
Ord. 1984-41
Robinson, James J. and Dorothy
Ord. 1978-4
Robinson, Raymond Sr.
Ord. 1985-45
Robinson, Robert / Terrance, Inc. and applicant Von Hofen, III,
Ord. 1990-38
Rock Springs Farm
Ord. 2017-49 - OR to PUD
Ord. 2023-48 - MAJMOD to PUD, amending Ord. 2017-49
Rockenbach, James L. and Marguerite
Ord. 1985-95
Rodriquez Medical Office
Ord. 2004-82
Roehrs Road Condominium
OR to PUD – Ord. 2005-110
Roell, Hans Werner for Julia Bryant
Ord. 1977-8
Rogers, John R.
Ord. 2001-28
Rogers, Larry and Beryl
Ord. 1996-18
Rolling Hills PUD
Ord. 2022-10 - OR to PUD
Rolling Hills Community, Inc. (Chelsea Woods PUD; Rolling Hills Place
Ord. 1992-10
Modifying Phasing Schedule - Ord.
Maj Mod to PUD - Ord. 2002-16
Maj Mod to PUD Ord. 96-37 – Ord. 2003-93
Major Mod to PUD, amending Ord. 96-37. – Ord. 2004-24
Ord. 2020-40 - OR to RS-1
Ross, Fawbush, Post, Sleeth, Bryant, Moore, Bussey
(See Fawbush)
Rourke, Michael for Barry Amsdell
PSD - Ord. 1997-22
Rowe, Leon E. and Katheryne T.; and Margaret J. Corley
Ord. 1979-84
Royal St. Augustine Golf and Country Club PUD
Ord. 1999-37
Major Mod to PUD (Ord. 99-37) - Ord.
Ord. 2014-54 - IW to OR
RPM Automotive
Ord. 2013-28 – OR to CI
Ruen Property
OR to RS-3 – Ord. 2004-36
Ruff, Gary L.
Ord. 1982-60
Ord. 2006-120 - OR to CG
Ruggeri, John, Marion, Joseph John and John Robert
Ord. 1990-68
OR to RS-2 - Ord. 2006-75
Runk, Arthur H. - Lands of S.G. Properties, Moultrie Trails Development
Company Pierre D. Thompson, John Bailey, Sr., Arthur H Runk Thompson,
Bailey, Runk
Ord. 1985-70
Runk, Arthur H., Jr.
Ord. 1980-15
Runk Construction Company
Ord. 1984 - 1
Ord. 1989-18
Runk Properties, Inc.
Ord. 1995-10
Modifies Ord. 95-10 - Ord.
Russell, Kerry and Leneya
Ord. 1990-49
RV & Boat Storage of St. Augustine
Ord. 2023-26 - OP to CI with conditions
Ryals, Susan and Jack
CHT to RS-2 – Ord. 2001-68
“S” Curve Parcel, The
Ord. 2007-47 – OR to CG
S & L Leasing (Jerrell Grafft)
Ord. 1983-22
SH & D Investments
OR to CI – Ord. 2005-80
SJH Partnership, Ltd. (See St. Johns Harbour PUD)
Ord. 1994-55
Modifies Ord. 91-36 & 94-55,
major modification - Ord. 1996-65
Ord. 2007-3 - Major modification to
the St. Johns Interchange Parcels PUD, Ord. 91-36, as amended
SJH Partnership - SR 16
Ord. 2020-44 - RS-3 to RG-2
SR 16
Ord. 2007-53 – OR to CG SR 16 @
Racetrack Rd
SR 16 Commercial
Ord. 2019-29 - OR to PUD
SR 16; 259
Ord. 2019-23 - RS-3 to PUD
SR 16 Self Storage
Ord. 2016-32 - OR to PUD
SR 16 Properties Commercial Rezoning
Ord. 2008-44 – OR to CG
SR 206 East
Ord. 2020-39 - 215 State Road 206 East
SR 207 Interchange Northeast
Ord. 2010-29 – CHT to CI
SR 207 Multifamily
Ord. 2022-73 - OR & CG to PUD
SR 312 Old Beach Road
OR to CG – Ord. 2006-70
SR 312 PUD
OR to PUD – Ord. 2005-103
Sacks Martin Construction Development Company
OR to RS-3 - Ord. 1985-83
Cond.- Ord. 1986-10
PSD - Ord. 1986-33
PSD - Ord. 1986-77
PSD - Ord. 1987-26
PSD - Ord. 1995-19
Sacks Martin-Robins Development Corporation (SouthWood PUD)
OR and RS-3 to PUD - Ord. 1988-34
Ord. 2004-58 - Major modification to Southwood PUD Ord. 88-34, as amended
Ord. 2022-38 - Major modification to the Southwood PUD, Ord. 1988-34, as amended
Sadowski, George
Ord. 1995-33
Safe Tarp
Ord. 2010-14 – CI & CHT to CW
Safari Pest Control
Ord. 2016-44 – CHT with conditions to CW
Samara Lakes PUD
OR to PUD – Ord. 2003-62
Ord. 2011-2 – Amends Ord. 2003-62, as
amended, Major Mod to the PUD
Ord. 2015-59 - Major modification to the Samara Lakes PUD, Ord. 2003-63, as amended
San Marcos Heights
Ord. 2020-47 - OR with conditions to PUD
San Pablo Road
Ord. 2021-91 - OR to PUD
Sanchez Grant PUD
Ord. 1993-10 - OR to PUD
Sanders, William and Lynda
Ord. 1990-22
Sanderson, Wayne, Trustee
Ord.1994-65 - R1C to PSD
Sandiford, John F. and Sarah
Ord. 1985-58
Sandy Creek PUD
Ord. 2003-67 - OR to PUD
Ord. 2007-27 - Major mod to the Sandy
Creek PUD, 2003-67, as amended
Ord. 2017-11 - Major modification to the Sandy Creek PUD, Ord. 2003-67, as amended
Ord. 2024-2 - Major modification to the Sandy Creek PUD, Ord. 2003-67, as amended
Sandy Pines Homes
Ord. 1998-21 - PSD
Sapp, C.H.and Elma
Ord. 1978-18
Sargeant, Mike and Teri and Corey Cowan
CG to CI - Ord. 1988-36
CI with conditions to CI - Ord.
Sattich Office
Ord. 2008-18 – RS-3 to PUD
Sawgrass Ltd.
Ord. 1973-8
Major mod to the Sawgrass PUD (Nader’s Pest Raiders), Ord. 1973-8, as
amended – Ord. 2006-41
Ord. 2007-26 - Major modification to the
Sawgrass PUD, Ord. 73-8, as amended
Ord. 2008-10 – Major modification to the
Sawgrass PUD Ord. 1973-8; Ponte Vedra Medspa Parking Addition
Ord. 2018-56 - Major modification to the Sawgrass PUD, Ord. 1973-8, as amended
Sawgrass Ltd. (SGW Corp) PUD
Ord. 1975-5
Sawgrass Players Club PUD
Major modification to the Sawgrass Players Club PUD Res. 1975-3, as
amended – Ord. 2005-99
Sawmill Lakes PUD
Ord. 1996-7
Major Mod. - Ord. 1996-33
Major Mod. - Ord. 2001- 9
Sawmill Landing PUD
Ord. 2015-16 - OR to PUD
Ord. 2017-53 - Major modification to the Sawmill Landing PUD, Ord. 2015-16, as amended
Scala, Michael T.
Ord. 1979-46
Schewitz, Donna; Paul Fagundo; Jas. H. Donalson and Mary Jane Dardi
Ord. 1988-30
Schilling, Mrs. Fred (Jane)
Ord. 1976-1
Schmidt (See Rattlesnake Island PUD)
Schmidt, Kent (See Sunrise Partnership)
Schneider, Ed and Aline Capo
Ord. 1983-58
Schonder, Joseph and Ronald M. Wilson
Ord. 1986-19
Schultz, James F. and Sarah D.
Ord. 1980-22
Schultz Properties, Inc.
Ponte Vedra By-The-Sea, Phase 2-A - Ord.
Scorelle, Tim and Linda
Ord. 1981-40
Scotty’s Auto Body
IW to CI - Ord. 2003-65
Scotty's, Inc.
Ord. 1985-46
Sea Haven Development, Inc. and Lee S. Robey
Ord. 1984-41
Sea Pines
Ord. 2016-22 - RS-2 with conditions to RS-2
Sea Pines II
OR to RS-2 - Ord. 2004-61
Sea Pines III
IW to RS-2 – Ord. 2004-68
Sea Place Masters Association, Inc. - North Crescent Beach Ltd.
PUD - Ord. 1985-78
Sea View PUD (formerly known as Peppertree)
Ord. 2015-29 - CHT to PUD
Ord. 2017-30 - Major modification to the Sea View PUD, Ord. 2015-29, as amended
Seaboard Sanitation, Inc.
Ord. 1983-14
Seagate (GVA, Inc.)
Ord. 1994-5
Seahunt Scuba PSD
Ord. 1997-46
Seamont Ventures
OR and PSD to HI – Ord. 2003-107
Seascape PUD - Ralph A. DeMeo by Joseph Goodrich Jr.
Ord. 1979-3
Seaside Capers, Inc.
PUD - Ord. 1977-21
Seaview Park #1 and #3 (Resolution)
R-1-D 11/12/74, Minutes Book 1, page 723
R-1-D created 10/08/74, Minutes Book 1, page 695-696
Sebastian Cove Business Park
Ord. 2009-7 – OR to CN & CG
Sebastian Cove PUD
OR to PUD - Ord. 2005-66
Second Wind Inc.
Ord. 1975-6
(Sehulster) Parmley, Susan
OR to RMH-S with conditions - Ord.
Seiple Investment Company
Ord. 1981-46
Sellers, Catherine
Ord. 1993-27
Sellers, David Lee, Sr.
Ord. 1996-3
Sembler Company, The
Ord. 1989-51
Ord. 2024-38 - MAJMOD to the St. Augustine Premium Outlet Center(PUD), Ord. 1989-51, as amended
Serendipity III, Inc. - Edward and Dorothea Pellicer
Ord. 1977-15
7th Street Specialty Shops
Ord. 2007-91 – RS-3 to PUD
Severt and Wasson
Ord. 1989-42
Seybold, Michael
CG to RS-3 - Ord. 1999-67
Seymor Social Security Office
Ord. 2008-46 – OR to OP
S.G. Properties, Inc.- Lands of Moultrie Trails Development Company,
Pierre D. Thompson, John Bailey Sr, Arthur H Runk
Ord. 1978-49
S.G.W. Corporation
PUD - Ord. 1975-5
Shafer, Max E. and Norma B.
Ord. 1979-28
Shamblin, Steve E.
Ord. 1991-50
Shamblin, Steve E. and Donald A. Gissy
Ord. 1986-68
Shank, Thomas (and Marc McCormac)
CG to RS-3 – Ord. 2003-14
Shannon, Jack H. Jr. and Lela F.; Katherine E.S.; James White;
Ord. 1988-14
Shatila & Sons Auto Storage
Ord. 1991-25
Dr. Shelton’s Veterinary Clinic
CG with conditions to CG - Ord.
Shelton, William Garland
Ord. 1974-14
Ord. 1978-14
Shelton, William G.; H.S. Brownett; J. Albert Zeigler
Ord. 1976-27
Sherman Rezoning
Ord. 2015-20 - CHT to RS-2
Shilling, Jack and Nora
Ord. 1982-70
Shivers, William C.; Paul E. Lagasse; Jimmie T. Poppel
Ord. 1979-68
Shoffner, Jack and B. Robert Tucker, as applicants, Doris Barnwell,
representative, Estate of Mattie J. Kellow
Res. 1988-45
Shoppes at Mill Creek Forest
Ord. 2018-45 - OR to PUD
Shoppes of Ponte Vedra
Ord. 2010-21 – CG to CI, with
Shoppes of Rancho Del Mar, The
Ord. 2009-20 – PSD to PUD
Shoppes at St. Johns Parkway, The
Ord. 2016-39 - OR to PUD
Shores Commercial PUD
OR to PUD – Ord. 2005-69
Shuler, Jr., Jack and Sandra N.
Ord. 1979-33
Ord. 1983-46
Sikes, Aaron
Ord. 1984-73
Silverfield Development Co.
John’s Glen-OR to PUD - Ord.
Rayland Co-OR to PUD - Ord.
Wingfield Glen PUD - Ord. 1999-1
Rescinding Ord. 1999-01, Wingfield Glen, OR to to PUD w/ special cond -
Ord. 2002-51
Ord. 2015-47 - Major modification to The Vinings PUD, Ord. 1997-14, as amended
SilverLeaf Plantation PUD/DRI
OR to PUD – Ord. 2006-117
Ord. 2016-38 - Major modification to the Silverleaf PUD, Ord. 2006-117, as amended
Ord. 2019-33 - Major modification to the Silverleaf PUD, Ord. 2006-117, as amended
Ord. 2020-37 - Major modificatino to the Silverleaf PUD, Ord. 2006-117, as amended
Ord. 2021-93 - Major modification to the Silverleaf PUD, Ord. 2006-117, as amended
Ord. 2024-55 - Major modification to the Silverleaf PUD, Ord. 2006-117, as amended
Simone, Carol B. and Susan B. Turner (owners), Brookwood Properties,
OR/RS-2 to RS-1 with certain conditions - Ord. 1992-31
Simone, Carol; Albert Zeigler; Thomas D. Green; Elbert and Jeannine
Ord. 1985-54
Simpson, Alan
RS-3 to PUD - Ord. 2001-44
Sims, Chester
Ord. 1985-57
Ord. 1987-73
IW with conditions to IW with certain conditions - Ord. 1988-35
Rezoning of IW with conditions - Ord.
Sims/Estates Partnership
RG to PSD - Ord. 2000-13
Sisk, John K. and Fort Development Company
Ord. 1989-8
Six Mile Creek PUD
Ord. 1991-37
Major modification of PUD - Ord.
Major Mod to Ord. 1991-37, as amended – Ord. 2003-6
Major Mod to Ord. 1991-37, as amended – Ord. 2003-56
OR & PUD to PUD – Ord. 2004-44
Major Mod to Ord. 2004-44, as amended - Ord. 2005-95
Ord. 2006-101 – Major modification to the Six
Mile Creek PUD, Ord. 1991-37, as amended
Ord. 2021-13 - Major modification to the Six Mile Creek PUD, Ord. 1991-37, as amended
Ord. 2021-35 - Major modification to the Six Mile Creek PUD, Ord. 1991-37, as amended
Ord. 2023-4 - Major modification to the Six Mile Creek PUD, Ord. 1991-37, as amended
Ord. 2023-21 - Major Modification to the Six Mile Creek PUD, Ord. 1991-37, as amended
Six Mile Creek Outpost
Ord. 2021-49 - OR to PUD
16 Self Storage
OR & CHT to CG – Ord. 2006-71
Sixteen West
OR to CG – Ord. 2004-67
Sistrunk, Ralph (Fiddlers Hammock)
Ord. 1995-38
Slater, Walter
Ord. 1983-32
Sleeth, Fawbush, Post, Post, Ross, Bryant, Moore, Bussey
(See Fawbush)
Sloan, David
Ord. 1985-24
PSD - Ord. 1984-52
Amends Ords. 1984-52 and 1985-24 - Res.
Sluder, Earl
Ord. 1984-6
Smiley’s Self Storage
Ord. 2004-84
Smith, A. Joseph
Ord. 2002-38
Smith Business Park
Ord. 2007-38 - OR to IW
Smith, David H.
CHT to OR - Ord. 2002-21
Smith, Donald R.on behalf of Ray C. McCall
Ord. 1995-8
Smith Industrial Park
Ord. 2008-11 – IW to PUD
Smith, Roy F. Sr. and Licille E.
Ord. 1985-76
Smith Trucking Company
Modifies Ord. 1993-50, major modification - Ord. 1996-64
Smith US 1 Commercial
Ord. 2022-88 - OR to CG
Smugglers Landing PUD
Ord. 1983-10
Smyrna Ready Mix Concrete Batch Plant
Ord. 2019-10 - IW to HI with conditions
Snyder, Aaron et al
Ord. 1978-48
Snydate Six, Inc.
Ord. 1988-64
Sofran Company
Ord. 1988-65
Sokolay, Marc and Janet; Kluger, Warren and Lynn Marie
Ord. 1990-3
Solana, Clement and Al
Ord. 1975-7
Solano, Elzie, Jr.
Ord. 1996-31
Solano Professional Building PUD (See Wyman and Kay Richardson)
Solana Road Medical/Professional PSD
Ord. 1994-65
Solano Road Retail Center PUD
OR to PUD – Ord. 2005-70
Solano, Russell A.
OR to RMH-S - Ord. 1997-31
Soll, James and Katherine Parker
Ord. 1979-7
Sonier, Leonard and Diana
Ord. 1987-73
South Holmes Boulevard RV/Boat & Self Storage
Ord. 2015-21 - OR & RS-3 to IW
Southeast Annex
Ord. 2007-12 - OR to PS
Southern Bell
Ord. 1987-67
Southern Centers Association & Apple South, Inc.
CG to PSD - Ord. 1993-9
Southern Properties Corporation
Ord. 1994-57
Southaven PUD
Ord. 2014-21 – OR to PUD
Southland Well Drillers Inc.
Ord. 1979-49
South Beach Deli & Café (See Dick, Charles R & Betty L)
Ord. 1996-43
South Hampton PUD
Ord. 1997-41
Major Mod – Ord. 2000-66
OR & PUD to PUD and major modification to the South Hampton PUD Ord.
97-41, as amended – Ord. 2005-98
South Shores of St. Augustine PUD (known as Camelot Village)
Ord. 1997-49
Major mod to the Camelot Village PUD (to be known as Villages of
Valencia PUD) - Ord. 2005-75
Ord. 2006-95 - Major mod to the
Villages of Valencia PUD, Ord. 1997-49
Ord. 2016-30 - Major modification to the Villages of Valencia PUD, Ord. 1997-49, as amended
Southshore PUD
OR to PUD – Ord. 2005-72
Ord. 2017-33 - Major modification to the Southshore Plaza PUD, Ord. 2005-72
Southwell, Robert Lee
Ord. 1985-93
Ord. 1989-13
Southwind Plantation
Ord. 2018-21 - OR to PRD
Ord. 2020-5 - Major modification to the Southwind Plantation PRD, Ord. 2018-21, as amended
Spanish Forest
Ord. 2022-31 - RS-3 to WH
Spencer, James E.
Ord. 1975-22
Sperlanes, Andrew and Janice
Ord. 1987-49
Spink, J.C.
Ord. 1984-8
Legal description corrected - Ord.
Star Lane
Ord. 2020-1 - PUD to IW & IW to HI
State Road 16, 2015
Ord. 2017-51 - OR to CG
State Road 16 PUD, 2020
Ord. 2022-42 - OR, CI, & CG to PUD
State Road 16, 2119
Ord. 2004-87
State Road 16 Car Condos
Ord. 2021-15 - OR to PUD
SR 16 Commercial
Ord. 2019-81 - OR to CI
State Road 16 Commercial Lots
Ord. 2015-45 - OR to CG
State Road 16 Medical and Commercial PUD
Ord. 2024-12 - RS-3 to PUD
State Road 207 Commercial
Ord. 2019-82 - PUD to CI
St. Augustine 500,000 SF Warehouse
OR to PUD – Ord. 2005-91
Ord. 2015-76 - Major modification to Ord. 2005-91, as amended
Ord. 2022-28 - Major modification to the St. Augustine 500,000 SF Warehouse PUD, Ord. 2005-91, as amended
(See Deerpark Commerce Center PUD)
St. Augustine Airport Authority
Ord. 1982-53
Ord. 1985-49
Ord. 1985-89
Ord. 1995-31
Ord. 1995-32
Ord. 1996-27
Ord. 2012-3 – CG to AD
St. Augustine Alligator Farm, Inc.
Ord. 1988-7
St. Augustine Baptist Church (nka Anastasia Baptist Church)
Ord. 1992-15 – OR to PSD
St. Augustine Beach, City of
Ord. 2015-3 - OR to PS
St. Augustine Cast Stone PSD
Ord. 1996-6
St. Augustine Centre PUD
Ord. 1997-23
Major modification to PUD Ord. 1997-23, as amended – Ord. 2003-95
Major modification to PUD Ord. 1997-23, as amended – Ord. 2004-50
Major modification to PUD Ord. 1997-23, as amended – Ord. 2005-15
Major modification to PUD Ord. 1997-23, as amended – Ord. 2005-117
Major modification to PUD Ord. 1997-23, as amended – Ord. 2006-34
Ord. 2007-13 - Major modification to
PUD Ord. 1997-23, as amended
Ord. 2007-39 – Major mod to Ord.
1997-23, as amended
Ord. 2007-51 – Major mod to Ord.
1997-23, as amended
Ord. 2007-72 – Major mod to Ord.
1997-23, as amended
Ord. 2008-22 – Major mod to Ord.
1997-23, as amended
Ord. 2012-21 – Major mod to Ord.
1997-23, as amended
Ord. 2014-47 - Approves a restated and major mod to Ord. 1997-23, as amended
Ord. 2021-11 - Major modification to the St. Augustine Centre PUD, Ord. 1997-23, as amended
Ord. 2021-17 - Major modification to the St. Augustine Centre PUD, Ord. 1997-23, as amended
Ord. 2021-83 - Major modification to the St. Augustine Centre PUD, Ord. 1997-23, as amended
St. Augustine Catholic Diocese
Ord. 1973-15
St. Augustine Crest PUD
Ord. 1986-45
St. Augustine Extendacre
Ord. 1983-20
St. Augustine Industrial Park (Grumman)
Ord. 1980-32
St. Augustine Industrial Park, Inc.
Ord. 1994-10
OR to PUD as previously approved by Ord. 1994-10 and 1993-47 –
Ord. 2001-40
Approving a Major Mod to Ord. 2001-40, as amended. – Ord. 2002-67
Approving a Major Mod to Ord. 2002-67, as amended – Ord. 2005-78
Approves a Major Mod to Ord. 2002-67, as amended – Ord. 2006-8
Ord. 2007-4 – Major Mod to St.
Augustine Industrial Park PUD, Ord. 1994-10
St. Augustine & St. Johns County Board of Realtors
IW to PUD providing for special conditions - Ord. 2000-14
Approves a major modification to the North Florida Cancer Center PUD,
Ord. 2000-14, as amended – Ord.
St. Augustine and St. Johns County Industrial Development Corp.
Ord. 1982-69
St. Augustine Knights C.B. Club, Inc.
Ord. 1979-56
St. Augustine Lakes PUD
OR to PUD – Ord. 2006-91
St. Augustine Marketplace
Ord. 2024-58 - OR to CI
St. Augustine North Community Retail Store
Ord. 2015-18 - OR & IW to CN
St. Augustine Outlet Center
OR to PUD - Ord. 1993-15
St. Augustine Power Equipment
OR to CI – Ord. 2003-81
St. Augustine Record/Morris Communications Corporation
CI with conditions to CI - Ord.
St. Augustine Rezoning
Ord. 2017-13 – CG to RS-3
St. Augustine Shores PUD - Deltona Corporation
Ord. 1974-16
Ord. 1979-73
Ord. 2007-18 - Major modification to
PUD Ord. 1979-73, as amended
Ord. 2007-81 – Major modification to
PUD Ord. 1979-73, as amended
St. Augustine Shrine Club
Ord. 1987-77
St. Augustine Storage
Ord. 2022-49 - CG to CI
St. Augustine Tire
Ord. 2008-47 – OR to CI
St. Augustine Youth Services
Ord. 2011-28 – RS-3 to OR
St. James Missonary Baptist Church
RS-3 to PSD – Ord. 1994-20
Rezoning – Ord. 1995-39
Major Mod. – Ord. 1995-40
St. Joe Utilities Company, Inc.
Ord. 1999-47 - OR to IW
St. Joseph’s Academy
Ord. 2004-66 -
IW to OR
St. Johns Commerce
Ord. 2021-3 - From OR and IW to PUD
St. Johns Commerce East
Ord. 2021-96 - OR to PUD
St. Johns Commerce Park
Ord. 2023-15 - OR to PUD
St. Johns Commercial Park
Ord. 1996-21 - PSD to PSD and OR
St. Johns County
2002-77 - OR, IW and RS-3 to PS
Ord. 2019-63 - IW, OR, & IW, to PS
St. Johns County Agricultural Center Gun Range
Ord. 2008-41 – IW with conditions to
St. Johns County Fire Administration Building
Ord. 2006-152 - OR to PS
St. Johns County Growth Management Service Center
Ord. 2005-63 - IW to PS
St. Johns County Public Transportation Operation/Maintenance
Ord. 2007-44 - OR & CI to PS
St. Johns County Public Works Office
OR to PS – Ord. 2004-15
OR to PS – Ord. 2006-22
St. Johns County Recreation and Parks Department
CHT and RMH to OR - Ord. 2001-74
St. Johns County SR 207 Water Reclamation Facility
Ord. 2023-34 - OR & CHT to PS
St. Johns County Training Facility
Ord. 2015-7 - PUD to PUD
Ord. 2020-9 - Major modification to the St. Johns County Training Facility PUD, Ord. 2015-7
Ord. 2023-5 - Major modification to the St. Johns County Training Facility PUD, Ord. 2015-7, as amended
St. Johns County Utility Department
OR to PS - Ord. 2000-12
OR to PS – Ord. 2005-13
OR to PS – Ord. 2006-23
Ord. 2020-46 - OR to PS
St. Johns Developers, Ltd.
PSD to PSD and OR - Ord. 1996-21
St. Johns Golf & Country Club, Unit V
Ord. 2004-111
St. Johns Harbour PUD
Ord. 1986-29
Ord. 1986-30
Ord. 1991-36
Ord. 1991-37
Ord. 1996-65 - Modifies Ord. 1991-36
& 1994-55, Major modification
Ord. 1998-59 - Modifies Ord. 1991-36,
1994-55, 1996-65, PZA Resolutions 1995-034, 1996-09, 1996-20, 1996-22,
and 1998-34
Ord. 2003-7 - Major Mod to Ord.
1991-36, as amended
Ord. 2004-45 - Major Mod to Ord.
1991-36, as amended
Ord. 2007-3 - Major modification to
the St. Johns Interchange Parcels PUD, Ord. 91-36, as amended
Ord. 2013-35 – Approves a major
modification to the St. Johns Interchange Parcels PUD, Ord. 1991-36, as
Ord. 2017-16 – Major modification to the St. Johns Interchange Parcels PUD, Ord. 1991-36, as amended
Ord. 2021-12 - Major modification to the St. Johns Interchange Parcels PUD, Ord. 1991-36, as amended
St. Johns Marketplace
(See Oldfield Forest PUD)
St. Johns River Baptist Association
Ord. 1982-10
St. Johns River Community College
Ord. 1993-40
St. Johns Truck Repair
Ord. 2018-32 - OR to CI with conditions
St. Johns Ventures, I.
Ord. 1988-52
St. Marks PRD
Ord. 2012-15 – OR to PRD
Ord. 2018-36 - Major modification to the St. Marks PRD, Ord. 2012-15, as amended
St. Marks Rezoning
Ord. 2020-34 - PRD to CR & OR
St. Marks Industrial
Ord. 2023-52 - OR to IW
St. Marks Industrial Park
Ord. 2018-35 - PRD to IW
Ord. 2024-24 - IW to PUD
St. Petery, Luis B. and Marion P.
Ord. 1980-55
Ord. 1982-68
St. Vincent de Paul Society
OR to CI – Ord. 2004-80
Stein, Martin, Trustee
Ord. 1978-12
Stenner, Eric G.
Ord. 1985-88
Sterling Roofing
Ord. 2015-57 - OR to IW
Steward, Elizah Jr.
Ord. 1977-25
Ord. 1985-71
Still, Reginald and Agnes
Ord. 1988-51
Stillwaters Planned Rural Development
Ord. 2008-4 – RS-2 to PRD
Stockton Land Corp. PUD
Ord. 1988-57
Modifies Ord. 1988-57 - Ord.
Stockton Land Corp. (Low Country)
Ord. 1989-3
Stokes Industrial
Ord. 2020-16 - IW & OR to CW
Stokes Landing Townhomes
Ord. 2021-24 - OR to WH
Stokes O'Steen
OR to PUD - Ord. 1988-21
Stokes O'Steen PUD
Ord. 1986-79 (Marsh Creek Development
Modifying Master Development Plan
Stonebridge Oaks PUD
OR & CI to PUD – Ord. 2006-128
Stone Creek Landing PUD
Ord. 2014-60 - OR to PUD
Stonecrest PUD
Ord. 2021-57 - OR to PUD
Stonehurst Plantation (See KKP - Chippewa)
Stone Mountain Carpet Mill Outlet PSD
Ord. 1994-53
Major modification to the Stone Mountain Carpet Mill Outlet PSD (Ord.
1994-53) to Harley Davidson PUD - Ord.
Stoudemire, Carl of Pinpoint Properties Inc. (See Winn-Dixie
Ord. 2000-28
Stoutenburgh/Peabody - (Also see Moultrie Crossing)
OR to PSD - Ord. 1995-56
Stratton Boulevard PUD
OR to PUD – Ord. 2005-65
Stratton Boulevard
Ord. 2020-17 - RG-1, OR, CN, & CG to CW with conditions
Stratton, Louis
Ord. 1985-36
Steely Residence
Ord. 2024-16 - PRD to OR
Streit, Fred and Helen
Ord. 1977-40
Strickland Oil Brothers
Ord. 2023-32 - OR to CI
Strickland, Luther, Trustee
Ord. 1983-33
Stroman, David and Bonzolla
Ord. 1980-20
Stuart, Frank and Arnold Grevior
Ord. 1978-23
Ord. 1981-1
Stuckey, Talmadge (See Matanzas Shore PUD)
Sulik, Dawson, Galant, Maddox, Nichols
Ord. 1981-11
Summerhill PUD
OR to PUD - Ord. 2002-27
Summerhomes Inc. PUD (Turtle Shores PUD)
Ord. 1985-79
Ord. 2007-58 – Major mod to Ord.
85-79, as amended
Summerlin Commercial
Ord. 2006-121 - OR and CI to CG
Summerlins Commerce Park
Ord. 2021-8 - OR to CW
Summer Point PUD
Ord. 2005-48 - OR to PUD
Sunbelt Dix, Inc.
1997-47 - OR to PUD (Winn Dixie)
Sun Mark II Associates
Ord. 1984-34
Sunnyside House Rezoning
RS-3 to PUD - Ord. 2003-40
Sunsational Sun Room
Ord. 2009-38 – RMH to CG with
Sunrise Partnership
Ord. 1982-33
Sunshine 13 PUD
Ord. 2005-31 - OR to PUD
Sunshine 16 PUD
Ord. 2005-32 - OR to PUD
Ord. 2014-13 – Approves a major
modification to the Sunshine 16 PUD, Ord. 2005-32, as amended
Ord. 2014-43 - Approves a major modification to The Markets at Murbella, Ord. 2005-32, as amended; aka Sunshine 16 PUD
Ord. 2015-78 - Major modification to Ord. 2005-32, as amended
Sunshine State Mortgage, Callmark Communities
Ord. 1984-18
Supportive Housing Initiative
Ord. 2015-24 - CG & OR to PUD
Ord. 2021-51 - Major modification to the Supportive Housing Initiative PUD; Ord. 2015-24, as amended; Victoria Crossing
Surfside PUD (Due to a rehearing this ordinance never became
Ord. 2004-17
Surfside Residential Lots
Ord. 2022-45 - CHT to RS-3
Swedish Clogs, Inc.
Ord. 1984-19
Ord. 1984-71
Sweet Meadow Farms PRD
OR to PRD – Ord. 2006-74
Swindle, Elmer and Dora
Ord. 1986-76
Switzerland Animal Hospital
Ord. 2019-73 - OR to PUD
Sykes, Bryan Esquire (See Walmart)
Ord. 2000-17
Systems South Inc./Tobb Fabbri The Richman Group of Florida
Ord. 2001-7
Approving a Major Modification to the Moultrie Village PUD, Ord.
2001-07, as amended, nka Summerset Village - Ord. 2002-78
tag! Children's Museum
Ord. 2022-75 -
IW to OR
TAW Nursery, Inc.
PUD - Ord. 1991-18
Realing and replacing Ord. 91-18, OR & PUD to PUD; Twin Lakes PUD – Ord. 2005-76
TBR Properties
Ord. 1978-86
Ord. 1979-51
Ord. 1983-11
TBD of Ponte Vedra, LC
Ord. 1998-34
TDL Enterprises (See Regis Lakes PUD)
TDL Enterprises - R.A. Green et al
Ord. 1984-43
Ord. 2020-62 - RS-3 to OR
Tacar, Michael; John and Joan Durasko
Ord. 1981-65
Tarantin Tank & Equipment Company
CG to IW – Ord. 2004-57
Taylor, Diana
OR to RS-2 – Ord. 2002-79
Taylor, L.M.
Ord. 1978-24
David Powell - Ord. 1986-54
Taylor Rezone
Ord. 2020-4 - OR to RMH(S)
Taylor, Thomas H. and Joseph S.
Ord. 1989-29
Taylor, Thomas H.
RS-2 to PSD - Ord. 1997-4
Taylor, Thomas H. (Pyramid Associates, Inc)
OR to RS-2 - Ord. 1997-65
OR to RS-2 - Ord. 1999-58
Taylor-Woodrow Communities (St. Johns Forest PUD)
Ord. 2002-41
Rescinding Ord. 2002-41 and rezoning lands from OR to PUD. –
Ord. 2002-56
Major Modification to PUD Ord. 2002-41 – Ord. 2004-56
Technology Center at St. Marks - PUD
Ord. 1998-8
TenBroeck, Stuart and Linda
Ord. 1979-17
Teodorescu, Xenia L. and Robert L. Cripps Jr.
Ord. 1985-32
Terra Pines Reserve I
OR to PUD – Ord. 2004-53
Ord. 2007-16 – Major modification to
PUD Ord. 2004-53, as amended
Ord. 2014-35 – Major modification to
PUD Ord. 2007-16, as amended
Terra Pines Reserve II
OR to PRD – Ord. 2004-54
Ord. 2007-17 – Major modification to
PUD Ord. 2004-54, as amended
Ord. 2014-36 – Major modification to
PUD Ord. 2007-17, as amended
Terry Pacetti Construction Co. (See Pacetti, Terry)
Tesdorpf and James Development Inc.
Ord. 1987-80
Tesdorpf, John and John James
Ord. 1985-90
Thibault Electric
OR to CI – Ord. 2004-65
Thomas, Albert and Mildred
Ord. 1985-68
Thomas Business Park
Ord. 2007-31 – OR to IW
Thomas, John
Ord. 1981-15
Thompson Commercial
Ord. 2009-4 – OR to CG
Thompkins, DIL. and E.P. Yarbrough
Ord. 1978-5
Thompson, Pierre/John D. Bailey/Robert E. and Claudia Greggs PSD
Ord. 1981-81
Major Modification to PSD - Res.
Major Modification to Ord. 1996-38 - Ord.
Thompson, Pierre D.
Lands of Moultrie Trails Development Co., S.G. Properties Inc., Arthur
H. Runk, John Bailey Sr. - Ord.
Thompson, Bailey, Runk - Ord.
Lands of Drysdale - Ord. 1986-74
Thompson, Pierre D.; Thompson, Maxie R.; Mussalem, Edward G. and
Harriett L.; Lesley, Edward M. and Linda; Bailey, John D. and Margaret
B. –
Ord. 1990-29
Thompson Properties and Investments Inc.
Ord. 1987-74
Thompson, Ronald L. and Judith E.
Ord. 1985-47
Thornton, Harry G. and Laverne
Ord. 1981-44
Thousand Oaks Partnership
Ord. 1978-62
Thousand, Robert R., DDS.
Ord. 1995-65
Tice, Charles
Ord. 1980-58
Tice, James F. and Shirley P.
Ord. 1981-64
Tilly, William and Virginia Lee Pickard
Ord. 1986-17
Tim Grabriel and Associates and Thomas Gill
Ord. 1985-85
Timberwood PUD
RS-2 to PUD – Ord. 2006-9
Ord. 2011-29 - Major modification PUD
Ord. 2006-9, as amended
Time Warner PUD
RS-3 to PUD - Ord. 2001-72
Timmons, Frank G.
Ord. 1998-20
Tindall, J.D. and Mabel
Ord. 1998-29
Tindall, John and Martha and John A. Lester
Ord. 1984-55
T J Communications
Ord. 2004-86
TMI-Rolling Hills PUD
OR, CI, & PUD to PUD – Ord.
Ord. 2009-24 - Major modification to
Ord. 2006-44, as amended
Tolomato River Farms PUD
Ord. 2002-34 - OR to PUD
Ord. 2022-12 - Approving a Major Modification to PUD, Ord. 2002-34, as amended
Tomoka Forest PUD
Ord. 2013-34 – OR to PUD
Tomoka Pines PUD
Ord. 2016-9 - OR to PUD
Ord. 2017-12 – Major modification to Tomoka Pines PUD, Ord. 2016-9, as amended
Toney, K.S.
Ord. 1978-84
Ord. 1979-45
Ord. 1978-15 (Fla. Lands Research and
Development Corp.)
Ord. 1996-16 - Rezoning certain lands
to PUD (See also Treaty Grounds PUD)
Topo Inc., H and J Investments
Ord. 1977-14
Tortoise Holdings
Ord. 2020-30 - CN to RMH(S)
Towers of Love PUD
Ord. 1991-17
Townsend, B.C. Jr. (Brandhoff)
Ord. 1986-27
Tractor Supply at 10180 CE Wilson Road
Ord. 2019-17 - OR to PUD
Ord. 2021-60 - Major modification to the Tractor Supply PUD, Ord. 2019-17, as amended
TRC West King Street
Ord. 2014-57 - RS-3 to PUD
Treasure Beach Properties (Treasure Properties, Inc.)
Ord. 1994-34
Modifying MDP for Ord. 1994-34 - Ord.
Treasure Beach Subdivision / Clifford and Bobbie Ray (See Ray)
Ord. 1981-8
Treaty Grounds PUD
Ord. 1987-37
Major modification to Treaty Grounds PUD (See also K. S. Toney) –
Ord. 1996-16
Major modification to Treaty Grounds PUD - Ord. 1998-14
Major modification to the Treaty Ground PUD, Ord. 87-37 – Ord. 2005-122
Ord. 2015-1 - Major modification to the Treaty Ground PUD, Ord. 1987-37
Ord. 2018-38 - Major modification to the Treaty Ground PUD, Ord. 1987-37 , as amended; OR to PUD for inclusion into the PUD
Ord. 2019-67 - Major modification to the Treaty Ground PUD; Ord. 1987-37, as amended
Ord. 2024-31 - Major modification to the Treat Ground PUD: Ord. 1987-37, as amended
Triangle Professional Plaza
Ord. 2009-51 - PSD to OP
Trout Creek CDD
Ord. 2014-44 - Established
Trout Creek Commercial
Ord. 2019-1 - OR to PUD
Tucker, B. Robert, and Jack Shaffner, as applicants, Doris Barnwell,
representing the Estate of Mattie J. Kellow
Ord. 1988-45
Tully, D.R.
Ord. 1973-23
and Norman Tully - Ord. 1979-74
and Hamilton Upchurch - Ord.
and Upchurch - Ord. 1986-3
Turner, Billy
Ord. 1977-4
Turner, Jesse C.
CN to RMH - Ord. 1996-56
Turner, Susan and Carol B. Simone, Brookwood Properties, Inc.
Ord. 1992-31
Turner, Thomas C.
Ord. 1987-40
Twin Creeks DRI/PUD
OR to PUD – Ord. 2006-3
Ord. 2015-51 - Major modification to Twin Creeks PUD, Ord. 2006-3, as amended; renaming the project to Twin Creeks PUD (Heartwood)
Ord. 2015-52 - Major modification to Twin Creeks PUD, Ord. 2006-3, as amended; renaming the projeect to New Twin Creeks PUD (South Jacksonville Properties, LLC)
Ord. 2017-24 - Major modification to Twin Creeks (Heartwood) PUD, Ord. 2015-51, as amended
Ord. 2017-55 - Major modification to the New Twin Creeks PUD, Ord. 2015-52, as amended
Ord. 2017-56 - Major modification to the New Twin Creeks PUD (Beachwalk Apartments), Ord. 2015-52, as amended
Ord. 2022-58 - Major modification to the New Twin Creeks PUD, Ord. 2006-3, as amended
Ord. 2023-30 - Major modification to the New Twin Creeks PUD, Ord. 2015-52, as amended
Ord. 2023-53 - Major modification to the New Twin Creeks PUD, Ord. 2015-52, as amended (New Twin Creeks Light Industrial Access)
Ord. 2024-54 - Major modification to the New Twin Creeks PUD, Ord. 2015-52, as amended
Twin Lakes
OR to PUD - Ord. 1992-4
Twin Lakes PUD
Realing and replacing Ord. 91-18, OR & PUD to PUD; Twin Lakes PUD – Ord. 2005-76
U-Haul of Palencia
Ord. 2024-49 - CG to CW with conditions
UPS Expansion St. Augustine
Ord. 2018-46 - OR to IW
US1 Office Center PSD
Ord. 1998-4
US 1 Office & Warehouse
Ord. 2009-5 – OR to IW
US 1 South, 2391
Ord. 2017-52 - CI to CW
US 1 South
Ord. 2010-8 – PSD to CI
Ord. 2017-5 – CG & OR to CI (2391 US 1 South)
US 1 South Commercial Parcels
Ord. 2015-72 - PUD to CG
Umberger, Garnett L.
Ord. 1982-9
Universal Environmental Control, Inc.
Ord. 1978-13
Also exception allowed for horses and ponies
See Commission Minutes Bk 4, Pgae 351 by Res. 1978-14 runs with land
United Water
Ord. 1998-35
Ord. 1998-61
University of Florida Fund, Inc.
Ord. 1984-57
Unleashed Dog Park
Ord. 2022-26 - CG with conditions and RMH to CI
Upchurch, Frank D. and Clara A. Hale
Ord. 1980-18
Upchurch, Hamilton
and D.R. Tully - Ord. 1984-40
and Tully - Ord. 1986-3
Usina, Charles
Ord. 1984-76
Ord. 1985-13
Ord. 1985-18
Ord. 1986-28
Ord. 1986-81
Rescind Ord. 1986-81 - Ord.
Warehouse Complex rezoning of OR to PSD – Ord. 1999-22
Usina, Garret W. et al
Ord. 1981-58
and W.I. Drysdale - Ord. 1981-67
Usina, Gary (also Jones and Laird)
Ord. 1975-14
Usina, Mary B. Family Trust
Ord. 1979-39
Usina, V.J. III
Ord. 2001-12
VAW of America, Inc.
Ord. 1988-24
Amends Ord. 1988-24 - Ord. 1992-3
(see Hydro Aluminum)
Vaill, Charles et al
Ord. 1986-53
Vaill, Frederick
Ord. 1987-11
Ord. 2008-7 – OR to RS-2
Valencia Apartments
Ord. 2014-33 - RMH(S) to PUD
Ord. 2017-28 - Major modification to the Valencia Apartments PUD, Ord. 2014-33, as amended; and OR & RMH(S) into The Arbors at Valencia PUD
Valley Oaks Subdivision
Northeast Florida Development Company on behalf of Frederick & Ruth
Doyle - OR to PSD - Ord. 1994-38
Valley Smoke PUD
Ord. 2012-22 – CG to PUD
Ord. 2016-43 – Major modification to the Valley Smoke PUD, Ord. 2012-22, as amended
Van Jaria Enterprises Inc.
Ord. 1976-33
Venetian Holdings LLC
Ord. 2001-37
Veritas Classical School
Ord. 2017-20 – RS-3 to CG
Vermillion Residence
Ord. 2022-72 - CG to RS-3
Vestcor Fund IX, Ltd.
Ord. 1998-78
Veterans Parkway PUD
Ord. 2016-4 - OR to PUD
Viking Investments Ltd. et al
Ord. 1979-8
Ord. 1979-67
Vilano Beach Ltd. (See Porpoise Point)
Vilano Beach Town Center
RS-3 & CHT to TCMU – Ord. 2006-88
Vilano Beach Town Center Addition of 2 Corunna Street and 2806 Coastal Highway
Ord. 2020-28 - RG-1 & RG-2 to TCMU
Vilano Ventures
PUD - Ord. 1985-26
Villa Sovana PUD
OR to PUD – Ord. 2005-64
Ord. 2016-65 – Major modification to the Villa Sovana PUD, Ord. 2005-64, as amended
Village Commons PUD
Ord. 2008-20 - OR to PUD
Ord. 2024-35 - OR and PUD to PUD
Villages of Seloy PUD
OR to PUD – Ord. 2004-63
Villages of St. Augustine
Ord. 2007-35 – RMH, RMH(S), & RS-3 to
Ord. 2023-55 - MAJMOD to PUD, amending Ord. 2007-35
Volkswagen Parking Expansion
Ord. 2019-77 -
RS-3 to CI with conditions
Volusia Woods
Ord. 2022-1 - RS-3 to WH
Vose, William
Ord. 1998-33
W.D. Dupont and Sons Inc.
Ord. 1980-16
W.R. Townsend PUD
Ord. 2011-43 – Major modification to the W.R.
Townsend PUD, Ord. 89-60
Ord. 2022-48 - Major modification to the W.R. Townsend PUD, Ord. 89-60, as amended
WSOS Radio Station Offices and Studio
Ord. 2019-41 - OR to CG
Walden Chase (See Florida First Coast Development Corp)
Ord. 1998-44
Ord. 2009-19 – Major modification to the
Walden Chase PUD, Ord. 1998-44
Ord. 2020-52 - Major modification to the Walden Chase PUD, Ord. 1998-44. as amended
Walberg and Dzuck House
Ord. 2017-62 - CG to RS-3
Wall, Leroy Jr. and Freda
Ord. 1980-3
Wal-Mart Stores (See Bryan Sykes, Esquire)
Ord. 2000-17 - CG to PUD
Ord. 2002-73 - Approves a major modification to Ord. 2000-17, as amended
Ord. 2007-56 – Approves a major modification to the
Wal-Mart Stores PUD, Ord. 2000-17, as amended
Ord. 2017-42 - Approves a major modification to the Wal-Mart Stores PUD, Ord. 2000-17, as amended
Walsh, Irene
Ord. 1980-30
Ord. 1981-13
Walsh, Wm. J.
Ord. 1974-13
Warah Enterprises Inc. PUD
Ord. 1985-82
Ord. 1987-5
Ward, Fred
Ord. 1974-18
Ward Ag
Ord. 2007-41 - OR to CI
Wards Creek PUD
Ord. 2015-56 - OR to PUD
Wardell, Jack M. and Betty J.
Ord. 1976-6
Warehouse Shipping-Storage
Ord. 2017-34 - OR to IW
Warren, Catherine W.
Ord. 1993-29
Wasson, Kohls, Pokornowski
Ord. 1986-7
Wasson and Severt
Ord. 1989-42
Watson, Margaret Pope
Ord. 1993-41
Watson, Peggy (See also Drunna Properties, Inc.)
Ord. 1996-17
Watson Village
Ord. 2006-100 - RS-2 with conditions
to RS-2
Watts, Harold L. Sr.
Ord. 1977-44
Wayne, Harold, Trustee - Loeffler, Green, Curtan, Trustees
Ord. 1980-47
Weatherby, Kathrun
Ord. 1978-61
Weaver, James and Charlotte
Ord. 1979-12
Weaver, Walter & Rosemary by Mary Louise Dungey
Ord. 1995-44
Webb, Patricia Toney
Ord. 1984-77
Webb, Robert and Patricia
Ord. 1998-62
Wegner, Judy and William/Terry White
Ord. 1978-83
Weinstein, Nathan I.
Ord. 1976-30
Weinstock, James, Trustee and Crescent "95" Inc.
Ord. 1988-44
Weinstock, James, as Trustee
Ord. 1988-46
Ord. 1988-74
Welding for St. Johns
Ord. 2018-10 - OR to CW
Wendel, Wendel, Meyer, Alcantara
Ord. 1981-53
Wesley Manor (Jacksonville Methodist Home) (See Westminister Woods
Ord. 1981-29
Ord. 1986-22
Ord. 1995-13
Wesley Village, Inc
Ord. 1990-34
West Augustine Medical and Dental Clinic
Ord. 2008-3 – RS-3 to PUD
West, Ronald V. and Sharon A
Ord. 1991-34
West Side Salon & Barber Shop PUD
RS-3 to PUD – Ord. 2006-27
Westchester PRD
OR to PRD – Ord. 2005-71
Ord. 2011-10 – PRD to OR
Wester Rezoning
OR to RS-2 – Ord. 2003-36
Westgate Business Park PRD
Ord. 2004-85
Ord. 2008-58 – Approves a major
modification to the Westgate Business Park PRD, Ord. 2004-85, as
Ord. 2016-59 – Major modification to the Westgate Business Park PUD, Ord. 2004-85, as amended
Westgate Crossing
OR to PUD – Ord. 2006-129
Westgate Industrial Park PSD
Ord. 1996-38
Westminster; Wouthwood IV; PUD
Ord. 2022-53 - OR to PUD
Westminister Woods PUD (formerly Wesley Woods PUD)
Ord. 1981-29
Ord. 1986-22
Ord. 1995-13
Ord. 1990-34
Ord. 1995-13 - Amendment to Ord.
Ord. 1998-30 - Rezoning to PUD
Ord. 2003-10 - Major Mod to Ord.
1998-30, as amended
Ord. 2007-29 – Major mod to Ord.
98-30, as amended; OR to PUD
Ord. 2010-39 – Major mod to Ord.
98-30, as amended
Ord. 2015-15 - Major mod to Ord. 98-30, as amended
Westwind PUD
OR to PUD – Ord. 2006-112
Whetstone, Henry M.
Ord. 1998-43
Whetstone Place
IW to CG – Ord. 2005-38
Ord. 2007-48 – CG to IW
Whispering Woods PUD (See Howard Mizell)
Ord. 2000-15
White, Donald and Margaret
Ord. 1982-4
White, William and Terry; Judy Wegner
Ord. 1978-83
Whitelock Farms - PRD
Ord. 1997-60
Major Modification of a PRD - Ord.
Major Modification of a PRD, Ord. 97-60, as amended - Ord. 2002-68
Whitlock, Warren O. Sr.
Ord. 1984-14
Rezoning land from CHT to CG – Ord.
Whittle, Jerry (See March Investments, Inc.)
Ord. 1987-54
Whole 9 Yards
Ord. 2023-43 - OR to IW, with conditions
Wiggins, Raymond D.
Ord. 1978-16
Wilcox, Jim Jr.
Ord. 1981-63
and H.W. Mizell - Ord. 1985-30
and C. David Dennison - Ord.
and C. David Dennison - Ord.
Ord. 2007-64 – Major modification to
Ord. 86-83, as amended
Ord. 2012-5 – Major modification to
the Moultrie Lakes Commercial PUD, Ord. 1986-83
Wildcat Ventures, LLC - Whisper Ridge PUD
OR to PUD - Ord. 2001-66
Major modification to PUD Ord. 2001-66 – Ord. 2003-89
Wildwood Creek III Subdivision - Terry Pacetti Construction Co. et
Ord. 1982-27
Wildwood Drive PUD
Ord. 2013-22 – OR to PUD
Wildwood Drive Rezoning
Ord. 2004-108
Wildwood Pines Properties/H. Roland Pacetti
Ord. 1989-1
Correcting Legal on Ord. 89-1 - Ord.
Wildwood Plantation PUD
OR to PUD – Ord. 2005-84
Wilemon, Royce D. and Lynn H.
Ord. 1985-6
Williams, James B.; Roland Martin; Gary Blackwell
Ord. 1974-19
Williams, Louie E. - Duprez Business Park South PUD
Ord. 2001-2
Williams, R. Alan (Usina)
Ord. 1986-28
Willard Commercial
Ord. 2012-31 – CN to CW
Wilson and DeFouw
Ord. 1975-9
Wilson, Jack Chevrolet Buick Inc.
Ord. 1975-10
Wilson, Jack Chevrolet
CG to PSD - Ord. 1997-45
Wilson, James
CHT to RS-3 - Ord. 2002-14
Wilson, John E. (Cardinal)
Ord. 1983-39
Wilson, Marvin, Golfway Centre PUD
OR to PUD - Ord. 1997-67
Wilson, Ronald M. and Joseph Schonder
Ord. 1986-19
Winberry, Franklin D.
Ord. 1980-21
Ord. 1981-79
Winchester PUD
OR to PUD - Ord. 2001-50
Major Mod to Ord. 2001-50, as amended – Ord. 2003-37
Windsong Acres
Ord. 2017-10 – OR to RS-3
Windswept Acres Park
Ord. 2008-35 – CG to PS
Windward Ranch (fka Encanta)
Ord. 2014-10 – OR to PUD
Ord. 2016-14 - Major Modification to Ord. 2014-10, as amended
Winn-Dixie Stores Inc., CSC Investment Properties Inc. and Dixon Realty
(See Carl Stoudemire) – Ord.
Wingfield Glen PUD – (See Silverfield Development Co.)
Winkler, William and Barbara
Ord. 1997-36 - CHT to RS-2
Winnberry, Franklin
Ord. 1998-40
Wolfe, Benjamin H., Jr.
Ord. 2001-48 - OR to RS-1
Wood, James Ricky and Dudley, Johnny (See Roberts Road Inc.)
Ord. 2000-19
Wood, Ryan - Indian Forest Campground & Commercial Park
Ord. 1997-56 - Rezoning lands to
Woodlake PUD
Ord. 2005-3 - OR to PUD
Woodlands at Ponte Vedra PUD (aka The Cimarrone Golf & Country
Club/Cordele Properties)
Ord. 1998-23
Ord. 1994-64 - Major modification to
PUD Ord. 1987-48
Ord. 1998-47 - Modifies density and
schedule of development
Ord. 1998-73 - Major Modification to
PUD Ord. 1997-14
Ord. 1999-2 - Establishes a
commitment of the landowner or assigns to make certain road
improvements to support and serve density increases
Ord. 2015-47- Major modification to The Vinings PUD, Ord. 1997-14, as amended
Woodlawn Oaks
Ord. 2017-46 - RMH & PUD to PUD
Woodlawn Properties, LLC/Heritage
Ord. 2000-4 - OR to PUD
Ord. 2002-69 - Approving a Major
Modification to the Heritage PUD, Ord. 2000-4 as amended, nka Heritage
Parke PUD
Woodlawn PUD
Ord. 2016-63 – Major modification to the Woodlawn PUD, Ord. 2013-7, (fka Northridge Lakes PUD) as amended
Woody, Ted and Florence M.
Ord. 1988-47
Wooley, Daniel L.
Ord. 1987-12
World Commerce Center PUD
Ord. 2003-108 - OR & PUD to PUD
Ord. 2004-48 - Major modification to
the PUD; amends Ord. 2003-108, as amended
Ord. 2018-33 - OR to PUD & Major modification to the World Commerce Center PUD, Ord. 2003-108, as amended
Ord. 2020-24 - Major modification to the World Commerce Center PUD, Ord. 2003-108, as amended
Worth, Larry B.
Ord. 1998-60
Ord. 1999-9
Worthington Estates
Ord. 2016-42 – OR to PUD & PUD to PUD
Ord. 2021-86 - Major modification to the Worthington Estates PUD, Ord. 2016-42, as amended
Worthington PUD
Ord. 2008-19 - OR to PUD
Ord. 2012-4 – Major modification to
the Worthington PUD, Ord. 2008-19, as amended
Ord. 2016-55 - Major modification to the Worthington PUD, Ord. 2008-19, as amended
Worthington Park PUD
Ord. 2003-76 - OR to PUD
Worthly Property
Ord. 2007-30 - OR to RS-3
Yarbrough, E.P. and D.L. Thompkins
Ord. 1978-5
Yates, Harrison L. and Margaret
Ord. 1982-45
Yost, W.F. Trustee
Ord. 1980-48
Yossef Chatila Residential
Ord. 2018-22 - CG to RG-2
Young Contracting Office
Ord. 2009-22 – CG, conditional
ordinance Ord. 89-42 to CI
Young, Frank and Selena
Ord. 1998-72
Zaxby’s Restaurant
Ord. 2004-9 - CN to PUD
Ord. 2007-23 - Major modification to
the Zaxby’s PUD, Ord. 2004-9
Zeigler, Albert; Thomas D. Green; Elbert and Jeannine Mott; Carol
Ord. 1985-54